2016年4月7日(Thu.) あいにくの雨になった今日ですが、皆さんも花見には既に行かれたでしょうか。 さて、パリでのテロ事件以来、「私はシャルリ」でも有名になったシャルリ・エブドが、皮肉タップリにパナマ文書漏洩に関しての風刺をしているようです。(ニュースソース: DW-DE)
Satire magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' pokes Panama Papers 'victims'
French satire magazine "Charlie Hebdo" chose a message of sarcastic solidarity with the rich and powerful whose offshore accounts were exposed by the Panama Papers. "Je suis Panama," Charlie assured the upper crust.
Top political, business and sporting figures reeling from their offshore banking activities making the front pages of newspapers around the world got a backhanded boost from an unlikely source on Wednesday.
French satire magazine "Charlie Hebdo" depicted a caricatured group of cigar-smoking people holding signs reading "Je suis Panama," "Don't be afraid," and "They won't change our way of life."
Headlined "Tax Terrorism," the cover recycled many of the declarations of solidarity made following the terrorist attack at the French magazine in January 2015 that killed 11 people. The French phrase "Je suis," or "I am," followed by a city name after terrorist attacks or by a social cause has gone on to be used on social media on several occasions.
Je suis Panama was not the only time the Paris-based magazine recently grabbed attention. An editorial published in last week's edition was widely regarded as blaming all Muslims for Islamist terrorism. The magazine's cover, addressing the Brussels terror attacks, also came under fire.
フランス語の”Je suis Panama”は、「私はパナマ」の意味になります。昨年(2015年1月)のパリでのテロ事件の際は、多くの人が”Je suis Charlie”と叫び、先日のブリュッセル(ベルギー)でのテロでは”Je suis Bruxelles(ブリュッセル)”と声を上げました。
そしてヘッドラインの赤い文字列” Terrorisme Fiscal ”は「税テロ」として強調しています。
まだまだパナマ文書に関わる報道は続く気配ですね。 恐らく、富裕層か、それに近い人々が税を不当に逃れるための行為なのでしょう。その分、一般の市民が不当に負担させられているとも言えることになります。 まァ、言い方を変えれば、彼らは税金泥棒に他ならないのではありませんか。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
Satire magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' pokes Panama Papers 'victims'
French satire magazine "Charlie Hebdo" chose a message of sarcastic solidarity with the rich and powerful whose offshore accounts were exposed by the Panama Papers. "Je suis Panama," Charlie assured the upper crust.
Top political, business and sporting figures reeling from their offshore banking activities making the front pages of newspapers around the world got a backhanded boost from an unlikely source on Wednesday.
French satire magazine "Charlie Hebdo" depicted a caricatured group of cigar-smoking people holding signs reading "Je suis Panama," "Don't be afraid," and "They won't change our way of life."
Headlined "Tax Terrorism," the cover recycled many of the declarations of solidarity made following the terrorist attack at the French magazine in January 2015 that killed 11 people. The French phrase "Je suis," or "I am," followed by a city name after terrorist attacks or by a social cause has gone on to be used on social media on several occasions.
Je suis Panama was not the only time the Paris-based magazine recently grabbed attention. An editorial published in last week's edition was widely regarded as blaming all Muslims for Islamist terrorism. The magazine's cover, addressing the Brussels terror attacks, also came under fire.
フランス語の”Je suis Panama”は、「私はパナマ」の意味になります。昨年(2015年1月)のパリでのテロ事件の際は、多くの人が”Je suis Charlie”と叫び、先日のブリュッセル(ベルギー)でのテロでは”Je suis Bruxelles(ブリュッセル)”と声を上げました。
そしてヘッドラインの赤い文字列” Terrorisme Fiscal ”は「税テロ」として強調しています。
まだまだパナマ文書に関わる報道は続く気配ですね。 恐らく、富裕層か、それに近い人々が税を不当に逃れるための行為なのでしょう。その分、一般の市民が不当に負担させられているとも言えることになります。 まァ、言い方を変えれば、彼らは税金泥棒に他ならないのではありませんか。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。