

ドイツ: ビールの話題が続きます

2016-04-24 19:13:14 | 日記
2016年4月24日(Sun.) 今日も、ドイツからビールの話題です。(ニュースソース: DW-DE 4月20日発)

Beer culture - this is how Germany drinks 
The German Beer Purity Law, which will be 500 years old on April 23, 2016, states that only hops, barley, yeast and water can be used to make Germany's favorite drink. Join us on a tour of German beer culture.

Spoilt for choice

Germany is a beer country - and that's a fact. Using only four ingredients German brewers have managed to create over 5,500 brands of beer. And that number is growing because every week a new beer is released on the market. But Germany manages quantity as well as quality: no other European country produces more beer. Last year 95 million hectoliters were produced.

You can always have a beer

When it comes to drinking alcohol, whether at an office party, during intermission at the theater or just relaxing as pictured here in Berlin's Görlitzer Park, beer is always an appropriate choice in Germany, and can be consumed legally in public. For a long time it was seen as a man's drink, but meanwhile it has become the favored alcoholic beverage of 19 to 24 year olds both male and female.

Traditional festivals are a must

Funfair stalls, brass bands and "Schlager" music are the ingredients of a traditional German festival. A challenge to get through unless you consume plenty of beer. For these occasions regional breweries often create a festival beer. The best known of these is probably the Oktoberfest beer, which is made especially for the festival in Munich and served in one liter Bavarian beer mugs.

The corner pub - a temple of German beer

Berlin's corner pubs, like the Willi Mangler in the Schönefeld district, are a part of German beer history. They have also become something of a cult. The mix of stuffy air, no nonsense food and a crowd of regular bar flies is what makes them so charming. Tourists rarely venture here, but residents of the neighborhood come to enjoy their after work beer.

Beer gardens - fun in the sun

Beer gardens are also traditional to German beer culture. These days they can be found all over Germany, but they originate from the beginning of the 19th century in Bavaria. Back then brewers served their beer straight from the cooling cellars along the banks of the river Isar. Especially on hot days the cellar beer gardens were popular among people from Munich.

Bavaria - cradle of the Beer Purity Law

In Bavaria, where the German Beer Purity Law was adopted in 1516, beer has been an established part of life for centuries. Today, Bavaria has no less than 626 breweries, more than in any other state in Germany. In the Middle Ages the breweries were firmly in the grip of monasteries. Some of these still exist, the oldest being Weltenburg Abbey on the Danube.

Once in the right glass: Cheers!

To mark German Beer Day on April 23, here's a quick guide. From left to right: the Berliner Weisse goes in a bowl-shaped glass, Kristallweizen wheat beer in a tall glass, lager is served in a beer mug, followed by a short glass for the dark Altbier, the small, narrow glass for the Cologne Kölsch brew, the rounded glass for Pils beer and finally the Bavarian half-liter beer mug.
(抜粋)4月23日はドイツビールの日だそうです(純粋令制定にちなんで)。 写真にあるように、それぞれのビールに合ったグラスがあり、それを一つ一つ紹介しています。ケルンのケルシュ(右から3番目の細いグラス)や、右端はバイエルンの半リッターサイズのマグ・・・もあります。




*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
