

アイルランド: イースター蜂起・百年の記念セレモニー

2016-03-27 22:52:19 | 日記
2016年3月27日(Sun.) 今日は復活祭( Easter Sunday )、アイルランドでは、1916年の復活祭蜂起( Easter Monday: 4月24日)を記念する行事に染まっている感じです。(ニュースソース: THE IRISH TIMES )

かなり前から、この百年の節目を迎える「 1916 Easter Rising 」を伝える報道が目立っていましたが、昨日や本日は、多くの関連行事が挙行されているようです(首都ダブリン)。

1916 centenary: Thousands attend Easter Rising events

Proclamation read outside GPO as some 250,000 expected to line streets of Dublin

The Proclamation was read out at the GPO on O’Connell Street in Dublin on Sunday as part of the series of events marking the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

The Proclamation was read by Capt Peter Kelleher. President Michael D Higgins then laid wreath at the GPO, with relatives of those who fought in the rebellion in attendance.

The flag above the GPO was then raised to full mast and Amhrán na bhFiann was played as a fly-over of military planes took place 700ft above O’Connell Street.

Ahead of the reading, the flag over the GPO had been lowered to half-mast and the President inspected a guard of honour.

Head Chaplain of the Defence Forces Fr Seamus Madigan lead a specially-composed prayer for “ all who lost their lives in 1916 and throughout the troubled history of our island.”

President Higgins earlier laid a wreath in the Stone Breakers’ yard in Kilmainham Gaol on the spot where 15 rebels were executed in the days after the 1916 Easter Rising. The ceremony was the first of the main commemorative events in Dublin marking the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

About a quarter of a million people were expected to line the streets of the capital for the parade.

President Higgins used an address to descendants on Saturday to call on Irish people to take responsibility for building a true Republic and said the ideals of the Proclamation can still inspire today.

Hundreds of thousands of people lined the 4.5km route across Dublin from 10am for the parade.

Some 3,722 Defence Forces personnel marched in front of military vehicles along with emergency services personnel and army veterans, many of whom served on United Nations’ peacekeeping missions.







1916年4月24日( Easter Monday )、百年前の出来事ですが、イースター(復活祭)に合わせてメインの行事を挙行しているようです。以前のブログ内においても触れていますが、この蜂起をキッカケにして、アイルランドの自治に向って大きく動き出していったことに間違いないようです。


