


2022-02-17 14:51:37 | 日記

Vending machine in Japan city whisks customers on virtual ride in train driver's cabin

In Japan, vending machines are a common sight. But one new vending machine in Tokorozawa, northwest of Tokyo gives its customers a far more exclusive sight: the view from a train driver's cabin as the train zips along the rails.  The monitor switches to the item purchase screen when someone approaches the machine.  
vending machine:自販機 whisk:振り向かせる customer:顧客 far more:はるかに exclusive:他を寄せ付けない cabin:小部屋 zip:疾走する item:商品 purchase:購入






「Vending machine in Japan city whisks customers」

「on virtual ride in train driver's cabin」


「In Japan, vending machines are a common sight」

「But one new vending machine in Tokorozawa, northwest of Tokyo gives」

「its customers a far more exclusive sight」

「the view from a train driver's cabin」

「as the train zips along the rails」

「The monitor switches to the item purchase screen」

「when someone approaches the machine」