


2022-02-07 13:56:10 | 日記

Inmates' suit notices a chance for Japan judicial system debate

In Japan, those on death row learn when they are going to be executed shortly before the hanging takes place. Two death row inmates filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government arguing that this system of carrying out the death penalty is in violation of human rights and the Constitution.  

inmate:受刑者 suit:訴訟 notice:気づかせる judicial:司法の death row:死刑収監房 execute:執行する hanging:絞首刑 take place:行われる file a lawsuit:提訴する argue:異議を唱える carry out:執行する violation:侵害 human right:人権 constitution:憲法






「Inmates' suit notices a chance」

「for Japan judicial system debate」


「In Japan, those on death row learn」

「when they are going to be executed」

「shortly before the hanging takes place」

「Two death row inmates filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government」

「arguing that」

「this system of carrying out the death penalty is in violation」

「of human rights and the Constitution」