Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 9 vs Hamilton W/drs AFC

2011-05-30 23:18:28 | Soccer/football
Hi, guys!!

We got a dissapointing game on last Saturday recorded our first loss of the season at home. their opening goal kept puttingus on the pressure to the end and stunned us as we cut our own throat.
The goal was like a present from us to them as we made a crucial mistake in the dangerous area to be scored. But we can't blame anyone for the scene. I think we might have been slipping into complacency unconsciously before the game.

We have to shake up ourselves and take the helm of the winning road again.

However, the night after the game, we had a team party had already planned at club house and a rock band that one of my teammate commits was invited us and performed well, but I was thinking that 'we lost the game today though...'

Anyway, I bet u we will recoup for the loss at next round for sure!!







Ignorant attitude.(お前の本気見せてよ!)

2011-05-26 22:21:51 | New zealand
Hi, everyone!!

I had an interesting story in my soccer school last week.

Recently, the number of kids in the school now is getting to be popular among Japanese parents who live in Auckland because the number has come up to nearly 30 now!!
I'm really happy with it.

And I usually let them play a small side game with all kids at the end of the day who join the session on that day, and we were doing the game as usual last weekend.
I normally commit a game, I mean I don't play with kids. What I do is just to be a referee and give them some advices to control the game and make it better, but last weekend I played for one team because the game didn't look so even. I thought a team was way better than the other team I'm going to help. That's the reason I played.
And when I tried to restart the game by blowing a whistle, I heard something someone said to me in Japanese like 'you play fuckin seriously!!'.

He is only 6 years old, but I'm really freaked out by what he told me, haha. I did never expect that a small boy would say to me such a rude word in Japanese, but I did of course never mind that because I know they were born in NZ and grown up here as well, so he can't speak Japanese properly like kids who growing up in Japan.
Basically, they use English whoever they speak to because English is the first language for them. Of course they talk with their friends in English at school or anywhere.
It can't help it, though.

After the session, his mother gave me an apologetic email for what her sons said to me. I replied 'Never mind that. I'm understanding what you'd like to try to say to me.'

Anyway, I felt that I've had a really important voice on their Japanese education. If I don't speak in proper Japanese when I tell them something, they will use it as a proper Japanese without minding.
Oh, I got another pressure.....

Language always make me upset oversea anywhere!! ok, everybody! Let's speak in one language in the world!! though, I'll be at ease, maybe!!  





 あとでその子の親にかなり謝られたんですが、全く気にしてないです。笑 むしろその場で正しい言い方を教えてあげればよかったなと。



Round 8 vs Waitakere city FC

2011-05-23 23:10:35 | Soccer/football

We could keep the league's top side after beated 10-man opposite side 3-1!!
This game, we gave a gift of the first goal to Waitakere city with a sixth minute opener, but we got a equalizer just before went to halftime. As a rsult, That was pretty important goal for our side to secure the victory because we could restart the game from even and too much mistakes done in the first half was offset by the effective goal.

I think That's the biggest turning point to beat them.

And we struck another two goals to kill the game off and we showed them off a proof who is the currently best team in the league.




2011-05-18 12:51:45 | New zealand
Hi, bro.

You know what city is the most biggest one in NZ?? It's Auckland where I live. Auckland is located on the north part of the north island divided two.
The temperature is quite stable because it's not that far from the equator, so we hardly feel so cold here even in winter, but we are annoyed with the weather which is unstable. Especially, in the winter, The weather fluctuates wildly in whole country.

It's really hard to predict what weather's coming everyday. I check some weather news on TV or internet, but I don't trust it 100% because it doesn't hit much.
Now I feel like the winter is around the corner recently. Rainy days are obviously increasing and decrease in temperature gradually now.

You know there are so many asian people living in Auckland. I didn't think there will be such a great number of asian here before arrived at. We can see at least 10 asians on every streets in the city and I can't count how many Sushi restaurants is in the city. I guess it could be more than 50 restaurants in just city area. It's really competitive to survive each other, man!! And I was surprised that some Japanese restautants here was run by Korean or Chinese!! No Japaneses work there in JAPANESE restaurant!!

This must be a joking, isn't it?? It's so funny.

Anyway, I think Asian people has a really important part in NZ as tourists and migtants otherwise the country won't be worked out in all aspects.
We'd better think more the reason why Japan doen't try to accept immigrants from all over the world. I want to find the reason out. Maybe, Japan is still possible to do anything with only Japanese but eventually, the day we need migrants to get better at domestic level must come, I guess.







Round 6 n 7 vs Three Kings Utd n East Coast Bays

2011-05-16 00:24:40 | Soccer/football
Hi, guys!!

My team has been so strong through this season so far!! We got 21 points in 7 games, meanwhile we haven't dropped any points in the competition. The runner-up have also got 13 points in 7 games, but they are not good enough to catch up with us regarding the bench strength and fortune for a win.

We got two of them for sure and also we beated the runner-up by 2-0 on last game. That game was the most important game for us to win the league title, but we were suppose to lose one of the good defender for suspension from the last game which he got a red card. That was a obviously silly card, anyway..

That's why even if we had had a drew with them, it would have been a benchmark for us because there was still some difference to the team.
We ended up making a clean-sheet in the game, 2-0!!

We are in the pink now!!







IRD number

2011-05-10 21:56:33 | New zealand

Today, I'll give you bits of knowledge of working condition in NZ. This is what we have to be done to work here otherwise the NZ goverment won't allow you to work anywhere.
By the way, when you come to NZ with a student visa or working holiday visa, you are suppose to be able to work here because of its working conditions except tourist visas.

However, you have to declare to the NZ goverment that you are willing to work here. That means I'm willing to put the money down to the goverment as a tax.
But as a matter of course, we are non-residents, so essentially, we don't have to pay for tax. If you do what you have to be done for tax-return, it can be returned everything to you.

Anyway, You have to apply for IRD number which is permission at post office. First, you go and get a form of it at the nearest post office and fill it in properly and submit it with a copy of your passport, viza label you've held and another copy of other identifications, which is your drivers license and a student card so on.

That's all you have to do for it. After that, the number should be sent to you which takes about a month to get it. It's so ages!! But this is NZ. We need to be patience everywhere here.








Barber shop(散髪屋)

2011-05-05 23:56:14 | Diary
Hi, I got a haircut at a local barber shop a couple days ago. Honestly, it was the first time to visit it because I had been to a hair salon run by a Japanese or whose some japanese hairdressers work there, just in case.
But this time, I decided to try to go and get a nice haircut hopefully, but he was so useless!!
My hair was totally messed up with him seriously.

Basically, I didn't have too much expectation but it was worse!! I brought him a hair catalog to ask how I'd like him to cut, just in case, nevertheless, he gave me a worst new hair style in the world. Moreover there was no shampoo and no shaving service either. Amazing!! It took me just total 7mins to go. I'll try to check his name on the Guinness Book of Records. I guess it should be there because it was the fastest time for haircut in my life... I'm not a wisecracker, haha.

He reminded me a disastrous memory I got a shit haircut when I was only 13 years old. At that time, I didn't really wanna see anyone who is my friends on the way back home and also didn't wanna go to school on the day after because I had already known that everybody would definitely laugh at me and embarrass me for sure.

But now I'll forgive what he did to me because I could get a funny story for this blog!!

Thanks, but I'll never be there for the rest of my life.






2011-05-02 23:09:56 | New zealand
Hi, Have you ever tasted Feijoa before??

If you are a Japanese, I think most of you guys have never heard about it. Feijoa is a kind of fruits like kiwi fruit.
I first knew it a couple weeks ago when one of kid's mum in my own soccer school gave me some those.
Unfortunately, Feijoa is unfamiliar in Japan apparently according to wikipedia. That's why I didn't know exactly about it until came to Auckland.
I didn't see it in Australia either, but it might be familiarized to the public.
Anyway, we can see it anywhere in a park because there are many Feijoa trees around a park as a park tree, so I sometimes go and pick them up in the park near my house, haha.
I guess it's very good for breakfast. Recently, I always have some for breakfast with cereal. This is the NZ style breakfast!!!




