Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


GK coaching session in English

2014-08-30 09:12:55 | 自己紹介/self-introduction


 a few weeks ago, I had a chance to have a training with a Japanese women's GK coach. Why I got nominated was that she was in the process of leaning English and make most of it in her coaching career in the future.

 The video on the top is it. I took a role of trainee and judge whether her English was correct. Although, she used to experience to play in US for a year, she thought it wasn't enough time to work in practice. So since got back to Japan, she's been studying, this time she needed an opportunity to give it a shot. 

 As soon as I got offered, I had compassion to help. No need to think about it.

 I don't think I could deal with my role as they had requested. I must brush up my English and increase my spoken vocabulary as well!!!








2014-08-26 08:17:03 | Diary


 Recently, I've been thinking of myself how I deliver myself to the public via internet. I'd like many people to know what I've been doing overseas, and tell them about it. 

 Until not long ago, I couldn't think of myself that way as I was thinking that I was just a one of many footballers who playing overseas in an unknown league but football freaks, not the special ones.

 But I met one guy the other day, who helped and brought me to Thailand the other month. He urged me to appeal myself by using social medias such as Facebook, Twitter and blog etc to the world.  I have had those accounts to get started, but I rarely use them much!!

 He convinced me that I might have been thinking wrong way about myself, and I've already achieved a lot to hand down to others. He also said, " If you more aggressively market yourself to the public, some people will definitely show some interests in you, and they may bring you another opportunity to do something new you really wanted to do. Everything depends on your actions. I felt so much boosts from his words, and that was reasonable enough to convince myself.

 I've already taken a step forward by starting Twitter. And also thinking of making my own promotion videoes on Youtube or starting up my own home page!!








 Taiki Matsumura ツイッター ← クリックすれば僕のツイッターページに飛びます。


Goose's foot inflammation (鵞足炎)

2014-08-23 08:18:37 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 Another troublesome injury has been on my knee called goose's foot inflammation. You know exactly where it causes pain? It's located on the inner of knees, so I first thought it might have been Torn MCL or worse as the pain has gradually been worse and worse as time went on. And I also thought I might have to take a surgery for it.

 I've already decided that I quit football immediately as soon as I get a serious injury or disease that results in taking a surgery because it means that you need a certain recovery time before starting its rehab process. As a result, it dramatically makes your fitness level lower, and you need a lot of time to bounce it back. 

 Fortunately, this injury I've been with doesn't cause that kind of concern which is a relievable news for me, so I went to see my reliable physio to clarify its recovery process. What he is good to me as a physio is that he never suggests me not to train during his recovery program. That's exactly how I want to face my injury.

 Now, I feel I've been well on the right track to recovery. It's matter of time before it heals








Never ever give up

2014-08-13 22:50:41 | Words 言葉の力

"Never give up" 

When you translate it in Japanese, wondering why I accidentally think it sounds much lighter and less worth than the English one. The thing is, The value of every famous phrases and quotes in any languages are decided by who said that. That's very interesting.

 Today, who I want to introduce you is Diana Nyad, who are long-distance swimmer, and made it to swim from Cuba to Florida in US on her fifth attemp and surprisingly at age 64!! She made her first attemp at age 28, and she decided to pursue it to be done again when she turned 60. What made she take action for the tremendous goal again?

 She says, "it was deep. It was deep in my soul. And when I turned 60, it wasn't so much about the athletic accomplishment, it wasn't the ego of "I want to be the first." That's always there and it's undeniable. But it was deeper. It was, how much life is there left? Let's face it, we're all on a one-way street, aren't we, and what are we going to do? What are we going to do as we go forward to have no regrets looking back? And all this past year in training, I had that Teddy Roosevelt quote to paraphrase it, floating around in my brain, it says, "You go ahead and sit back in your confortable chair and you be the critic, you be the observer, while the brave one gets in the ring and engages and gets bloody and gets dirty and fails over and over and over again, but yet isn't afraid and isn't timid and lives life in a bold way."

 And she reacted to what she had really wanted to do. This is not the decision everyone can make in their life. She was just enough courageous to step out of the one-way street where most of people walk through at the end of their life.

 The challenge she made and accomplish it sounds a bit reckless, but she trained over and over and over again to make it successful, and done it. 

 And now you listen to the same word I told you in the first place of this entry. "Never ever give up" How worth does it sound now? 

 Make something big before say it. Great example, isn't it?



 ダイアナ・ナイアド(Diana Nyad)。現役時は有名なスイマーだった彼女が諦め切れなかった夢。それはキューバからフロリダまでの177キロを泳いで渡ること。現役時の最初の挑戦は全く及ばず棄権。そして60歳を過ぎ、残り少なくなっていく人生をふと振り返り、テディー・ルーズベルトのある言葉を思い出します。



 そんな女性がいう「never give up」、何もしていない人が言う「ネバーギブアップ」とは重さが違いますね。