Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Difference of kids that exists between Japanese and others.

2011-11-25 23:36:04 | New zealand

Hi, mates.

Recently, I've been at a primary school as a soccer coach once a week, so I've had an opportunity to be exposed to local kids more than before. And I also feel that they have different characters depend on what nationality they have such as Europe, Africa and Asia.

As you know, The primary school in NZ is where all kids have different backgrounds study and learn a lot of things to be getting mature at the same place. Personally, I think the ethnic society in a school helps greatly to iron out the prejudice of race that I've felt in my oversea life.

However, I can see clearly their various characters from what they react to my soccer session.
For example, Generally, Islanders don't know about shyness in comparison to others.I think all islander kids in my session are really active and assertive. If I would say a negative point, it's sometimes hard for us to control them as they have too much energy to be given out.
On the other hand, Asian kids are really reserved to other kids especially Indian and Pakistan kids. I think Japanese and Chinese are not that shy. But they apt to gather into the same ethnic group. Europeans are in a way interesting because they each have various type of characters as they are the largest community in this country. Some kids are so keen on soccer, but some others are not so much as they seem to be just participated it by their parents.

Anyway, I have only one session in a week with these kids and it's also a only one hour session, but it's so rich and substantial time for me. I feel so much fatigue over my body every time I finish a session at the school, but I always have something new to discover from the pitch.

well, I'd better buy a camera to leave this memory with these kids. otherwise I'm going to be definitely sorry!!






I knew it, I knew it!!!

2011-11-09 00:08:43 | New zealand
Hello, how are you??

I just want to talk about what I did at a primary school today. I today went to a school for coaching of soccer to kids. I already knew that it would be so hard to make it well as I had known that the huge numbers of kids would turn up my soccer lesson that was more than I expected. The problem was that all kids joined today didn't bring their own balls as I told them that if kids have their own balls at home, just bring it that means if kids who doesn't have a ball can't bring it.I should've told them that all kids has to be with their own balls because I already knew I didn't have enough ball for kids.

That's why I couldn't provide one ball to each kid. The number of balls I got today was obviously short to kids that it might have been only a half numbers against kids. So I was really upset in the first 15mins, to be honest I didn't know what to do, so what I did to them was just let them kick some balls around in the square pitch set up by corns.
Luckily, most of kids were really docile. If I had some naughty and disruptive kids to the others, I must've been dead for sure. But I somehow tried to manage them to have an enjoyable time through kicking a ball. I think they were happy with us thanks to all supports I got from some teachers who work at the school, and next session will be a lot better for sure, though, I met with a bit setback today. I am really willing to dedicate myself 100% to this job.

And some day, I hope some of this kids will have a same dream as mine that become a professional soccer player and hopefully we meet each other in J-league that I'm as a coach and they are as of course a player.
Anyway, I would just like them to have something can be crazy about. It's not like a one-off event. It ends till the end of the life. I can say living in dream is not easy, but the tough life makes you great.

My dream is still keep going, so I'd like to help them to discover the same thing as I've had already.


 しかし、課題は一杯でした。おれ自身は1,2,3年生を中心に20人ほどをみてたんやけどまぁそんないっぺんにまとまる訳もなく、しかも一人一つボールがないモンやからなかなかやりたいことができず最初の15分くらいは頭真っ白で何やったかあんま覚えてない。笑 結局2つグループに分けて、片方はこっちの先生にやってほしいことを伝えてお任せして進行。


Guy Fawkes Day

2011-11-06 22:35:37 | New zealand
Hi, Everybody!!

Recently, I've suffered from the noise of fireworks throughout Auckland. The noise came from out of window has kept me distracting to get sleep for last 4 days due to like the festival called Bonfire Night from Guy Fawkes Day that has been acknowledged in UK.
If you find out the further details of the day, please google it. hehe

Surprisingly, it's not allow us to purchase fireworks at any shops except for only 4 days of Guy Fawkes Days in a year. That's why, the massive sets of fireworks are sold like hot cakes during the days, and we can also see some guys in the city who sell it on the truck.
Last night when I was hanging around the town with my mates, I saw some boys on the big square in the mid of the town who was setting heaps of rockets off against the clock tower!! That was on the verge of a fire on it.
According to the news, hundreds of fires break out in NZ every year for only this 4 days. I just wonder why the government doesn't make any action on this affair... I guess it should be abolished clearly.

In Japan, we normally go and see fireworks at hot spots and buy it to do with friends in summer, but it's known as a summer seasonal tradition in UK. Although there is a direct correlation between UK and NZ about it, that tradition has been inherited to NZ at the moment.

However, I was reminded again that there are so many kind of quirky cultures and customs which I haven't touched yet in this world.


 というのも、ここNZでは1年のうちに花火を購入できるのはたった4日間のみ!笑 それが11月2日~5日までで、これを「Guy Fawkes Day」といいます。この日に関して興味がある方はまたご自分でお調べください。笑

 まぁ「Bonfire night」というお祭りですね。この間だけは店頭に大量の花火が並びます。そして毎晩昼から真夜中まで花火が至るところで打ち上げられてます。ほんまに寝れないです。笑


Coaching at a primary school

2011-11-01 01:22:18 | New zealand
Hi, good evening guys.

I will probably start coaching at a primary school near my house where some kids in my soccer school on every Sunday go. And I had a meeting on this activity after school wit PE teacher yesterday and we discussed how we do recruit kids want to play and how I do coach them that if we do coaching in a strict manner or just for fun.

Actually, when I first went to the primary school without an appointment last week, I was turned away at the reception immediately. So I somehow asked a receptionist to get a contact with PE teacher through email for an appointment.

To be honest, I was really wondering what is a PE teacher here like. I just visualized it like a typical Japanese PE teacher who can imagine a strict and lose his temper easily. It's hard to explain what is it like anyway... But there was nothing same as what I thought when I saw the teacher. He was really casual and frank.
Fortunately, he was really interested in a offer I proposed and the story went ahead in leaps and bounds. As the result, I will be able to probably launch the first session at the school on next Tuesday.

I hadn't been any local schools here until I visited the primary school yesterday, but I felt like being a primary school in Japan. After the meeting on that day, The PE teacher guided me around the school like a play ground where the lesson will be held and inside school such as classes at lunch time. They were as energetic and powerful as students in Japan.

I was encouraged by them and cheered me up!! THANKS!!!


 最初はなんのアポもなく学校をフラっと訪れたもんやから、いきなり受付で門前払いくらったけど。笑 そんときに誰に連絡を取ればいいのか、その人の連絡先を聞いて連絡した結果、今回のミーティングができたというわけ。





Second holiday program

2011-10-21 22:48:47 | New zealand
Hi, there!!

Hey, did anyone tell me that the reason I hadn't been catching a cold for ages was I'm just fool... This is a Japanese ridiculous saying. I think some people who read my last blog could visualize the saying to me. But I'm not as fool as you think. hehe

By the way, the school holiday that is like spring vacation for ordinary students in Japan has begun here since last week. And I held the second holiday soccer program during the holidays this time as well as last time. Here, in Auckland, there has been heaps of interesting and conventional bazaars and one-off events relevant to Rugby World cup at the moment leveraging this period.

Anyway, this time was the second time for me to organize a holiday program in my soccer school. Last time, I could have some helps who I do coach as a private lesson as they are too old to join the program, but I decided to carry this out without anyone's help due to various reasons came up.
So I split into two groups by ages that is a junior team and a senior team to make it smoothly. As a result, I had to look after kids longer from every morning to evening and it might have caused me to get cold. To be honest, last two weeks was really hard, but I didn't really mind it cuz I like coaching kids who like playing football. Only watching kids who chasing a ball desperately makes me happy.

I also got a lot of new discovery from the kids on this holiday program. For example, Kid's reaction to a new exercise I made up the last night was so direct to me. If they feel like it's not amused, they try to express it with their attitudes that like ignoring the direction I told them, lying on field and running to a playground in the site. But this direct reaction reminds me that it's not the right way to do the exercise that didn't work well to kids. Only if I add a small thing on how to explain to do it to kids or try changing how to approach, their reaction will be hugely different. It could be more positive reaction.

I had a great experience as I could go the distance to the end. But I'm still keen on learning and incorporating as much knowledge as I can. I want to make something challenge to be the first class human being.










The first day of the RWC

2011-09-10 21:11:08 | New zealand
Hi, catching World cup fever in the whole of NZ!!!!!!

Now the Rugby world cup hosted by NZ is catching people all of the world of Rugby fan including Japanese rugby freaks.
I'm now feeling like being in Japan and Korea world cup in 2002. I have still remember about that time that made us crazy and so high. What I feel now is pretty similar to that moment.

Therefore, I tried going to city to see what was happening. As expected, there were full of people everywhere in city and even in bars. I was originally thinking that I wanted to watch the opening game which is NZ agaist Tonga in a bar, but I sensed it would be impossible the moment I got there. So, I went to the Casino as it has a big screen to watch it inside, so I could barely get in it and watch the game with full of supporters of NZ and a few of Tonga.

When it comes to tha game result, NZ beated Tonga by 41-10 as were predicted, but to my astonishment, when I poped out of bunch of supporters in casino, everybody all around the city was shouting something barnyard words like F-words... The win of the night obviously kept them insane, but I don't hate the atmosphere honestly.

In fact, they had already been a bit funnier than usual before game cuz I went to the gym on the day morning and I saw some unique scenes on the way back home. I saw most of people on streets wore a black staff to symbolize All-BLACKS known as a representative of NZ. Moreover, on a street near home, there is a Tonga community with a small church, and of course about 20 tonga supporters were messing around with the street with their flags and their own music with wearing the costume and dancing, and some people saw what those supporters do yelled something funny things to them and hit a run hooting out of their cars to make a quick reaction to them.

It was so funny at the interactional sequences.

Anyway, One of my friends told me he got a ticket for the final of the Cup by 750 NZ dollars... What do you think??? who knows if NZ could make the final... I can't believe him.

By the way, Japan unbeaten France by about 20 points behind. I forgot the exact scores, sorry.

Hopefully Japan will get a convicing result during the comp. Their final goal of this World cup is to seize at least two wins before go home, apprently. Well, see what will happen to them.



 街に出るまでの道のりでも、トンガサポーターがトンガの国旗を振り回して車に乗っている姿、路上でも。それを見たNZ人が車のクラクションで威嚇。笑 といっても皆笑顔やし、警察もかなりパトロールしてたけど、全然止めてなかったし笑顔で素通り。
 それを見て、やっぱり今日は特別な日なんやなぁと実感。街中歩く人たちはほとんど私服が「黒」!!なんせNZ代表の愛称が「ALL BLACKS」やからね。笑 おれも外出る時は黒で固めて行きました。笑







Kids first friendly match

2011-09-07 20:12:37 | New zealand
Hi, boys and girls.

Well, there are still two days left for Rugby World cup opening ceremony. I myself don't care that much, but I can't help but overhear it as NZ is the host country.

By the way, I made arrangement for a new event in my soccer school last week. In fact, I have three different classes in the soccer school divided by age, potential and where they live. This time, I let those two teams which train in different place play together on a same ground as a friendly game for them. Most of those kids are around 8 to 10 years old and it was the first match for some kids.

That's why I could read their complicated minds on their faces that are nervous, excited and keen to play. But all kids looked really excited to play as soon as the game was kicked off and their parents was also pretty excited to support the team who their kids were playing.
I think the result of the game doesn't really matter for the kids at this stage. Personally, I want them to know how fun football is and make as many friends as they can in the world. I think we should let them play more competitively at the next stage which is over 12.

Anyway, there will be a game like this every month and a next event is coming the week after!!!




 試合の方も無事怪我無く終わり、子ども達も一様に気持ちよさそうに汗を拭っていました。あと、やっぱり保護者の皆さん。熱かったですね。笑 試合になると、お母さん達からの声援(罵声?笑)がかなり響いていました。



Rugby World Cup

2011-09-02 01:03:06 | New zealand
Hi, there!!

I've struggled to find out a new blog entry from my daily life in NZ... I've just been in same cycle.. But I conceived of it, which is the most biggest event of a sport world!! Can you guess what?? Maybe, not cuz most of you guys live in Japan that not really interested in this big event.
The answer is...Rugby world cup 2011!!!

Have you known of that??

I don't think Japan has not drawn that much attention about it cuz I sometimes check some Japanese daily news on internet, but I rarely see news for it.
Do you know that NZ is the country in the world that loves Rugby the most. It's not Europian countries, not America, not even Australia, either cuz they have another domestic popular sport, which is football(soccer), American-football and Aussie-football. I know South Africa is a big fan of Rugby cuz they are one of the strongest country for Rugby. However, thay have heaps of fans of Cricket and Soccer as many fans as Rugby in the country.

Of course, Japan will appear the opening ceremony as a contender.. no I should have said like as a outsider in the comp... Anyway
I'd really like to go and support them as a Japanese who has lived in Auckland. In addition, Japan is in the same group as NZ named legendary All-Blacks in the qualifying round. But I tried asking to one of my friends about the price of a ticket, then I gave it up as soon as heard his answer.. From 200 is the minimum of the price... Omg... I'll be in front of TV to support!!
And we can see like special somethings in the city, especially which are arts tied up with the event, temporary buildings, fare-raised accomodation over Auckland and supporters of over the world!!!

Now Auckland has been one of the most exciting and energetic town in the world!! Welcome to the Heaven!!!!!!!






 とりあえずNZは盛り上がってます。この経済効果に肖ろうと、街中のホテルが値上げしまくってるらしい。笑 まぁそら世界中から人がわんさか来ますけど・・・。NZドルも今上がってるらしいんで、今のうちに換金しとこかな・・。


My students game of U12 and U14 grade

2011-08-24 23:04:18 | New zealand
Hi, guys.

I went to watch some games of my students I've taught in private. Those games were under-12 and under-14 grade. I was really looking forward to seeing their performance in a game cuz I had never seen their games before. Actually, they seemed to be really nervous and more excited than usual before game as I came over the games.

Anyway, my first impression of watching the game was that most of the players were so big as my tall. Some kids of U-14 were obviously as tall as me that is 174cm. That was amazing. My kids is still relatively way smaller than other kids, so they couldn't commit a ball in the game unfortunately. But I wanted them to play more aggresive with confident cuz I've known how much potential they have in training. Maybe they haven't realized it yet or thay still don't know how can they perform as well as in training they perform. I think the problem is lack of their confident. They looked like that they didn't want to get a ball much cuz they didn't try to talk and use even a body language, but that was also my resposibility as I'm their coach.
Though, I was really lealous of them who play on beautiful pitch of grass. To be honest, when I was that age, I rarely played on a grass that we alway used a hard ground.

By the way, today Auckland is getting warm like spring, and the weather is also getting stable recently. This is my season!! I love spring!!!!!!!









School Holiday Program

2011-07-27 21:14:54 | New zealand
Hey, bro!!

Recently, I feel like being in Siberia for last couple days. I'm freezing every night!!

By the way, now, in NZ is in school holiday for couple weeks called maybe winter vacation in Japan, but it's not that as long as the vacation in Japan. In Japan, All students except over 18 such as Uni, junior college and like technical college have some long-term holidays in a year, especially Summer-term holidays is for about 30-45days, but there are no holidays like that long one which is for about 2 or 3 weeks at longest. It depends on the regulation of each schools set up.

This time, I've organized a special program for this term in my soccer school. To be honest, I didn't think anything about it until just before the holiday, but I just changed my mind when a guardian asked me if I'm going to have some extra lessons in the holidays. Then, I tried getting down to it in haste as they requested. The number of kids joining the program has still grown by leaps and bounds. Actually I might be unable to handle it if the number goes through the roof more than now I've got. Still even now, I've got a lot of helps from people around me cuz all of these kids are of course not same age as others. some are still only 5 and others are also over 10 years old. It means that we need to divide some groups by age, which means that I need to organize coaches as many as the number of the group divided.
I apprecate a lot those people involved this program as a helper.

But I've realized that I've found some new possitive things out from the program that teaches football to kids. I'm still not sure if I'm cut out for a football coach but I think what I doing for kids now could connect with myself as a player positively cuz it's not that easy to hand all my skill down to someone else, so I think I have to hand it down as easy and simple as possible otherwise kids would stop doing it straight away as they are so sensitive and naive about anything. we need to handle them like a bomb.
But the mindset for kids can result in some positive things for me. It sometimes reminds me something important that I had forgot.

Anyway, The program will be finished on next day, which is on this Friday. We need to pull together to prompt kids to enjoy and play at best until the last moment of the day.







Kids soccer with their parents

2011-07-07 23:58:13 | New zealand
Hi, Good evening!!

Last weekend, I had a soccer lesson for kids with their parents which is mainly a game between kids and their parents. This is one of a new plan what I coordinated in my soccer school.
To be honest, most of their parents were not keen to do this until the day we did it cuz some people didn't want to get any injuries in the session and some others weren't even interested in playing soccer as an exercise.
But most of them showed up on the field with a proper kit and in particular some dads came to the field with their soccer boots. What a hustle!!

And before the session, I asked then to make a team which is dad's team and mum's team to pley with kids. As a matter of course, Dad's team was suppose to play against senior kids organized the age of 8 to 11 and mum's team was suppose to take on junior kids which is age of less than 8.
I was expecting that kid's team was gonna beat their parents easily cuz I thought they don't get enough execise normally, so they couldn't even run much. However they were so good enough to play with. Especially, Dad's team was fantastic!! I didn't ask all of them, but I'm pretty sure that they used to play pretty much when they were a kid. Obviously, they weren't a beginner as they showed off thier skills through the whole game, but as a result they ended up getting a draw by 5-5 as they presented with weakness and fatigue as the time went on.
On the other hand, mum's team against junior team was a really exciting game. In the first half, Mum's team dominated the whole field and got some scores with their powerful shots unless the kids they were playing against was only 5 or 6years old...

Anyway, it was a really good day and nice experience for me. After the session, we had lunch together beside the field with their lunch boxes which I had asked all of them to bring just one dish from their home that can bite like a finger food on a table.
There were heaps of Japanese stuffs on the table I love such as rice balls, Karaage and Sushi!! That was so yummy!!!!!!!!! It was the definitely happiest time in the day!!haha

Actually, I borrowed all of these ideas on a blog of the football academy in Sydney run by one of my friends, who is a japanese. As soon as I watched what he did in his academy like this, I felt like that it could make in my school as well. I come up something new idea, I try to put into practice in any situations sooner or later. This time, I could make this event with much success fortunately, but I couldn't organize all stuffs for the success alone, naturally I needed someone's help and everybody helped me a lot cuz All attendances hoped that wanted to have fun in a beautiful sunshine.

Yeah, That was a great day for everone joined for sure. If you do your best all the time, everything will usually fall into right place for you.



 当日までは、あまり乗り気でなかったお母さん達も、いざ自分達の子どもと同じフィールドに立つと真剣のそのもの。相手は5,6才の子どもだというのに、本気でボールを取ったり、シュートを打ったり・・・。あるお母さんは「日ごろの子どもへの鬱憤を晴らせました!」とおっしゃってました。笑 「ワー、キャー」いいながらも気持ちの良い汗をかいてくれたんじゃないかなぁ。



Japanese language supplementary school (日本語補習校)

2011-06-14 23:24:40 | New zealand
Hi, what's up mate?

I got a new experience at supplementary school for Japanese last weekend. It was so nice and fun for me to be there the whole time.
You know what the supplementary schools mean?? As the word of 'supplementary', this is a school for Japanese kids who like try to master proper Japanese like same as kids who living in Japan.
Naturally, the kids who have grown up outside Japan don't have much oppotunities to use Japanese as they go to a local school.
The situation they can usually use the language is in their home or only when they chat their Japanese friends who met here. (however, they speak in English each other even in this situation cuz it's way easier for them to understand each other than in Japanese)

That's the reason the school has existed. Some students go to the supplementary school after their local school and some others go there on Saturday. Thay can choose what day to go depending on their request.
In my soccer school, some kids go to the school a couple days a week.

This time, the reason I went there was to give out the existence of my soccer school to them and recruit some new players.
When I started it up, I was looking for a school like that which is many Japanese students enrolled for recruitment. And I contacted them as soon as I found it and I got an appointment to join a class as a volunteer in stead of the promotion for my school, but I couldn't make it for a whole since I had a game every weekend.
I finally made it last weekend before went to game and I joined one class and took some lessons with kids such as Japanese and arthmetic. That brought me back some memories...

What a fond memory... haha

In the class, there were also some naughty kids who is difficult to deal with for his teacher. I felt like his teacher couldn't control those naughty kids and the class had been sometime messed up by them!! haha
Should I have stopped them at that time?? .... It's ok, maybe.

It was a enjoyable time for me and hopefully some students will get intersted in the soccer school!!








Ignorant attitude.(お前の本気見せてよ!)

2011-05-26 22:21:51 | New zealand
Hi, everyone!!

I had an interesting story in my soccer school last week.

Recently, the number of kids in the school now is getting to be popular among Japanese parents who live in Auckland because the number has come up to nearly 30 now!!
I'm really happy with it.

And I usually let them play a small side game with all kids at the end of the day who join the session on that day, and we were doing the game as usual last weekend.
I normally commit a game, I mean I don't play with kids. What I do is just to be a referee and give them some advices to control the game and make it better, but last weekend I played for one team because the game didn't look so even. I thought a team was way better than the other team I'm going to help. That's the reason I played.
And when I tried to restart the game by blowing a whistle, I heard something someone said to me in Japanese like 'you play fuckin seriously!!'.

He is only 6 years old, but I'm really freaked out by what he told me, haha. I did never expect that a small boy would say to me such a rude word in Japanese, but I did of course never mind that because I know they were born in NZ and grown up here as well, so he can't speak Japanese properly like kids who growing up in Japan.
Basically, they use English whoever they speak to because English is the first language for them. Of course they talk with their friends in English at school or anywhere.
It can't help it, though.

After the session, his mother gave me an apologetic email for what her sons said to me. I replied 'Never mind that. I'm understanding what you'd like to try to say to me.'

Anyway, I felt that I've had a really important voice on their Japanese education. If I don't speak in proper Japanese when I tell them something, they will use it as a proper Japanese without minding.
Oh, I got another pressure.....

Language always make me upset oversea anywhere!! ok, everybody! Let's speak in one language in the world!! though, I'll be at ease, maybe!!  





 あとでその子の親にかなり謝られたんですが、全く気にしてないです。笑 むしろその場で正しい言い方を教えてあげればよかったなと。




2011-05-18 12:51:45 | New zealand
Hi, bro.

You know what city is the most biggest one in NZ?? It's Auckland where I live. Auckland is located on the north part of the north island divided two.
The temperature is quite stable because it's not that far from the equator, so we hardly feel so cold here even in winter, but we are annoyed with the weather which is unstable. Especially, in the winter, The weather fluctuates wildly in whole country.

It's really hard to predict what weather's coming everyday. I check some weather news on TV or internet, but I don't trust it 100% because it doesn't hit much.
Now I feel like the winter is around the corner recently. Rainy days are obviously increasing and decrease in temperature gradually now.

You know there are so many asian people living in Auckland. I didn't think there will be such a great number of asian here before arrived at. We can see at least 10 asians on every streets in the city and I can't count how many Sushi restaurants is in the city. I guess it could be more than 50 restaurants in just city area. It's really competitive to survive each other, man!! And I was surprised that some Japanese restautants here was run by Korean or Chinese!! No Japaneses work there in JAPANESE restaurant!!

This must be a joking, isn't it?? It's so funny.

Anyway, I think Asian people has a really important part in NZ as tourists and migtants otherwise the country won't be worked out in all aspects.
We'd better think more the reason why Japan doen't try to accept immigrants from all over the world. I want to find the reason out. Maybe, Japan is still possible to do anything with only Japanese but eventually, the day we need migrants to get better at domestic level must come, I guess.





