Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Head butting!!(頭突き)

2010-06-22 19:43:26 | Soccer/football

 その瞬間は全然笑えんかったけど、いまとなっては良い経験と思えてしまう。笑 ていうのも、先週の試合で、試合中にヘディングでボールをクリアしようとした瞬間に敵のMFが飛んできて、そのままボールには触れずにダイレクトにおれの頭部に彼の頭が激突!!





 いやぁ、けどあの血の量はまじビビったなぁ。。。笑 (あ、今はピンピンしてますんでご心配なく!!)

I got a smash!!

In last game, I had played as a central midfielder in the whole game with bantage on my head.
That was still first half, I jumped toward the ball in the air which was kicked up by someone in the middle space on the field, and I tried to do it away with header. I thought I caught the ball and away it, but what it hit my head wasn't the ball. It was someone's head...

At the moment, I fallen down to the pitch and my hand touched my forehead was being covered in blood. This is not a joke, true story.
Anyway I just thought I might be dead very soon when I glanced at my bloodied hand because I had never experienced such a unique thing before. I was just amazed and scared.
Once I forced to come off the pitch, I was treated with strapping on my head tightly with bantage to stop bleeding and I decided to keep playing to the end because I was fully concious, but I felt a bit dizzy.. haha

I could play to the end of the game somehow and I looked at my forehead smashed after game on the mirror. The scar on forehead has been split down the middle of it, it was hard to stop bleeding first two days after got it. Fortunately it wasn't deep scar, but the scar is not going to disappear for sure because I didn't stitch it.

Now it has stopped bleeding and disinfect it properly.

This time there is something what I thought. I have to be a tougher men than I used to be.

The unique phrase

2010-06-18 22:06:47 | Words 言葉の力
The only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.


* 本来、努力の後に成功が来ますよね。辞書の中だとアルファベット順なので・・・。


I love this phrase. It's the most unique phrase we met ever!!

Essentially, All successes come after work hard, but in the dictionary, 「S」uccess comes before「W」ork because of alphabetical order.

Of great concern.... in Australia(オーストラリアでの大きな関心事)

2010-06-14 15:11:08 | Australia







Fat Aussies are in denial, with one out of six obese people believing their weight meets healthy guidelines.
This is the great concern in Austaralia. To be honest, in my opinion, In australia too many people maybe are concerned with about their health because of overweight. I think obese people in Australia is at least three times as many as Japan.

Even when I hang around a local area, I can see those people easily. In fact, 54 per cent of the population was now considered overweight or obese, a 4 per cent increase on last year's results, and more than 21 per cent of the population are categorised as obese or having a BMI rating of more than 30 - up more than 3 per cent on last year's results.

I don't actually know how many people are considered of same issue in Japan, but I'm pretty sure japanese people is less concerned with it.

According to a survey, Aussies are putting themselves at risk of heart disease because they are increasingly unaware of what to do to meet healthy guidelines, particularly when it comes to healthy weight.
As the number of overweight or obese Australians went up, people's perception of it had also shifted.
Of great the finding that obesity is somewhat normalising.

I think they may need to be more self-aware and self-control to shed their weight.