Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Made the team squad. (チーム正式加入)

2010-12-29 18:37:29 | Soccer/football
Hi, How's going, everybody.

I got a good news to tell you now. I made the team offcially and I will be able to play games from the first game of next year which scheduled 7th of January.
Let me introduce my club first.

The name of club is Young Heart MANAWATU located in Palmerston North of North island in New Zealand. It is not that big city like my hometown Osaka.

Anyway, I had been in trial of this club for about 3 weeks at all and I signed up afterward. To be honest, it was very hard time to control myself because I felt like being put me on the pressure all the time. I had to do 100% without mistakes at every single training session while I was in trial because I thought I had to leave the team without any contract, if I make a mistake on the pitch.

Though, now I'm relief and have plenty of motivation for the team. I have already been ready to play well for the team. But unfortunately the team has not been good so far.
We are now on half way season and only 7 games left to finish. And now we are in bottom of the table with 1win and 6 loss.

So What we have to do in last 7 games is going up to the 4th position at least to make through the play-off. It's gonna be a toughest way I've ever walked, and we also have a financial issue of the team, which means we can't recruit good players anymore this season.

But I think we can do well because we are obviously getting better about everything. In fact, we could get the first winning game just before this christmas break.
We will make it!!



 チーム名はYoung heart MANAWATU(ヤングハートマナワツ)で、現在8チーム参加のNZ1部リーグで前期を終えて1勝6敗の最下位。



 今はほんまに毎日サッカーばっかしてます!!笑 クリスマスも正月も関係ないです。練習!練習!!練習!!!



2010-12-10 13:01:12 | Diary
Now, I have been staying in the countryside of Newzealand.

That's the reason I hadn't uploaded any entry on this blog. Actually I didn't expect that I would be such a boring place until just before came to New Zealand, but it was my fault about it because I didn't research anything about this small town, so I knew it was a much smaller town then I had predicted.

Anyway, I'm trying to enjoy my daily life here, and also I keep playing well constantly in the training.




