Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Adventure in NZ (Part3)

2010-10-26 21:31:29 | New zealand
Hi, buddy!!

The first day of trial was rain unfortunately. I heard from my friend living in NZ that rainy season has just begun in NZ when I was in AUS.
As I expected, it had been rain everyday, never stop... As a result, the heavy rains have loosened the ground and made heaps of wet spots on the pitch.

I felt like playing soccer on a snow ground or a pond one. Anyway, that was the worst pitch condition I've ever played in my life to be honest, but maybe everyone thinks so like me and was playing in same condition.

At first, I went to club-house to meet all other teammates had already contracted with the team, coaches, staffs and others.
There were some non-contracted players there as well that were rival for me.

And we had a medical check simply like anthropometric before trainning and had a short meeting about the schedule of pre-season.

After that, the trainning began at all, and we divided two groups like trials from contracted players, and had a fundamental training with balls and then had a measurement of physical fitness to check how fit we were.
Exactly speaking, I wasn't awesome about these results...haha

Anyway, I had already known I had to show them my best performance in a game of second day, I had focused on the game. I thought if I can't score of set up goal for anyone in the game, I must be kicked out of the team squad for sure.
So I did my best that kept condition perfect with Japanese lunch box I found in the city until the game. I had it there every single day.

And finally, the big day had come.














State of the injury (怪我の状態)

2010-10-24 17:52:27 | Diary
Hi, mate!!

My injury has been back on course for recovery.

I have spent much time for recovery because I hasn't stopped training. I know the hard training is not good effective for recovery, but I didn't want to lose fitness and ball skill for new season.

I tried changing a hospital for recovery because I had been the first hospital for a nealy whole month, but I couldn't obtain effective relief, so I decided to look for new one. I got a x-ray to be checked the state of born and the doctor found out the cause of its groin pain.

He told me the pain has been caused by inflammation, so he gave me two choices to treat it. It's injection or oral. I chose oral medicine because injection means to get steroid-induced suppression into my body, means I can take effect quickly but it has possibility to weaken the muscle...

Anyway, I feel so good!!







Speech as a graduate

2010-10-18 20:34:31 | Diary
Hi, guys!!

Last week I made a speech to freshmen at uni as a graduate. It was very good experience for me and I have to appreciate the proffesors that gave me this opportunity.
Honestly speaking, I thought I would be turning down the offer when I got it, but I fundamentally rethought about the decision because this opportunity might be a kind of new challenge for me.

That's why I decided to say 'yes' for the offer. And I got sure it wasn't fault the moment the speech is done.

However, I got really nervous before appeared in public because this was my first speech in fromt of heaps audience and I've never spoken a lot over a hour before. I was pretty sure my knee and somewhere would be shaking and I would get panic.

Contrary to what I predicted, I felt nothing to fear it. Maybe I might have got strong heart against such a pinch from Australian life. In fact, I was able to speak over to the students about what I wanted to say.
I might be cut out for that job, I mean I just wanna try a new thing all the time, even if there's always great conflict, and tension and suspense in those situation.

I don't mind them.

But I'm not sure if my speech goes to the students mind, of course I want them to understand all I wanted to tell them, but some people looked like they don't care of me because I had prepard and had two quetions to them in the beginning of the talk. I asked like this 'Is there anyone who has any dream or goal for your uni life??' and 'Do u have a proper process of the dream or goal??', but no one react to these quetions. I was sad...

I might have changed something before asked them or it might have been wrong way to ask, but what I want to say now is it was very fun, and I was glad that I could tell them what I wanted them to do in uni life.











Adventure in NZ (Part2)

2010-10-09 02:58:28 | New zealand
Hi, ladies and gents!!

This is a series of articles from last one which entitles 'Adventure in NZ part1'.

Anyway, I arrived at Hamilton airport of NZ after unconfortable flight, and then I headed for immgration clearance, but I didn't think I could go through there easily because my purpose to come here was different from other passengers. I think no one come to NZ to play soccer from oversea, especially This Hamilton is pretty small and minor city, it's like town. Maybe no tourists visit this town.

So, I thought I would be stopped and asked some quetions why did I come here. As expected, I was stopped for about a half hour and asked some quetion like where you would stay tonight...somethig like that.

I was also checked my luggage inside, but there was a key to pass the immgration. You quess what??
Because I'm JAPANESE.

I guess Japanese is known as more reliable person than other asian country. This is just my opinion, so I don't know exactly wheather it's right, but at least.....

Anyway I could pass it at all and I hadn't decided where I would stay at that night, so I had to look for accomodation first. At fisrt I started looking for a tourist center in the town. There is usually a tourist center in every city which we can get heaps of information about each cities, so we can also get the information about accomodation, for example we can ask where is the cheapest hotel. That's very convenience shop for us.

I also booked hotel from there and I could find the place can stay next few days smoothly.

And the next day, I had a first training for the soccer club...

You shall know that at next entry how did I go.









Osteopathy (整骨療法)

2010-10-05 12:41:48 | Soccer/football
Hi, how are you getting along??

I get outpatient treatment recently in hospotal. Do you know the reason why I came back to Japan suddenly? In fact, this time was an unwilling return home, I mean, I didn't want to flight back yet because I was grabbing a big chance in New zealand, but unfortunately my groin has already been running out.

That's why I decided to get a ticket for Japan to get a good treatment for groin, and I believed it was best way for me now.

At first, I tried to go to the biggest hospital in near home because I thought I would be able to get a better treatment than others, and I booked.
However, I heard there was a great physician's office when I met my friend who used to play American Football. He still plays it for adult teams and he was selected as a national player of Japan when he was age of 18. 

And he introduced me about a physician, and I started to go there from two weeks ago. Anyway he was an awesome physician for me. He always gives me some advices and ideas about how to train. And also tells me where my weak point is.

It means, I had trained by myself mainly because no trainers are around me even in my team, so I couldn't ask anything about how should I develop muscles, which part of muscles should I tone up.
But I met the doctor and I knew how funny body I had so far. So now I'm trying to set right.

He was a great doctor, but let me tell you guys just one thing. His treatment is very radical and painful.
He said he stunned some patients in past times while he was treating for them.

So, I always have to be prepared just before see this doctor othewise.....may..







