Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 25 vs Taringa Rovers

2009-08-30 12:45:10 | Soccer/football
Hey, mates!!

Round 25, vs Taringa, they were ranked in 9th place of 13 before the game. of cource we've been in the worst place in the league for last 5 months..

And we lost again, 0-5, I think you felt like a baseball or something after knew the score. But this is football game from England.

Finally season end is coming, I mean next weekend is last game in this season.

we ended up coming to last game without win through this season, to be honestly, no one expect to win next weekend's game, even our coaches.
I sometimes doubt of our coaches ' Are you really our coach? you really have a license or something? ' like that.

But I can't say such a complain to the coached, that's wasting time for me. Although I've got a lot of stress from them honestly, I just keep playing under them cuz this is all I have to do now.











The train delayed

2009-08-26 08:57:39 | Diary
Hey , mates!!

I got a trouble again, this time the train I always board delayed because of electrical fault. This incident happened this morning on my way to work as usual.

Of course there were many commuters on the train, but all lines was temporarily stopped and we had to wait till recovered it.

At first we heard in anouncement, propably spend 40~45 minutes to go again. I thought it was too long, really wasting time to stay here, but I had to be on the train cuz there is no other transport around the station unfortunately... This is Australia,eh?

And I had been waiting for about 40 minutes without complaining. After that I heard an anouncement again and... ' unfortunately we need more time about another 40~45 minutes to go' ....

I couldn't stand it when I heard the shit anouncement and I expected all people on the train would get furious at this naturally, but to my suprise, they were quieter than I thought. some people was talking on the phone over smiling, some people looked a bit angry but not serious, everybody were settled on the train, I couldn't believe this at that moment.

But when I thought more calmly about this moment, I knew that this is Australia, this is Australian.

I feel they seem to be relaxed all the time and are liberated from time constraint and mental pressure as well.
When it comes to this point, almost japanese workers are worn out by them and are bounded strongly by them.  













 これぞ「THE オーストラリア」の国民性を見た瞬間でした。笑


Our earth is in a swelter.

2009-08-24 21:50:19 | Australia
Com'on, buddy!! too hot today!! I'm sweltering.
This is an abnormal weather phenomenon, isn't it? When I woke up today, I felt something wrong with the temperature,I mean much hotter than usual.

So I turned on the TV to watch the weather news and I found an interesting and serious news about it.

Please see the article below. This is what I found in a website.

Some of the hottest August weather in recorded history has brought summer temperatures to Queensland.

The heat, also affecting parts of New South Wales, the Northern Territory and South Australia, has lifted Sunday's maximums up to 16 degrees above average. The heat wave is now into its third day with many stations posting new August records on Saturday, only to break them a day later.

Cunnamulla, in the Maranoa, recorded 37 degrees today. That is a huge 16 above average and their hottest August day in 102 years of records. Bedourie, in the Channel Country, saw another 38 degrees, their third consecutive day above 36 degrees.

Monday looks set again for some more records to fall as winds strengthen from the west and northwest. All eyes are on Brisbane which should make it into the low 30's. The heat and forecast gusty winds has led to a fire weather warning being issued for the eastern Warrego, Maranoa, Darling downs, Granite Belt, Wide Bay and Burnett and the South East Coast.

Tuesday will see another hot day before a weak cool change tries to push through late on Tuesday. Further cooling on Thursday and Friday should bring maximums closer to average, before warming again.

You know what it makes sense?
It's time to consider once seriously about the environment concerns which we're now facing on.
We have to start something by ourselves from little things to save the earth. Don't hesitate, Be brave, and start small.








Round 24 vs Capalaba

2009-08-22 22:58:17 | Soccer/football
Hi, guys!!
Yesterday night I translated the sentenses below into English to spend about a half hour like that. But when I opened up this blog again to make sure it, everything was gone.

I didn't know why, so I had to end up writing this again. I really screwed up..

Well, anyway That's ok, no problem, I've been calm down cuz took a deep breath to refresh myself.

This game, round 24, VS Capalaba, was very difficult game for us to win the game cuz they still have chance of reaching the playoff only top 4 teams in the league.
They now are in the 5th place. After the league, the top 4 teams match up for the championship.

On the other hand, we've already been set to be demoted to the second league.
That's why obviously we were lack motivation for the game. there is significant difference in the motivation between our team and opponent.

As the result, we were beaten two to nil(2-0). and I wasn't choosen for top side squad.

I was really frustrated but I have to keep appealing my presence to the coach and keep my head up!!

And I had my teammate pick me up to the competition site by his car at this game. I could get some good information and intelligence of football in Australia. moreover we got to know more about each other through the conversation in his car.

It was great time for me, anyway and I thought I had to communicate more with other teammates to play better on the field.











P.S.   もしオーストラリアサッカーに興味がある方はコチラ

Round 16 vs South united

2009-08-21 21:25:56 | Soccer/football
Hey guys!!
I was being so busy last 2 days.. My body is killing me because I played the regular game 2days in a row, I mean I played for top side and reserve game.

but finally I was choosen the top side squad. Anyway I was so glad to play there. As I could play for first team all the way, I really wanted to win the game and I myself also wanted to do 'something' on the field. I mean to score and assist, I just-- I wanted to appealmy presence against the coaches.

But I couldn't do enough, I made some embarrassing mistakes first 10 minutes, what a shame..

Obviously I might have been so nervous at that time. somehow I could get used to the play speed and gradually made communication with teammates.

However I guess it was not enough as an appeal. I needed more effective performance. I'll start over again to keep appealing without depressed.

I have to think more possitive as next game is coming soon. I wish I can play for top side at next game again.
And I found out some new challenges through the top side game, and I have to keep trying to overcome them and break through from a tough situation in which I am.

Don't look down, keep my head up!! No time to be depressed.  













My stolen bicycle (At Darra station)

2009-08-14 21:56:04 | Diary
Hi, buddy!! What are u doing now?

Actually I got a disgusting incident. I mean I was stolen my bycicle by shit men at the nearest station from my home.

so when I go to training and work by train, I usually park b the train station. so at that day I parked at there as usual.

And then I got off work and I came straight home immediately around 7 o'clock, but my bycicle was gone to somewhere. I realized soon that was stolen by someone.

but I couldn't give up finding it, I looked everywhere for it.
I couldn't find it at all unfortunately.

I don't know why it was taken and when in spite of I locked my bike with fence.

moreover the bike which was stolen was not mine, I mean I had borrowed it from my friend. so I just told my friend about that honestly and I bought a new one for him.
He told me ' you don't have to buy another one cuz it wasn't your fault, don't worry about it'. but I returned a new bike to him. I thought it was common sense.

Anyway you should be careful of your bike even if use a tight lock or steagy chain for it. If it is still new one, you must be more careful.

I recommend you don't park by a not busy station or center of city.

Thanks for reading to the end, see ya!!




 けどね、ほんま悔しいやん??鍵もしっかりつけてたのに、駅の近くのフェンスにガッチリと。。やのに、やのに。。。  ふぅ、切り替えてこ!!







Mitchelton FC

2009-08-09 23:40:06 | Soccer/football

Actually, I haven't introduced my team in detail I belong to so far.

The club name is Mitchelton FC, has a long history. This is club web site.

Please check it out if you'd like to know further detail about it.
I've played this club since this April.

Team official color is yellow and green, of cource they have been used training wears and official uniforms as well.

Unfortunately, I won't be here next season, I mean to transfer to somewhere else.(another team) but our home field is splendid, moreover we have five good condition fields, equipped club house and hug car parkng area.
That's why a lot of local regidents comes over to our field every weekend to watch a game over drinking beer.I like that atmosphere.

And I love Mitchelton FC!!

そういえば、自分が今所属してるチームのことあんま紹介してなかったすね。前回の記事にもちょっと書いたけど、Michelton FC(ミチェルトンFC)っていいます。 → Michelton FC official web site(英語)








An embarrassing result

2009-08-08 21:04:41 | Soccer/football
Hey, doing, mate?

Today I'll talk about some embarrassing results of my football team.

Actually we haven't won a game ever yet, Of course all staffs, coaches, players, everybody who belongs to the team feels shame at this result so far!!

We can play well and keep concentrating until first 45 minutes. But we lose them last 45 minutes in each games.
As a result, we give some big chance to score easily to an opponent and lose a game over and over.

Anyway I wanna be a winner by this season's end. I've never heard a team doesn't have any winning game through a whole season.

And I've read some books lately to change my mood. Mainly on soccer tactics and books which was written by still active player.
It's very very motivational for me to play. so I often read them before training and match.

If I made a lot of mistake in a game, I would just think about the reason why I made it and I keep focusing on it until get rid of the problem to play much better than last game.
As you know, All famous players who we know makes an amazing effort behind.

So I have to train harder as I can, more decipline.

On the other hand, you know about Australian professional soccer league, what is called 'A league'?

It was started new season couple days ago. It was organized by 10 teams which are located by Australia and Newzealand.
I think this is lower level than 'J league' but much more exciting and harder league.

And A japanese player contracted with Sydney FC of A league.
This is very good news for me. In a year from now, I also want to get a contract with a team of A league.







 最近色んなサッカー選手の著書も読んでて、そっから触発されることもかなり多いです、サッカーやってる方にはお勧めの方法です。ちなみにおれが今読んでんのは、「察知心 (中村俊輔)」「RUN (福田健二)」など。




 ちなみにこれがうちのリーグの公式サイト(英語)、結果もすぐ更新されるんでまた見てください!うちは「Premier league」の「Michelton SC」というチームです。→  ブリスベンプレミアリーグ公式サイト

public transport in Australia

2009-08-05 14:19:08 | Australia
Hey, boys!!
It's already been in August, summer season, summer time!! Have you enjoyed this summer,eh?

Have you been to beach in this summer? Let's get a girlfriend at beach for summer events, a firework, festivals...

Anyway please enjoy summer!!

today I'll write about public transport in Australia. Basically, the public transport which people in Australia make use of is same as Japan, Taxi,bus and train etc..

In Japan, The train is the most convenient mean of transport and the next effective mean is bus as you know.
But in Australia, Almost people makes use of a bus and more than that, they always use their own car.

There are lots of diffrence between Australia and Japan on transport. At first, I'll talk about bus. When it comes to bus system on this two countries, they don't exactly the same.

Especially, what I was surprised is what there was no announcement about next stop for customers in the bus. That's why I couldn't get off the stop which I wanted to when I boarded the bus for the first time.

And then I started hesitating to make use of a bus ever since I experienced it..
If you go to the place to which you've never been by bus, you should be careful and check outside all the time.

And next, about train. train is also much different from Japan.
First, all doors of the train doesn't work automatically as soon as stops the station. If you want to get in it, you have to turn the door handle by yourself otherwise the train would be gone.

moreover it's very unique how to buy a ticket for train. In japan, we have to buy a ticket before go through a ticket gate and show a ticket to a collector when we go through there. But in Australia, when it comes to local station, nothing, no gate, no stuff in the station. It's no exaggeration to say that we can get in it for free, without paying..

But naturally, sometimes some security stuff comes over and check it out each costomers to discover a person who gets in without have a ticket on board.

Don't be silly!! This is common sense.








