Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Private lessons

2016-02-19 18:37:15 | Canada


Hi, guys.

I'd like to introduce two prospective kids as a soccer player who I've been coaching since I came here personally. The format of a practice with them is a bit unique cuz I coach them in a 1 on 1 situation to attach more importance on skills and techniques of soccer.

I myself am not a believer for the need to work on skills with a ball at the very first stage of your soccer career. That's because I started playing at 9, and they are only 7 and 9 too. And I can clearly see them play better than I was at their ages.

But One of them will have a tryout over next few weeks to get into a selected team of a district around here. That's the reason she wanted to have a private lesson with me to make the cut of the team. So I won't be able to sleep well over next few weeks at least until I hear from her having passed the tryout!! haha

The other kid is still only 7!! But he amazingly has a huge energy and passion towards soccer and bring them to every session with me, so that I respond with enoumous enthusiasm to him every single time.

As a matter of course, working out a training plan is a given, and the initial setup before a session decides everything!!











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New part time jobs

2016-02-06 19:17:58 | Canada

Hi, guys.

This week was actually a big one for me as I just started two new part time jobs at roughly the same time this week. I just quitted the previous construction job last week, and switched to the new ones that are a landscaping work and a moving work. Both of them are typically a byword for physical jobs.. However, I have a strong fetish for new experiences!!

Landscaping a yard is of course a new field to me. I've never done pruning trees even stepped into a super rich man's property before..But most of our customers are outrageously rich and having a huge land with a swimming pool, gym and tennis court etc...But actually it is so fun using some pruning machines that I've never even seen!!

And a moving job is very familiar to me as I'd been working for the best moving company in sales in Japan many times. As soon as I told the boss of the moving firm about my experiences in Japan at the interview, I got hired!!Lol I was very curious about differences of the process of movings between the two countries on the first day. We actually deal with commercial movings rather than residential ones which is very lucky for me cuz I know that residential ones are 5 times as hard as the other ones!!

All in all, they are so slack and sluggish here in comparison with Japanese staffs for sure!! But I love committing myself to this kind of job. 




 造園の仕事は主にお金持ち宅の庭の手入れです。専門家を雇わないといけないほどの家の庭で、中にはテニスコートやプールにジム、庭の中にもう一つ一軒家があったりとなんでもありです。笑 色々と機械を使いながらの剪定作業をさせてくれるので、また新しい経験です。





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