Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


We are the Champion!! Round 16 vs Three Kings Utd

2011-07-30 22:43:39 | Soccer/football

Bofore today's top of the table clash, Bay Olympic(our team) were 7 points clear at the top of the table and a win would put them beyond reach of the other teams, with 3 games remaining.
If we had lost today, I think too much pressure would have put on our shoulders and it would be way tougher to win the league title.


We seized the biggest match in this season and grabbed a trophy high for the sky just after the victory. Personally, I didn't exactly know about this team before first joined their team training. I didn't even know who was the best team last season, where did we come in the table last season and I couldn't expect how strong we were through the pre-season.

As my coach said, we have never reached the league title since 2006, so I might have been a lucky man cuz I met up and play with many good players by chance and we made a big success!!
I myself couldn't commit all games of the season due to a long-term injury that I had to spoil more than half of the season at outside bench. But I think I was still lucky.
Now, I'm just simply happy with the result we walked through so far.

And we have to switch on again to get another title, which is the Cup coming through the semi-final in two weeks.






School Holiday Program

2011-07-27 21:14:54 | New zealand
Hey, bro!!

Recently, I feel like being in Siberia for last couple days. I'm freezing every night!!

By the way, now, in NZ is in school holiday for couple weeks called maybe winter vacation in Japan, but it's not that as long as the vacation in Japan. In Japan, All students except over 18 such as Uni, junior college and like technical college have some long-term holidays in a year, especially Summer-term holidays is for about 30-45days, but there are no holidays like that long one which is for about 2 or 3 weeks at longest. It depends on the regulation of each schools set up.

This time, I've organized a special program for this term in my soccer school. To be honest, I didn't think anything about it until just before the holiday, but I just changed my mind when a guardian asked me if I'm going to have some extra lessons in the holidays. Then, I tried getting down to it in haste as they requested. The number of kids joining the program has still grown by leaps and bounds. Actually I might be unable to handle it if the number goes through the roof more than now I've got. Still even now, I've got a lot of helps from people around me cuz all of these kids are of course not same age as others. some are still only 5 and others are also over 10 years old. It means that we need to divide some groups by age, which means that I need to organize coaches as many as the number of the group divided.
I apprecate a lot those people involved this program as a helper.

But I've realized that I've found some new possitive things out from the program that teaches football to kids. I'm still not sure if I'm cut out for a football coach but I think what I doing for kids now could connect with myself as a player positively cuz it's not that easy to hand all my skill down to someone else, so I think I have to hand it down as easy and simple as possible otherwise kids would stop doing it straight away as they are so sensitive and naive about anything. we need to handle them like a bomb.
But the mindset for kids can result in some positive things for me. It sometimes reminds me something important that I had forgot.

Anyway, The program will be finished on next day, which is on this Friday. We need to pull together to prompt kids to enjoy and play at best until the last moment of the day.







Chatham Cup Quarter Final

2011-07-24 22:33:54 | Soccer/football

We first took on a team of South island in the Cup quarter final, and we beated them 5-3 on penalty, which was 3-3 draw in full time. I felt like skating(playing) on thin ice, which means that was really difficult condition for us to play cuz it was not a home game for us, so we have to travel down to the site in Dunedin that need to fly for a hour to get there on the day before game.
That's why this was a really invaluable victory as a team obviuosly.

Anyway, there are still two games left to win the CUP, so we need to make a deliberate preparation and maintain the level(performance) we made in today's game at least for next two games.







The women's world cup!!!

2011-07-20 00:33:31 | Diary

Hey, everyone!! Did you watch the moment of the winning of the women's world cup yesterday!! What a result!! I think most of people including soccer fans in the world couldn't expect that result that apan could make the winner of the biggest soccer competition in this planet. I didn't expect either!!

But they could make it at all, and held up the trophy toward the sky with a hug smile on their faces. I could get up easily in that morning thanks to them, and I got too much power from the game and girls.

Maybe, there will be a mark of a star embroidered on their uniform of the next model which means that has been a world cup champion once!! Naturally, there isn't the mark on men's uniform as they've never been the winner, though..

Anyway, I'd like to celebrate them from my heart and I'm really proud of what they achieved.


 いやぁ、すげぇなぁ。しかも澤うめぇよ!!笑 敵のワンバックって選手もハンパなくパワフルでおれも吹き飛ばされてしまうかもなぁ・・・。アレックス・モーガンって選手は可愛かった!!(って見る視点違うね)


Round 15 vs Metro FC

2011-07-16 21:40:59 | Soccer/football

We took on the team who was the bottom of the league so far. That's why we definitely needed to win this game and secured massive 3 points. The result was 5-0 to us at all, but I can't say it was a good game for us cuz we produced so many chances to score goals and we could have killed the game off by halftime, but we couldn't make it. We ended up making two substitute from the bench who was suppose to save their energy for the next game, who was me.
I went on the pitch as a left defender in 60mins, but I actually didn't expect that the coach put me on the position cuz I've never played there in my life including all training sessions I've ever had. That was such a big surprise when I heard that. I was of course nervous until I took a first touch on the ball. After that, I could control myself and played well as usual like a training.
Anyway, today's game was a first step to get back my shape, and the next week, another big game's coming right now.

I just do my job given by coach for the team and win the titles!!


 自分自身も、久しぶりに1軍の試合に復帰。約2か月と過去最高の離脱やったけどなんとかここまでこぎ着けた。後半の10分くらいになんと左サイドバックとして出場したけど、過去人生で一度もないポジションにいきなり入れられたよ。笑 けど、もうどこのポジションでもやれる力は付いてるし、最初のボールタッチが無難にこなせたことでスッと試合に入っていけた。






Round 14 vs Melville AFC

2011-07-10 22:14:25 | Soccer/football
Hi, guys.

Last Saturday, it was a really long long day for us cuz we had to travel down to Hamilton which is about 2 hours away from Auckland where we live. We hired a charter bus for the trip and headed for the site to play a game.
I had a very good news that I made an first appearance in the game for reserve side since I had some rest to look after my groin about 2 months ago. But the pitch condition was pretty bad which has too many wet spots and very soft due to heavy rain just before and during the game.
Anyway I could put the first step to fully come-back, so I'm happy with it.

And unfortunately our top squad was defeated by them by scoring 2-0 down. We had a really bad start, which was already scored 3 goals in the first 45mins in spite of we opened up a first goal before three of them, but we were really lucky cuz one sub came on the pitch in the beginning of 2nd half set up the second goal for us with his first touch in the game and he scored an equalizer with his second touch in the game!! That was amazing!!
He was obviously shining outstandingly and dazzle us at that moment. But we ended up losing by being scored in last minute of the game.

I thought I could sleep in silent on the bus on the way back as we lost, but no no no... Everybody was fuck'n crazy cunt!! The bus on the way back was pulled over by a bottle shop and everybody went inside there, and came back with heaps of alcohol stuffs!! Oh my got.. I couldn't believe wthat I saw at that time. You know what was it happening on the bus afterwards, right?? All players on the bus except few players including me became a drunken monkey. Some people was passed out and some threw up into a plastic bag... I felt like being hell...I wanted to get out of the bus asap seriously!!haha

The next time, I'd like to drink as much as I can with them after uphold a winning trophy in August!!



 そして帰りのバスは暗い雰囲気かなぁとか思ってたらまぁ大変!!帰り道にバスが酒屋に停車。(おいおい汗)みなおもむろに店に入り大量の酒を購入して帰還。Oh my god!!



Kids soccer with their parents

2011-07-07 23:58:13 | New zealand
Hi, Good evening!!

Last weekend, I had a soccer lesson for kids with their parents which is mainly a game between kids and their parents. This is one of a new plan what I coordinated in my soccer school.
To be honest, most of their parents were not keen to do this until the day we did it cuz some people didn't want to get any injuries in the session and some others weren't even interested in playing soccer as an exercise.
But most of them showed up on the field with a proper kit and in particular some dads came to the field with their soccer boots. What a hustle!!

And before the session, I asked then to make a team which is dad's team and mum's team to pley with kids. As a matter of course, Dad's team was suppose to play against senior kids organized the age of 8 to 11 and mum's team was suppose to take on junior kids which is age of less than 8.
I was expecting that kid's team was gonna beat their parents easily cuz I thought they don't get enough execise normally, so they couldn't even run much. However they were so good enough to play with. Especially, Dad's team was fantastic!! I didn't ask all of them, but I'm pretty sure that they used to play pretty much when they were a kid. Obviously, they weren't a beginner as they showed off thier skills through the whole game, but as a result they ended up getting a draw by 5-5 as they presented with weakness and fatigue as the time went on.
On the other hand, mum's team against junior team was a really exciting game. In the first half, Mum's team dominated the whole field and got some scores with their powerful shots unless the kids they were playing against was only 5 or 6years old...

Anyway, it was a really good day and nice experience for me. After the session, we had lunch together beside the field with their lunch boxes which I had asked all of them to bring just one dish from their home that can bite like a finger food on a table.
There were heaps of Japanese stuffs on the table I love such as rice balls, Karaage and Sushi!! That was so yummy!!!!!!!!! It was the definitely happiest time in the day!!haha

Actually, I borrowed all of these ideas on a blog of the football academy in Sydney run by one of my friends, who is a japanese. As soon as I watched what he did in his academy like this, I felt like that it could make in my school as well. I come up something new idea, I try to put into practice in any situations sooner or later. This time, I could make this event with much success fortunately, but I couldn't organize all stuffs for the success alone, naturally I needed someone's help and everybody helped me a lot cuz All attendances hoped that wanted to have fun in a beautiful sunshine.

Yeah, That was a great day for everone joined for sure. If you do your best all the time, everything will usually fall into right place for you.



 当日までは、あまり乗り気でなかったお母さん達も、いざ自分達の子どもと同じフィールドに立つと真剣のそのもの。相手は5,6才の子どもだというのに、本気でボールを取ったり、シュートを打ったり・・・。あるお母さんは「日ごろの子どもへの鬱憤を晴らせました!」とおっしゃってました。笑 「ワー、キャー」いいながらも気持ちの良い汗をかいてくれたんじゃないかなぁ。



Chatham Cup Third round

2011-07-04 00:45:15 | Soccer/football
Hi, my team at cup tournament pulled off another victory in the trid round last weekend. We struggled in the first half which is 1-0 up unless we made so many chances to score, and they attacked us with a sharp counter-attack and endangered the advantage last 15 minutes before half-time. But we could get the nerve back slowly in the second half and we ended up finishing the game off with a safety lead which is 5-0 win.

By the way, I had a good news about my injury. I'll join the team's training session on Tuesday. This will be the first training since I had an absence from it due to the injury. Actually, I'm still not 100% shape now, but I think I'll be able to train lightly and increase the intensity slowly.



Sick of a frosty night!!!!

2011-07-01 23:24:25 | Diary

Hi, guys??

How humid is it in Japan now?? It must be very high and so hot everywhere!! I love summer anyway, so I don't mind no matter how hot is the place where I am, but it's a different story about winter. Now, here in NZ, onset of a full-fledged winter has approached gradually or it might be already come over here. Anyway it's freezing all day!! Especially, every night hit me some frosty breezes through all part of walls of my room!! In addition, There is a combination of frost, fog, now drizzle and sometimes hail.

This is the hardest country to live out in my life...

I knew New Zealand would be colder than Australia where I used to be before came here, but I didn't think it would be a bit colder than Japan. Actually I haven't experienced the winter in Japan last 3 years as I was oversea while it's in winter. It wasn't the winter seasonwhen even when I went back to Japan last year fortunately. so I can't be a strong immune for cold. I alway belong with a hot-water bottle what we called 'Yutanpo' in Japanese. I read the news that Yutanpo was a so popular item among people who have the sensitivity to the cold. This will be a must item for me through the winter.

Hey, Could anyone send me a Kotatsu from Japan?? I need it right now!!!



 なんか日本では湯たんぽが流行ってたみたいやけど、おれも即座に入手、常に足元に厳戒態勢を敷き、耐え忍んでおります。笑 ヒーターも買おうかな・・・。つかなによろコタツが欲しい!!誰か送ってくれぇ!!!!
