Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Coaching for the NDSL select.

2017-06-29 22:07:16 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

Yesterday, I went to see the training session of the select side from North Dublin Schoolboys League U15. A friend of mine has been involved with the team as a member of coaching staff, so he invited me to his session for the boys last night.

I made a quick intruduction of myself to the boys before the training started. And I myself partially jumped in some drills and give them some advices with good demonstrations.

As a matter of course, I made no mistake during the session and got to show a sense of pride as a former pro. haha   But as a coach, I should have talked up a bit more to the players and give advices and positive remarks. 

I am an Asian who came from the far East. I understand that they cast strange and skeptic eye on me in an early stage. So I made an approach that kind of brandished my skills at each drill to show them what I have with a ball. I think it worked.

It was only one training session, but also it would help me develop as a coach. Everything I experienced yesterday was new to me and was inspiring!!

Dont be afraid of making mistakes and being embarrassed!!


 昨日、North Dublin Schoolboys Leagueというダブリン北部で展開しているリーグ戦の選抜チームの指導に招かれて行ってきました。Shamrock Roversというアイルランドのプロクラブのジュニア世代を指導しているAlanがマネージャーをしているという事で、その繋がりで一度見に来ないか?と。


 最後の試合形式でも少し中に入ってプレー。ちょっと余裕こいてたら何度かボールを突かれて恥ずかしかった。笑 ちょっと14歳のレベルを舐めてました。申し訳ない。




2017/06/15 Sat class and NDSL U15.

2017-06-16 01:12:09 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

I will keep posting on my coaching things time to time for my note. 

Today, I went for a coaching session with the U9 team of Terenure Rangers at 615. We have two groups training at the same time. I usually look after the SAT group of them(kind of the second team) and the other coach look after the SUN group.

Basically, the kids in the SAT group are not coachable at all. So I need to put more importance on teaching how fun the football is rather than teaching football technics and skills. I do so when I coach the kids in the Sunday group, though. We sometimes switch the roles each other to teach the other team for the day。It's kind of for a change for us and kids need some fresh air from the different coach. 

Today, We started off with a warm-up, followed by a shooting game  and 1 on 1. Of course  we wrapped up with a match. But A huge mess happened towards the end of the match. A goalie in one team was always kicking the ball ramdomly for the goal kick and gave it away to the other team in front of the goal, so the other team kept scoring after some easy interceptions from his goal kick. And his teammates started blaming him for his reckless goal kick attempts... That made him throw a fit and he kicked the ball hard to a boy in the other team. I think it wasn't on purpose hitting him, but unfortunately it hit his penis and fell flat on the ground and started crying big time!! And then everyone started blaming him for the act.  He ended up saying that I don't want to come to training any more.. 

After the session, I had to explain what was going on during the game to his mom. But I think I could've done better for the case before it got out of my hand. To be honest, I should've cut off the match and teach him where he should kick the ball to and how risky it would be after kicking the ball right in the middle area from goal kick. At least I could've averted it if I had done that.

It was a lesson to learn!! 





 その後、U15の試合を視察。そこのチームのコーチが知人なので、見に来て感想を聞かせてほしいと。そこの統括がScotland Premier leagueのGlasgo Rangers FCのアカデミー統括をしていた方で、今はアイルランドのアカデミーをみているとのこと。紹介してもらい、自分の将来のやりたい事に興味を持ってくれ、コーチとしてやらないかと誘いを受けた。願ってもないことなので、これから話が広がっていけばと思います。

 試合の方は、選手は一応NDSL(North Dublin Schoolboy League)というリーグの選抜チームみたいだけど、レベル的にはまだまだ。縦に急ぎすぎ、難しい選択肢で一発狙いが多い、ワンタッチ目の質の悪さ、ポジショニング、バスの受け方など個人としてもチームとしても課題がたくさん。試合に入りきれず、戦えていない選手も多々。自信の部分が本当に左右するサッカーはメンタルスポーツだと改めて気づかせてくれた。後は選手達に自分がそうであったように、特徴のない器用貧乏な選手にはなってほしくない。これから練習を見て、一緒に成長していければと思います。