Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 6(第6節)vs Rochedale Rovers

2010-03-31 12:28:12 | Soccer/football
Good afternoon, everyone.

Round6 at Beenleigh(our home game), Score 1-8 loss.

It's really embarrasing result. I felt like going back to last season after the game.
Anyway I couldn't believe this result and gap as a team between our team and Rochedale Rovers. I knew it would be so tough game for us from before game because no team had beaten them so far when the game started. Obviously there is a huge gap of everything as a individual and also team. I hate to admit it, but yeah, I felt so when I was watching the game from bench outside.

And what a playmaker for our team, who is from England left the team before game is crucial miscalculation for us. He was one of the most essential player of our team, so lacking of his presence gave us some big problems on the field.
At first, we couldn't control a ball in middle area and was dominated the game easily by opponent.

Personally, the coach sent me on the pitch at 10 mins left of the game. I couldn't touch the ball too much, but I did my best at that time. When I came in the pitch, the score has already 1-7, so all our side looked like dropping out the game. No one tried to attack to the other side...

That's alright. I'm still alive. I never give up until hear the final whistle every game.  







Itchy eczema

2010-03-27 00:07:35 | Diary
SO ITCHY, men!!

I've never got like that before, anyway I've had an eczema such as hives on my left shoulder. I don't know what happened to me. I don't think I got some allergy product these days, actually I don't have any allergy from food.
I don't really what did I get from... I'm really wondering what cause it is...

Anyway I've had many red small eczemas on just left shoulder, so I'm dying for scratching them, but I know I shouldn't touch them because it's getting worse.
Now I've not gone to any infirmary yet because it has been just a couple days since I got them. I'm just counting on my curing ability at the moment...

To be honest, I don't just wanna go and see a doctor, I just hate it.

If it doesn't cure in a week, I have to think of it seriously. Anyway I'll keep my eye on it in next week.

If anyone has a advise for it, please let me know as soon as you can, I'll welcome to any advises.







Round 5 (第5節) vs Eastern Suburbs

2010-03-22 17:37:35 | Soccer/football
Hi, how are you, mates!!

Are you sick and tired of my blog entries? Do you want me to write on anything else other than soccer??

Anyway, match of this weekend, We failed to win the game with a 1-2 loss against Eastern Suburbs. We are losing 2 games in a low at the momnet, moreover next round's coming up soon against Premier league table leader.

Personally, I joined the training this week properly, and I think preparerd for the game of weekend, but I didn't come in on the pitch for top side game. the coach, Beenleigh left me on the bench all the while game.
While I was on the bench at the game, I was thinking og a lot of things to do on the pitch how appeal is most effenctive for team and coaches, and I was waiting for the time to play, but unfortunately it didn't come to the end.

Actually I was really depressed the moment the final whistle went. Lots of things went through my head, but I could change my mind for next game immediately. I felt I got wise and mature a bit through experiences.

When it comes to the game, we got a first goal in the game, and we were leading 1-0 until the extra time of first half, but in additional time, our goal keeper mage a unbeliabable mistake such as giving the goal as a free gift. It was a terrible miss kick.
And then second half, naturally they got a momentum to dominate the second half, then we gave a victory goal to them in 75 minutes.

It was unstoppable momentum for us, but we had to win over 1-0. I thought we missed a 3 points.
But now we have to be patience to get a successful season. I don't wanna be relegated any more.












2010-03-18 21:51:04 | Diary
What if you have been in unhappy days for a whole week. How do you fix up when a lot of massive problems continue to happen in few days??

Can you change your mind positively? If you can so, How?

I've already pushed the botton of my mind to change an emotion. anyway I got many problems and some troubles happen to me last week.

At first, I lost my wallet on last Monday, maybe I left it on a table outside of SUBWAY, which is kind of fast food shop after had lunch there. In maybe 5 minutes, I realized it, but it was too late. When I got back to there, the wallet had been stolen by someone else.

And the next day, My mobile phone was fully broken due to maybe heavy rain. At that day, I went to a soccer field near my house to do a run a bit, and it suddenly rained heavily, when I started running.
But I didn't stop running at that time, because I had already concentrated on it, so I didn't care no matter how much rain I got.
I always clock up with a function of my mobile. It's stop watch. I think currently the function is equiped all mobiles.

Anyway something wrong with my phone cuz I clocked up with it in rain.

Moreover I got a lot of work to do last week, so I couldn't join the training of my team. That's why I couldn't commit a game held on last weekend... I couldn't help it, but I was dissapointed at that moment.

And the next day I joined a friendly game with my friend to make it up because I couldn't play the day before, so somehow I wanted to play somewhere as soon as possible.
But.... I got a accident again, I got a vicious tackle in penalty box, and then I didn't stop playing at that time because I thought it would be alright and I didn't feel any pain to play, but after the game, I felt a intense pain in my right knee, to be exact, it was a bruise above the knee.
it's still swelling now, but I intend to play for tomorrow's game.

I don't wanna miss a chance any more.

Even if thing aroud you are not going well as you think, you don't have to think them over. You have to keep thinking positively and don't look back, just look forward, step forward.
And I believe the strugling days you experienced will turn some funny stories for you someday.


 まずは月曜、財布なくしました!!笑 しかも現金も結構入ってて、おまけに銀行のカードやら免許証なんかもなくしてしまって大変。









Round 4 (第4節) vs Pine Hills

2010-03-16 09:50:29 | Soccer/football
Hi, mates!!

Last week was the unhappiest days for me. I'll write about it maybe next time.

Ok, let's talk about the game of last weekend. When it comes to the result, we were beaten 3-5, and I couldn't come into the pitch even one second because I didn't go to training last weekend due to some unhappy issues around me.
I know I just use them as an excuse...

Anyway, I thought I lost a credit from the coach at that time, so I've filled with a sense of crisis that I wonder the coach doesn't need me anymore.
But I dont wanna be negative, just keep going!!

I watched the whole game outside as a spectator, and I felt our team looked so tired before game, I don't know why, I guessed they couldn't adjust themselvesm it means they should have set more their sights and get in shapes for this important game.

We need to control the amount of training especially the day before game.

Moreover I've concerned about our defenssive organization because we've got lose many goals in a game, I think our defensive system was fully broken in pieces.
we gave the other 5 goals in last game and 3 goals two weeks ago.

It's a big problem, we need to talk about it seriously in trainig and change something.

But we've just started new season, we have a lot of chances to come back!!

Be positive!!









differnces between Japan and Australia soccer

2010-03-06 10:24:16 | Soccer/football
How are you, everybody?

The game in this weekend was postponed by extreme weather, so I suddenly got free.
That's why I'll write what I've wanted to write for a long time. It's about the clear differences between Japan and Australia soccer on the pitch.

What do you reckon of that?? Do you have any answer on that?

I think anybody has a different opinion in this case. And this time I won't pick up about physical, humanity, or communication so on, which can judge as a part of superficial matters. What I want to take up for discussion is about soccer style between them.
I've played for a half and 2 years so far, and one day I could realized a big difference. It's a really important thing for import player to play oversea, I think it's common point for us.
It's a skill not to lose a ball when you play. If you lose a ball in your attaking zone even one time, you won't come a next chance unless you do barrage of super-play.

In Japan, some coach says, 'do challenge!! never mind even if you get a mistake or lose a ball', but in Australia, I've never seen coaches like that.
Apparently, Aussie style gives us off more a negative vibe, but actually not so because they sometimes tell us to do challenge like 'Take him on!!'.
But they think over a timing and situation to challenge before do that.













Bang into a curb!!!

2010-03-03 20:23:45 | Diary
Hi, mates!!

I just wonder How long on earth it's going to rain... Currently Brisbane city has been hit by heavy rain during the week, it makes me so hard to go out to somewhere even workplace because I don't have a car. Unfortunately there's no transport to the work-place from my house, so I have to go to there by push-bike in the heavy rain every morning. I think it's about time to catch a cold or something bad ill.

Anyway, two days ago I was slipped on a slippy road on the way when I was running lightly on the rainy day by bycicle as usual. I mean, I couldnt stop well at a corner when I tried to take a turn because of in slippy situation, so the brake wasn't working well and then I banged into a curb at the corner, moreover I hit a used car in a car shop behind the curb.

The moment I run away as fast as possible!! I thought I would be caught by someone who works in there and be made up for it.

At that day I was really tired before went to work. And end of the day I went to a bycicle shop to fix my bike because rear tyre got flat the moment hit into the curb. it costs me 15 dollars, it was unnecessary expense.

I should have been more careful...

I might have been so lucky not to get any injuries at that time...









The guest

2010-03-01 18:32:35 | Soccer/football
Hi, are you fine?

Couple weeks ago, the person who interested in what I've done in Australia came to see me to Australia. He seems to visit my blog time to time and he often leaves a message for me on the blog.

And while in Australia on his business, he came to watch a game I played.

He happened to come to Australia, but I was really glad to see him because I didn't think someone like him would come and get know someone interested in me through this blog.

I've already written further details on him on the other blog here, which written in only Japanese unfortunately.

If you don't mind, please come to visit it and leave your message for me.





