Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Shaping up!!

2013-10-24 00:49:43 | Diary

 Hi, guys. 

 It's been a month since I started hitting a gym. And also I've been putting on weight little by little in a good way. Ever since I first left Japan to Australia in 2008, I've gained 4 or 5kg in total. Actually I used to weigh up to 72kg which was the heaviest weight in my life. At that time, I was soooo unfit, and I always felt like playing with some dumbbells o my body. I was really slow, played shit. It all had come from the constant imtemprance about a food diet and a nonsense approach to football.  After few years, my weight was wandering around at between 65 and 66kg during this season despite it was at 68kg before the season. 

 At the moment, I try to maintain the way pro-athlete does in the off-season based on advices from my friends who were athletes before. decent food, enough sleep in right time and intense trainings make a sturdy body that I've never had before. 

My weight has come up to 69 constantly, and it dropped to 68kg after every gym session that makes me feel like it's the best weight to me ever. 

 To be honest, I've never had a consistent gym training like now before, so I'm not worried what I've done now, but I'm a bit wondering what will happen to myself by the end of this year.

 I hope I've put the efforts on the right track, though!! 








African competition

2013-10-19 19:30:08 | Soccer/football

 Hi, everyone.

 Last weekend, I was asked by a former teammate to play for his team named for Ghana. All members of the team has its heritage but myself. The league is so called African nation's cup tournament in which 12 teams(all african teams) in total has been playing for over 3 months every year.

 There were sprinkling of whites playing out there, but I didn't see any asians there at all. I was the only one asian who creeped into the field and play with all africans. haha 

 To tell the truth, I don't like to play with these types of people as they are so rough on the pitch!! I very much feel the disadvantage of physical ability agaist their natural power. They are generally so fast and strong way above the average of asians. 

 As anticipated, I got smashed by the defender who faced me in the game. He came from behind and smashed me as soon as I got to the ball in the middle area. We never call it a good challenge. It was just a stupid and dangerous tackle!! And the next moment I realized that my whole body was off the ground, and hit the ground headfirst. I had the biggest concussion I've never had before, and felt that the brain still shook with no sense of balance, and my mouth started being numb.

 But the coach still urged me to go back to the pitch despite I frowed on it!!

 Luckily, I felt the condition had eased up after few minites, and he still looked like he wanted to send me back, so I did and play to the end.

 We couldn't win the game in the end, but I really enjoyed it with full of intensity in the game. I loved it. And I have to be skilled in full of physical contacts and collisions on the pitch through the game like this.







 そこでグラウンドの外に出て、監督が一言、「いけるだろ?」。 「・・・無理っぽい」と答えたのに、1分後にまた来て、「どうだ?いけるだろ?」、「わかった」と結局また2,3分して戻りました。危険ですよねぇ。荒れたピッチで何度も蹴られたし試合後は痛いところだらけ。けど楽しいんだわ。



The art of misdirection - Apollo Robbins -

2013-10-11 11:52:34 | Diary


- Attention -

 Attention Please!! haha

This talk at TED is all about one's attention. I could paraphrase it in some similar words to it like one's perception or one's detection. Those senses as a human being can be the defference from others, and of course they are a very important power to survive in your oversea life.

Hailed as the greatest pickpocket in the world, Apollo Robbins studies the quirks of human behavior as he steals your watch. In a hilarious demonstration, Robbins samples the buffet of the TEDGlobal 2013 audience, showing how the flaws in our perception make it possible to swipe a wallet and leave it on its owner’s shoulder while they remain clueless.

Apollo Robbins will take the phone from your pocket and the ring off your finger, then hand them back to you and (maybe) show you how he did it.

I'm pretty sure that I'd have been the one swiped all my valuales if I had been on the stage too.








Queensland tennis center

2013-10-06 22:09:20 | Australia


 Hi, guys.

 Yesterday, I went to play tennis with my mates for change. It was my second time to play tennis in my life. Actually my first time was more than 15 years ago, I can't literally remember exactly when it was.. anyway long time ago.

 We headed off to the Queenland tennis center, which has the biggest and most perfect facility in the state. It also has a WTA tour tournament called Brisbane open every January just few weeks before Australian open held in Melborne. I've heard that Roger Federer seems to be going to make his first appearance in the tournament next year. 

 By the way, I myself played absolutely shit!! I couldn't even hit the ball back to the other court properly. In addition, The guys I played with were well-experienced in tennis. I hadn't ever grasped any racket since when I was little. But the stupid thing was that I was seriously thinking that I could compete with them, and I could beat them too!! But it did never happen, though...

 Anyway, that was so fun moment, and helping me to get rid of stresses that I get from outside world. I might be into it, and I want to play better!!

 Surprisingly, there are more than 25 courts with all kinds of surface such as grass, clay and hard court. We played on a hard court this time, but you can hire any court even could hire the center court that cost you about 5 times as much as a hard court. And also with an empty stadium atmosphere. haha

 Anyway, Thanks Kiwi and George!! 












Police Cup

2013-10-03 01:12:34 | Soccer/football

 Hi, how's goin??

 I took part in a huge competition last Sunday called 'Police Cup' implying a multicutural football competition in Brissy. It's an annual comp, apprently. As you know, Australia has been composed of a number of multicultural communities and refugees. And also some local football clubs here still have the root of  where they are from. It seems like dying away as the time goes on, but it's a very interesting part of Australia comparing to my country cuz we don't have that culture.

 So, this competition was made up of 64 teams having a original root of each team, and played over the last two weekends. It was such a big comp!!

 I myself played for three diffrent teams over the comp. In the first weekend, I joined the team Japan, who was one of the favorites to win the comp as they were runners-up last year. We fought three game on the day in the qualifiers, and smashed all of the matches!! Great start!!

 But, I didn't play for them in the second week, which was the knock-out round to decide the champions as they had already had heaps of players who were keen to play, so I played for Vietnam and Afgans, whom friends of mine had been playing there. I couldn't get the result with Vietnam, but we made it to the final with Afgans after beating three matches in a row, so the game in the final was the forth game for the both teams on the day...

 And... We won it!! Yes!!!

 That was a soooooo long and hectic day with so much fun. We ended up holding up the trophy at the end of the day, so that drove away the fatigue out of my bod.

 However, my hamstrings in both legs are still something funny though... 



 先週の日曜日にあるサッカーの大会に参加してきました。police cupといって、異文化コミュニティ対抗戦って日本語ではなるのかな?Multicutural competitionと英語では表記されてました。要するに、色んな移民達が一緒の街に住んでいるオーストラリア。もちろん、それぞれの国のルーツを持っています。






Brisbane festival

2013-10-01 12:13:23 | Australia


 Hi, guys.

 There was the biggest festival called Brisbane festival in the state of Queensland the other day. It last over about twe weeks, apparently. I actually didn't know about it at all in spite of having been here for ages. I happened to be there on the last day of the festival. And luckily, I could watch the big fireworks display at the site which was so beatiful. I've been many fireworks event in Japan before, but here was not like the ones I've watched before. Thousands of fireworks was shot on the roof of the skyscrappers in Brisbane city.

 In the afternoon, there was a show of stealth jets in the sky over the town. When it started, it sounded like a huge earth rumbling!! I really thought that some terrorist showed up and tried to crashed the high building in town like 9/11 attacks in NY, America. I was completely reminded of that at that moment. I was totally freaked out as I didn't know the show coming up!!

 On another note, there were so many events and performance show in many areas throughout the venue. I didn't actually go inside... yea, i know I should've.. I didn't want to get involved in the huge crowd!!

 Next year?? Maybe...





