Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Negara Brunei Darussalam 1

2014-09-29 23:47:56 | Asian Football Life

 Hi, guys.

 It was a couple years ago, but I've never written about it. I went to Brunei in 2012. I still remember clearly about the days. That was the year I played in India. I went back to Japan once right after the season out there, and I booked a flight to knock about Southeast asia for the first time to find a team I could play for. I visited few countries, then I landed in Brunei. 

 To be honest, I was a bit freaked out when I got to immigration checks as I had no knowledge about the country but the entry visa. But nothing happened, I could just go through uneventfully. I grabbed a taxi just outside of the airport, and asked him to take me to the cheapest inn. Of course, I got ripped off by the taxi driver as always in Southeast asia. Lol You better brace yourself for it when you travel in those countries. 

 Finally, I started looking for teams in Brunei with a glimmer of hope. I found out that the domestic pro-league still exists and has been run every year that starts from December. I was in July, though...

 Anyway, I felt that the country was so safe and rich with full of everlasting resources such as natural gas and oil. The country is a kingdom. So there is a king, who introduce the absolute monarchy to rule it. To be surprised, They had been conquered by Japan right up until we surrendered at Second World War in 1945. Moreover, There are no tax on every single item to be purchased, no charge for education and medical care.

 And the big mosque called new mosque symbolizes it. It was erected by the king in an outrageous cost, which was 5 billion US dollars came out of his pocket. CRAZY!!!









Grand finals for U13 girls.

2014-09-24 23:27:32 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 I've been training with a girl as a private coach. She's only 13, half Jap and Aus, grew up in Brisbane. Her attiture and motivation towards soccer are impressive. I'm overwhelmed. She's been playing for a very good team in Brisbane, and Her team made through a tough season to the regional finals the other day. I went to watch her play for the first time. 

 She was being so nervous on the way to the park in the morning. But when she came on the field, it seemed like being completely blown away and played in a relaxed state. The result came to 3-1 win in the end. And she seized two shiny gold medals at the presentation right after the game. I was so jealous of her draping them around her neck as I got a silver one after failing a penalty shot.

 Anyway, it was a fantastic moment to see her work really hard on the pitch and it was paid off. And I will be able to refer to her performance when I coach her from next. 

 I really proud of you, Mia!! And I was so pleased that I've got involved in super-fast growth as a footballer.  Congrat!!




 周りの親御さんも熱気に溢れた応援で素晴らしい雰囲気。アンダー13というカテゴリーにも関わらず、フィールドは大人と同じ、そして見事な天然芝での30分ハーフ。日本でこんな環境ありえません。彼女も、スタメンではなかったものの、交代は何度でもありのようで、前半の内に出場し、試合終了までピッチでプレーしてくれました。リーグ制覇とプレーオフ制覇の2冠で2つの立派な金メダルを首にかけて記念撮影。(上の写真の上段向かって左から2番目) 僕は先日PKを外し銀メダルだったのでうらやましかった・・。 



Grand finals!!

2014-09-20 22:42:46 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

 As I mentioned before, there was the grand finals of the competition this Friday. To be honest, I don't want to write about it seriously cuz one of the worst things in my life happened to me at the end of the game.

 First of all, let me trace a quick path through till the shocking incident happened. I came back all the way from Japan on 12th of this month, and there was our semi-final on the next day, so I went to support the team. We went through to the finals with a dramatic victory on the day, and we shared the joy of the moment one another. 

 the following week, we had the last training session of the season on 17th as a preparation for the finals on 19th. However, I wasn't sure whether I would get a chance to play in the finals at this stage as I just came back and also missed almost the second season of the season and semi-final. Generally speaking, you are not allowed to be in the squads unless you played sensational when you were in the team. Honestly, I didn't think I had played so well to help the team.

 But I brought my boots on the game day with bit of hope cuz I was told so by the coach, just in case. I didn't know he'd need to put a fitness test on two players in the squads to test if they were ready for the game. The result was one passed and one failed. For good or bad, I could get in at the last minute!!

 The game was so tense until last minute. We were down 1-0 in the first half, and came back in the early second half. As time went on, they controlled the game, and created some chances to score the winner. Then, I was called up and get substituted on. The game was much more intense than it looked. I had two big chances to became a hero, but missed the both!! The game went to on pens, and I was named on 6th. I did never think it'd come around to me, but...... it happened with the worst scenario...

 You better check out the video attached on the top, then you will see how it ended up.....  can't still get it off my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FU%#$K!!












2014-09-15 18:52:51 | Soccer/football


 What a game with a dramatic scenario!! I was so happy to see them win and advance to the finals. 

 Yesterday, I went to watch the semis of my team here. We were down 2-0 until the last 15mins of the game, but came back from behind and somehow leveled the game at the last minute. We made it through the tough extra time to penalties and cut it with an unbelieveable result.

 I might be able to have a chance to play in the finals, but not sure wheather everybody allows me to take a big bite. Lol

 I will do my best as I get the chance. This is a great opportunity to hold up my first trophy in Australia. dont wanna miss it!!






At Narita airport

2014-09-11 19:05:04 | Diary

 Hi, guys. 

 I'm at Narita airport in Tokyo for the first time at the moment to transfer a flight to Gold Coast. I thought there was a direct flight from Kansai airport where is located in my hometown to GC, but it turned out that there was no nonstop flights any more but from Tokyo. What a mess, shit!!!

 Anyway, the main reason I'm going back to AUS this time is to support the players from Japan. I have already had some clients, who are suppose to come and play in Brisbane. And the job I will do for them is to help them find the best team for each player. 

 I myself not gonna play in 2015 season, so I will be able to concentrate on the job until the season starts. As soon as the season launchs, I intend to go back to Southeast Asia to play. I've already narrowed down the options where to go. I haven't finalized it yet, though. 

 By the way, I predicted the Narita airport must be much bigger than KLX, but it's not. It seems no different than that. But there are two terminals, apparently. Where I am not is in the second terminal, so the first one would be way bigger?  I can't be bothered to walk all around the airport, though, maybe next time haha

 See you next time from AUS!! bye!!









The best speech

2014-09-05 11:57:08 | Words 言葉の力



 An exceptional speech makes you speechless and leads you to his world unconditionally.

 This is the one: the final cut of a movie called the Great Dictator directed and acted by Charles Chaplin in 1940 was used in a commecial clip in Japan.

 The moment I watched it, it was a commerial short movie and I got freezed and couldn't skip this on Youtube. The conbination of the level of his tone, volume and his quality voice were perfect for me. It was too easy to understand that most say this speech is the best.



