Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My last game of the season??

2012-05-26 15:02:54 | Soccer/football




 Hi, there!!


 We had a friendly game the other day against our second team for the first time in ages. Indeed, I haven't known about my team even now. Apparently, our team has two different teams which play in each different league. Besides, I've seen a couple of Nigerian players playing for the other team. I still have no idea how the team is composed and what league they are in to play for.


 Anyway, I was so eager to play a game and so hungry for scoring goals too!! It didn't really matter to me how good and bad opponents are. No matter who they are, I just want to work off some excess energy of mine that caused me much stress.

 As a result, I scored a brace in that game, but I should've scored at least 5 goals actually... I feel like that I've got much more stress and frustration after all..


 On my schedule, I'm suppose to leave here to Australia on next Monday, but I don't forget that where I am is India where anything making way worse could happen at any moment. I need to be aware of it.

 If everything goes well and get out of India safely, I will come by Brisbane for 2 weeks, then I'm going home in Japan. Do you know what event would come on 12th of June? It's the day of the massive game for both sides Japan and Australia on the way to Brazil W-cup!! They are going to crash one another at Suncorp stadium In Brissy. I've already had a ticket for it to watch at there!! I can't wait the day!!









 まぁ試合への欲求が今までにないくらい高かったから、ストレス発散といきたかったけど、なんせ外す、外す。右サイドで後半だけでたけど、5点くらい決めれた、のに2点・・・。逆にストレス溜まる。あーぁ、もっかいしたい。と思ったら明日も試合でした↑ 反省と修正の繰り返し!!










First season in India has been done!!

2012-05-24 18:40:47 | Diary



Hi, how are you, guys.


 On last Christmas, it arguably makes people happy. However, I accidentally arrived at India for the first time in my entire life on that day. It has been for 5 months ever since except the 10 days that I had been back to Japan for a visa issue. I have actually been for last 5 months with such incredible experiences which I have never tasted before. Basically, it was overly a tough challenge for me to live with it, but I could say that it was a precious time which is less likely to happen as long as not living in India.

 I maybe believe I wouldn't think positively of all of negative things that happened to me in the past, if I didn't jump out of Japan just 4 years ago. I have learnt and experienced a lot in the oversea life that most of the experiences  weren't optimistic to me. That's how I grew up mentally. This is my only one I could proud of myself to everyone.


 'Only the people who had been in the most problematic time have rights to be the happiest human beings after all'. Thee are one of my favorite words. I hope I wanna turn this words into reality through myself. I always write down on a note when I run into an impressive words somewhere. good words and phrases usually cheer me up and on too facing on a difficulty or hardship.


 I have had both a negative thing and a positive thing in the last 5 months out here so far. The negative thing was that we could't make it through the final phase in the most important tournament through the season. If we had made it, we would have had another 12 intense games that would brush me up much as a player. I myself was just struggling every single day to get on well with my new team because I just popped into the team in the middle of the season straight after 10 days back to Japan. The coach and executive manager were probably expecting me to help the team in the final phase of the tournament. So we were totally messed up!! That big defeat at the early stage was obviously the last thing we had predicted before the tournament.


 On the other hand, I've found out a positive thing as well. After leaving the tournament, I was beginning to get used to the new circumstances here which was perticularly the heat uniqur to India. After all, I'm pretty sure that I had showed the best performance in the team in each game. So I'm so sorry that we couldn't make it through the first round of it.


 I think there are a lot of gaffes abd repentances in everyone's lifetime. However, only a  few people try to get over it. If you don't even try it, what would be left behind you?? maybe nothing there. People who make successful stories perhaps learn something from mistakes that made in the past and make the most of it for the future not to repeat the same mistakes. I strongly believe I can be the one of them for sure. no, I have to be!!























Pay attention

2012-05-21 20:24:19 | Words 言葉の力

If you wanna be somebody...



I haven't updated on this category of my blog which is 'word' category recently.


 I've found an impressive words on the lyrics of 'Pay attention' in the film of 'Sister's act 2'.

 As a matter of course, Every English song has a story as well as Japanese ones. I guess most of Japanese people like English songs as well as Japanese ones too, and listen to it almost every day, but I don't think those people look at even the lyrics as they don't understand English. In other words, people don't try to understand the story of the songs.

 well, maybe you now came up a guestion why and how Japanese likes English songs despite they don't even see the lyrics. you know why?? because they listen with just its tempo and stream.




"If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention"


 These are great words I picked out of the song of Pay attention which is my favorite. Great words, isn't it??





"If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention"







 この前みた「Sister's act 2」(邦題:天使にラブソングを2)という映画の「pay attention」という歌の歌詞がとても印象的な言葉があった。曲自体はこの映画の為に作られたものみたい。






Fifth year!! (海外生活5年目)

2012-05-20 20:22:49 | Diary

Hi, guys. How are you getting up to??


It has been four years since my reckless challenge jumped off at Australia at first. In the meanwhile, I had been in Japan for only a half and two months. To be honest, the small part of my lifetime was not too easy to walk along. The last four years was obviously fraught with full of complications and vicissitudes that make me down. I am sometimes just wondering why I'm still marching down on a tough road.


 Before took off Japan just 4 years ago from now, actually I was drawing out on a white canvas in my mind with my wish on what I would be after 4 years, but now I'm not actually what I expected I would be at that time.

 I know how I failed. It's not actually a mere failure. I mean, I was just thinking poorly and easily about my future. I was just ignorant of the ways of the world. That's why I could make a reckless dream at that time. So I'm just paying off the indolence after all. It indicates where I'm standing right now.


 By the way, I'm flying out to Japan via Australia in no time. It would be around early June if everything goes well. However, it's not just a fun time while being back in Japan. The longer I'm away Japan, the more I feel uneasy as I have clearly been out of date about everything Japan. Frankly speaking, I don't immediately come to mind who the current Japanese prime minister is. This seems like a kinda sick, isn't it??


 In Japan, when I hang out with mates, and pick out something latest and hot news to talk, but I can't catch up on most of those ones, and then it feels like that I'm out of place!!

 When I came back to Japan about two years ago after a hald and two years, I happened to watch a Japanese music TV show at home. I'm not sure it's still on air every Sat night, but anyway it was very popular show for teens then and I also liked it. The show shows the latest ranking of the week from top 100 to 1 with each music video and the singer's message to viewers. But I had never seen and heard most of the singers who came out on the ranking unluckily..... In the next moment, I just turned it off and went to bed immediately with full of sadness...


 Anyway, it's not too much to say that Football is my life at the moment, but I'm just thinking that only playing is not all I do for my entire life. I mean, as a matter of course, I need to focus on every training session and game with my 100% intensity or maybe more than that, bur in fact, the duration which I'm stuck in the training session everyday is only 2 hours a day. I have still a lot of time to do something else if  I'm keen. What I am trying to say here is that I'd better think more about those times except the training time, and I believe it's going to be an enormous gap to sepatate me from the rest who did nothing but football after the retirement,


 Either way, I will keep working hard more than last 4 years and achieve my goals!!







 よく考えてみると、大学4年間が終わって、次の4年間で日本にいたのは2か月半くらい。それまでの22年間で日本にいなかったのは経った2か月ちょっとなのに。笑 正直、「紆余曲折」という言葉がピッタリなくらい苦難の連続。自分でもまだ続けていられるのが不思議なくらいに。















unique to India

2012-05-15 19:57:19 | Diary

 Hi, there!!


 As you have expected, India is very unique country. Their language is quite unique as well since they can hardly communicate with one another in some cases despite living in the same country.

 Frankly speaking,  as you know there are heaps of people who have different backgrounds from others such as their traditions and religions. Because of that, so many different languages have been used out here. I think it's not just dialects which Englich has like Scottish and Aussie English something like that. It seems to be an independent language and it exists at every province. That's why an unique situation comes up amongst Indians that can't make a proper conversation as I said before.


 To mention only a few, I live in a small town named Shillong where has Khasi language. And a big city, Kolkata has Bengali. Mumbai has Hindi so on... English is onle second language for Indians to connect with people all around in India. So most of them could speak English very well with the particular accent here, but a minority of them can't speak it at all. On the other hand, some of them can speak more than 5 domestic languages...


 The coaches and most of team staffs also use English when they talk something to the players. In the beginning, their strong accent was a bit my concern to understand what they say, but it's ok now. I've got used to it, and I might have caught it as well.. Japanese also has really strong one as well, so I shouldn't brag of it any more.. haha


 One of my best mates in my team is not good as English either. He is from Kolkata city, and the only one he can speak is Bengali, so he seems to try not to talk with the team mates who came from different states. To put it on right words, he can't make a conversation if he would try to understand them.

 Honestly, he is a very good friend of mine, but I sometimes feel like he maybe doesn't understand what I try to say in some cases, but he always nots after I say something, but I know it's pretense for sure. That's why he sometimes murmurs like he should've studied more seriously in the school days. Unfortunately, it's too late.. though.


 By the way, I could go back to Japan in sometime next week if God gives me a luck. As soon as it's decided when, I will let you know by writting on this blog. I can't wait to get back!!!!!!!!!







 例えば、自分がいる地域はカシー語という言語が存在する、隣のコルカタなどがある地域は主にベンガル語、もっと北にいけばネパール語、 首都のデリーはヒンディー語などなど挙げればキリがない。そしてインド全体の第2言語としてあるのが英語となる。たいがいのインド人は英語を流暢に話すことができるけど、中には英語も話せず、自分が生まれた地域の言葉しか話せないインド人もいる一方で、一人で5つも6つも言語を操る達人みたいなインド人もいる。おもしろいよね。



 監督やコーチ、チームスタッフも、地元出身者であってもみなが理解できるように英語で指示をだす。英語が苦手な選手には、個別で違う言語を使って話してるところもよく目にする。インド人の英語はクセが強いけど、日本人のアクセントも人のことが言えないくらい強いからあまり大きなことはいえないけど。笑 でも、個人的にはそこまで聞き取りにくいとは感じない。「R」の発音も「L」の発音で話しても「はぁ?」ってオーストラリア人みたいに、聞き返してくることもないしね。その辺は東アジアの英語と似てるところ。


 自分が一番仲が良い選手はコルカタから来た選手で、ベンガル語しか話せない。自分と話すときはもちろん英語だけど、おぼつかない英語をなんとか汲み取って会話をしている。彼も英語は苦手とよくいってるし。笑 だからこの選手は、チーム内で特定の選手としか話さない。正しくは、話せないということかもしれない。「もっと勉強してればなぁ...」なんて笑いながら言ってたけど、あながち冗談ではないのかも。







With a Nigerian adorable boy

2012-05-12 17:43:33 | Diary

A Hi, mates!!


 How was the last entry written about the market here on the other day. It seems to have a bad reputation in the people who often visit my blog...  a bit bizarre pics, weren't they??


 By the way, the Nigerian striker got back to India and signed up on a contract for next year. He had been back to Nigeria since about 2 month ago as his wife were pregnant and was about to give a birth. And he finally came back to the team to rejoin with his family. 

  I didn't actually know anything about it that he would move into my house and bring his whole family and has two kids!!OMG!!  It had been so stirring and busy inside house since the night he moved in. So I got kicked out of the house and moved in the other house. I would rather living alone than living with someone, though..










 まさか家族連れで帰ってくるとは思ってなかったし、一気に家がにぎやかに!まぁ自分はその数日後に追い出されるような形で他の家に移ったけど。笑 まぁ一人で住む方がなにかと気が楽でええんやけど。


  He is only three years old, already so big!! He is obviously growing up way faster than asian kids for sure. Actually, he was overly aware of me. I tried to beckon him to come closer many times, but it was in vain. I'm really bad at being attached to me...




 However, he was beginning to change his mind to me, and showed me a big smail like that, wow!!




 a half hour later, look at the pic below!! We've already been a best friend!! Too easy for me to handle kids , haha!! but I might not like kids that much...

 30分後はこのとおり。最後はこっちが疲れて、寝てるフリして退散してもらいました。笑 あーぁ、子どもってかわいいけど、なんかまだちょっと苦手だわ・・・。


Shillong market!!!

2012-05-10 18:48:54 | Diary

 Hi, guys.


 I still have been on a long long vacation given the whole team. So I just hang around somewhere interesting places where I've never been. Of course I"ve done training by myself or with U19 boys of my team everyday. 

 By the way, I'm totally nuts about taking photoes at where I hang out and posted on my blog like this.


 I hope you guys have enjoyed with it!!


 This time I will update some photoes about shillong market which is the biggest and most packed place here. And a lot of amazing stuffs came into my sight as soon as I entred. There were totally packed throughout the market everywhere that was very hard to march forward every second.










 First of all, this photo shows the atmosphere of the place, and those two girl in the photo took me this wonderland. Bunch of meats are displayed on the both side as you can see.




  Could you recognize what it is in the pic below. I thought it was genitals of a cow, but it was a wrong guess actually. The right answer is a tougue of it!! Massive!! a hundred times bigger than mine...



 You could answer easily this time, These are a cow's legs sold on the road. Can you see some blood on its cut?? It shows us vividly...


 続きまして、ちょっとぶれてるけどこれは牛の足。これも地べたに雑に置かれてたけど売り物です。笑 最初みたときびっくりして冷や汗かいたわ・・・。普通に切り口に生生しい血ついてるし・・・。



Last one is the whole face of a pig!! Of course it's a meat we can buy and eat. It obvously looks like he's crying, eh?? It could curse you and come out in your dream tonight!!




 That's all today. How were those pics?? Anyway, I was actually only one person who was being excited about those stuffs for sure, so I was fully out of place in the market...





Shillong Cathedral

2012-05-08 15:06:30 | Diary

 Hi, there!!


 I first attended a service for Christians at the massive cathedral here the other day with my first Indian friend who doesn't relate to football. He is a Christian, so he just asked me to attend it together. And I was also interested in it, so we went there in the weekday. The mate surely participates a service every weekend. If she fails to do it, she seems to feel so guilty of it.

 I don't believe anything, and there is no religions I'd like to believe in so it was difficult to understand how she feels then.








 Anyway, the building was so magnificent and huge!! Amazed me!!


 Honestly, I wanted to show you up inside church by posting some photoes, but of course it's not allow anyone to take photos and videos beyond the entrance.




 There are some particularly interesting stained-glass windows in the church and tableaus and statues that were awesome. Those ones just brought me back some old memories that I was traveling around UK by coach by myself when I was at 20years of age. I visited most of famous cathedrals in UK then.


 This seems like a someone's grave, I guess. I didn't know exactly what it was because the instrution was written by the local languege... I had totally no idea what did it say!!




 The service had been continued for nealy 2 hours, and what everyone was doing is a pray, reading a bible and singing an anthem of it with standing or sitting or sometimes kneeling down.

 But the only my regret here was that they were speaking in the local language that I can't understand at all. To be honest, I was struggling to stay awake since it had been a hour. But I heard that the service in weekend is used English, so it'll be much more confortable with me.







Counting on Foreigners on Indian football

2012-05-06 14:14:38 | Soccer/football

 Hi, how are you.


 I'd like to touch what's the Indian football like on this entry as long as I know so far. Maybe you could hardly imagine on how they play and what type of style they mainly show on the pitch. To be honest, I didn't know either at all till actually played here, and I have still had a lot of things to figure out to fit the incredible football into myself.  As you know, most of Indians are fond of Cricket more than football. Surprisingly, they became the champions in the last W-Cup of it for the first time in the history.

 On the other hand, the Indian football has sunk on the nearly bottom rank in FIFA ranking for ages.


 There is the professional league called I-league which divided into two divisions that the first division is consisted of 14 teams at the moment and second one has more than 20 teams. And every team allows tp recruit up to 3 foreigners and 1 Asian player who has a passport of any countries of Asia according to under FIFA.  And only three of them can play on the pitch at the same time, so one of them has to be on the bench in the begining of the game. As a matter of course, there is a relegation battle between those divisions at the end of the season, and the bottom two teams are suppose to drop down to the lower league from the results.

 Most of the foreigners have played in I-league recently, who are from African countries: Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana so on. They have some decisive points such as power(intensity on the ball), speed, and height that are kind of special abilities what Indian players don't have. I think this is a very reasonable reinforcement to strengthen the team at short term, but I took an impression on every team that there are no coherences and team-work as a team because most of teams just rely on them so much for wins as there is a huge gap on ability between them. That's why most of foreigners are concerned to be pushed to score in all games and put them under so much pressure all the time.

  On the other hand, I guess Indians are very unprofessional. Please let there be no misunderstanding on this point. What I'm saying is only my opinion, so of course I only know about the players of my team so that I don't know exactly about other players who belong to other teams, but they seem to be lack ambition that is a strong desire to improve them.

 For example, there is no hesitation to have snacks and junk food after training. If one of the players doesn't play the game, the one tries to abuse the coach or make some excuses for why the coach didn't sent him on the pitch... I was really sick of hearing and watching such attitudes from them.

 Anyway, I know what I have to do here now, and I don't hate competing with someone to survice because that's the reason I wanted to be a pro-player, and I clearly know it helps me a lot to iprove myself to a class as a player and as a human being.






 多分、皆さんインドのサッカーっていってもまずピン来る人はいないでしょう。笑 ここではクリケットが一番のスポーツで、前回のW杯ではなんと優勝して世界一になったって・・・。すごい!



 その外国人ですが、ここインドではすべてといっていいほどアフリカ国籍、特にナイジェリアの選手が大半を占めているようです。まだまだ個人能力、戦術的にもレベルがそこまで高くないのか、助っ人外国人に頼る傾向が今まで見たどんな国のリーグよりも高い!だからアフリカ人のような特徴のはっきりする(パワー、スピード、高さなど)選手の方が、直接結果に結びつきやすいのかもしれません。本当にインド国内の選手と外国籍の選手の能力差があまりにも開きすぎているというのが個人的な感想。 「助っ人」なんで当然やけど・・。


 遠征中、自分のルームメートやった選手なんかは、練習後にお菓子をバリバリ、暇があれば彼女と電話。チーム練習外で自分で何かしてる姿なんで一切みたことないし、口を開けば監督批判。まだ若いし、良い選手なんやけど・・。 もったいない!

