Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


The Christmas Party of Dublin Bus FC

2017-12-24 03:39:56 | Ireland

Attended the Christmas party of the Dublin Bus FC for the 30th anniversary of the club foundation. It was absolutely fun, but my gf seemed to have been more fun..this is off the record, though. 
I'm lucky enough to be a part of the great club in Dublin. And you might as well attend all the team events and not to be shy at all times! You might be sometimes treated as a goofy character at some stage, but that's when you are trying to fit into a new team overseas. 

 所属チームのDublin Bus FCでXmasパーティ。クラブハウス内で盛大に、創立30周年というおまけ付き。飲みから始まりディナー、最後は生演奏の中、踊りまくるというアイルランドらしいパーティでした。朝まで残っている関係者も結構いたけど、私は2時頃に退散。 海外クラブで溶け込むには、こういうイベント事には必ず参加して自分の殻を破ってバカになる。ネタにされて弄られるくらいが丁度いい。




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The best of Japan

2017-12-19 16:14:50 | Ireland

Japan is amazing for countless reasons.

But my favorite part can be summarized in three words: mindfulness of others. In Japan, people act with others in mind instead of only thinking of themselves. 

Take something simple like letting people pass on the escalator. In other countries, you can make signs and people still won't listen. In Japan, everyone automatically does the right thing to make life easier for everyone else. And it's like that with everything.

You can nap on a crowded subway because people are quiet. You can enjoy clean streets because people don't litter. You can feel like royalty because people serve you with a smile and a bow. The culture of respect creates an unbelievably safe atmosphere that leads to modern day miracles. 

In a busy cafe, you can leave your phone or laptop and not have it stolen. You can park your bike outside and it'll be there when you come back. Even though anyone can walk off with it, In japan, it just doesn't happen. You can even find scooters on the street with keys in the ignition. 

When you cultivate a society where people are mindful of others, life is better for everyone. It's a lesson that the rest of the world can learn from Japan.








Irish Altitude Chamber

2017-12-15 01:53:33 | Ireland

What is Altitude Training?

Altitude training, also known as hypoxic training, involves exercising in, living in, or otherwise breathing oxygen-reduced air for the purpose of improved athletic performance, pre-acclimatization to altitude, and/or physical wellness.

Traditionally, individuals had to travel to or live at high elevations to obtain the benefits of altitude training. Through the production of normobaric hypoxic (oxygen reduced) air, we can simulate altitudes of up to 21,000ft/6,400m. As a result, athletes, fitness enthusiasts and health conscious individuals worldwide can take advantage of the benefits associated with altitude training while at sea-level.

As a result, it was very hard.. I had been zoned out for the last few minutes to the end because of obviously oxygen shortage.. It was actually all about how you could push yourself into your limit or over the limit to get fitter. As a matter of course, gym trainers encourage you to go farther, but it's all up to you in the end..








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How to stop bullying

2017-12-13 17:10:07 | Words 言葉の力







Hi, guys.

Today, let me bring up a topic that is about bullying. I think a lot of coaches and teachers have misunderstandings upon bullying to solve. At some point, I will have to deal with matters of bullying after starting off business with my own football academy in Japan. If I have a decent approach to solve most cases of bullying, that would be very helpfun to make a healthy run with the academy for sure.

Sociologist have been studying bullying for decades. They just don't call it bullying, they always call it 'Dominance behaviour' that it's other people trying to overpower others, and it's just like animal kingdom. That's alpha male mentality. That's what happening on campus. And so when we understand it in terms of dominance behaviour. People trying to have POWER over another. That helps us understand what to do about bullying and when we understand what it is. 

All the bullying experts agree on one thing. The bullying is an imbalance of power that someone trying to have power over you. They wanna see you lose, and they wanna win.

The more upset/angry you get, the more fun they have. But what would happen if we were resilient.. what if we were emotionally strong and mentally tough, then no matter what the haters say you wouldn't care. 

If you are the victim of relentless teasing, taunting or bullying, and decided to not get upset? To have tough skin? To allow the hateful mean words of others bounce right off you, and not care what the other person says?

If you explain to students that bullying is nothing more than a game about winning and losing, and that the way they can win is by not getting upset, and the bully will lose. And when people lose, they don't like playing the game any more, so they'll leave you alone.

When you explain that to a student, it's simple, concrete not abstract, ethereal or complex. It is very simple.

Don't get upset, no matter what they say. I'm not saying it is easy, but in logic. It is very simple.

Now it's important to know this. When I say bullying, I'm not talking about someone is hurting your feeling. If you can understand bullying in terms of someone hurting your feelings. The solution is very simple, but some people think bullying is more complex than hurting your feelings. Then they think bullying is like violence, but it is not. If you get punched on your face by someone, it's violence. Violence is a crime. Don't mix them up.   

The 4 vs 4 coaching workshop in FAI

2017-12-04 22:52:34 | Ireland

The third workshop focusing on the 5 a side football has been completed. We got to observe an actual session with 8 kids from a local club coached by two well-experienced veterans from FAI. 
Simply impressed by their ways of coaching and giving them concrete advices at the right time. 
The most impressive moment was when they told us to be humble and hungry for learning things from any mistakes that you make in coaching. 





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