Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


for two weeks

2012-06-30 03:57:26 | Diary

 Hi, guys. 

 Time flies!! It has been for two weeks since I got back to my sweet home in Japan. My schedule has been so tight in the meanwhile so far to catch up a lot of people who I wanted to meet up. But I think it's about time to get down to what I have to do for the next season. As a matter of course, I work a lot by playing futsal and taking part of a team who one of my mates are playing for. 


 However, It's not enough. I should get serious and think of how I could boost up during the off-season. I don't have a time to waste it, so I need to look at my diet and lifestyle now which is being a bit intemperance and remedy it.

 Anyway, I have been a great time with great people around me in Japan. Thanks a lot!!













2012-06-18 00:07:02 | Soccer/football

 Hi, how are you, everybody?


 I should've updated this sooner... I went to watch the big match for W-cup in 2014 in Brazil which is its qualifier JAPAN against Australia at Suncorp stadium in Brisbane on 12th in June. It was my first game to watch for the Japanese national team in my life. As a matter of course, it was the first game  to watch a football game oversea as well. Simply speaking, it was sooooo fun and a exciting game for sure but some unreasonable judgement by the crap referee... Anyway, let's see the pics below here.




 そういえば、遅くなってしまったけどこの前のサッカー代表戦vsオーストラリアを現地でナマでみてきました。人生初めての代表戦がまさかオーストラリアで見ることになるとは・・・ 完全にAwayの雰囲気やったけど、それもまた楽しかった。余談はさておき、写真を。


 front of the gate.



 They were in warm-up then just before the game. Look closely, maybe you could notice that Honda and Kagawa who are the most talented player in the squad were working together. They are obviously only the key players to unlock the firm door of the Aussie side and finalize the game, so I think they intentionally work together as much time as they can on every training drills to enhance their combinations.



 This was still before kick-off. looks very unpacked in the stadium, but it ended up full.



 After the kick-off. According the announcement at stadium, more than 50,000 fans were here then, and most of them were of course supporting Socceroos!!




 By the way, Kagawa and Honda were clearly outstanding on the pitch, and they were the only players who could change the scenario of the game. Especially, Kagawa, who have already signed on for Manchester United to play  in the next season were absolutely amazing. It seemed like no one could stop him and even follow him as his speed and technique were already out of level of Asia. I'm not sure that he would be successful at Manchester, but at least he have had full of potentials and possibilities to make it there, and becoming a real class player in the world!! I only wish so.





Kiwi Luu

2012-06-14 05:32:14 | Diary


  Hi, there is my best friend with me in Brisbane on the above phote. His name is Kiwi Luu, who met me at a soccer team which we were playing together at thant time. It has been more than 3 years since we got to know each other then.

 He moved into Australia from Vietnam when he was a child. We caught up everyday for a time, and I still remember I tried to talk to him as much as I could because I wanted to let my English improve by speaking to who is a native speaker. I have really appreciated him about the days that helped me a lot. And he gave me a big hand as well while I was staying in Brisbane this time.


 Big thanks to Kiwi from my heart!! I'm looking forward seeing you again in a year!! I will be definitely back out there!!







2012-06-11 00:27:00 | Diary

 Hi, guys. I have enjoyed so much in Brisbane now because I have some wonderful friends over here who I met before.

 And I encountered great work-mates where I was working called E-fresh that is a company for catering. In fact, I had worked at some other places before started working there, but obviously the people who I met at E-fresh were awesome. I still have thought that I was so lucky to work there, and meet those people. In other words, they were my saviours then. It's not a exaggeration.

 That's why I drop by there to catch up with them every time I get back to Brisbane. Now it's sort of my own hibit and routine here, and E-fresh is where I'd like to visit upmost.






 毎回オーストラリアに帰る度に今でも立ち寄って、過去の話に花を咲かせ、サッカーの話をして笑い合えるそんな人達。海外でいつまでもそういう人達と関わり合えるのが本当に嬉しい。もし、「another sky」っていう日本の番組に出れるとしたら、自分は間違いなく「ブリスベン!!」って言います。笑

 Ok, let me introduce the pics below here in order. First of all, He is the boss, he's already 50, but he's clearly younger than it looks. Of course, he's still powerful and energetic. Surprisingly, he still plays soccer with young lads, and not second to them. Superman!! 




 This handsome guy is... oops, it's not about me.. sorry. haha  I'm talking about the guy on the right in the picture. He is the most respectable person for me as a footballer and a human being as well.


 He's only 19, yeah, he's definitely as tender as his appearance. He's also the guy who took over my position after I left.  I like him.


 He mainly engages in a driver role for the company. He looks very sturdy like a bodybuilder and a bit above being familiar, but actually he's very friendly and kind person. Cool!!

  もう一人の従業員ジョニー。めっさムキムキでパッと見、近寄りがたいかもしれんけど、話してみるとめっちゃ良いお兄さん。 そして自分のアップがきついのはご愛嬌ね。笑

 Work place 1 : This was my main field where I spent most of the times at work, and I just kept sorting all the products which came from the main market constantly into the right places. I was always pumped after every single day... lol


  仕事場1: これが仕事場。ここ自体はでっかい市場内にあるんやけど、毎日こうやって色んな野菜や果物が運ばれてくる。これを整理して仕分けしていくのが自分の仕事でした。

 Work place 2: This is inside the fridge. Normally we could see full of fruits and vegetables stored all over the room. 


  仕事場2: これは冷蔵庫内。普段はもっと色んな果物なんかがここに保管されてる。ここでお客さんのオーダーを作って配達していく。


 I know you haven't exactly understand about how I worked here. sorry, I just am lazy for  but I remember I used to write about it somewhere in this blog before. If you really want to know about it, just search it and check it out when you have a time. 


 Anyway,  there are only three days to go back to Japan now!!! almost there!! C U SOON, guys!!




Hectic move to Australia from India

2012-06-08 00:26:12 | Diary

 Hi, there.


 I was so pumped after the hectic trip on the way to Auctralia from India that took me about a half and two days. Obviuosly it was one of the longest journey I've ever done before.

 In the meantime, I had a long layover which was about 20 hours in Thai airport, and I couldn't also take a shower during the move.

 However, I got involved in a lot worse troubles on the way. First, it's all about my ticket for Australia. As a matter of course, What I needed was a ticket for Australia, but I was automatically withdrawn twice from my account which means that I was suppose take two tickets on the same name!! Anyway, the transaction was a payment failed in this case was not charging me the amount of booking it is just a block kept by the bank on that amount as the amount was not charged by them, and it was auto-reversed to my account in few days. But I was so uneasy about that till the payback was confirmed. 

 The second one was also unbelievable. As I told on the other entry, I had been living a very coutry town in India, and there is the closest airport where is miles away from where I lived. It actually takes 5 hours drive. So I hired a taxi for that, and I asked the driver to carry my suitcase away from home to put it on in the back of the car. It was actually midnight, and we drove away to the airport. After a couple of hours, we pulled over the car by the restaurant on the halfway through and had late dinner then, but the driver realized that my suitcase had disappeared out of the car.

 And I said 'What!? What are you talking about??' And he replied 'I have no idea what's happening to your suitcase, I have no idea where it is now either..' I couldn't believe what he did to it because he just left it on the street without putting it on in the car.. He just pissed me off!!!!!! 

 Then we just headed straight back on the same way in a hurry, of course it was too late as my suicase had already been stolen... I asked him what he could make it up to me, and how much he could pay for that. To be honest, I didn't want to ask him like that, but I had to since my flight for AUS is right there. But he's just a driver, so he didn't have enough money to recompense  all of my stuffs, so I took as much money as he could pay me at that time, and I was going to leave India. But on the next day, it actually was just few hours before I checked in at airport. He found it and brought it up to the airport!! He told me that someone who must be very good person found it on the street after we left there, and the person bring it up to the police station then. 

 That was an emotional story, but I don't wanna get a story like this any more for sure..  That's why I had a hectic day... drained...












 自宅から空港までの道中でそれは起こる。道中は遠すぎるので、タクシーで5時間かけていかないといけない。ので、タクシーの運転手に荷物をトランクに入れてもらうようたのんだのだが・・  なんとこの彼、自分のスーツケースをトランクに入れ忘れ、そのまま普通の道端に置き忘れたのだ。結局気づいたときには2時間以上経過し、一旦戻ってはみたものの、もうそこには当然なかった。そこから彼に泣きつかれ、弁償額も最小のモノにして自分はほぼ諦める形でインドを去るつもりだったんだけど、出発の数時間前に、なんと親切な方が荷物を見つけ交番に届けてくれていた。そしてギリギリの時間でまたスーツケースが戻ってきたのである。





Brisbane 1

2012-06-05 15:47:08 | Diary

 Hi, guys.


 How have you been?? Me?? Oh... I'm soooooooo happy now. You know why?? I have been in one of the beautiful countries in the world!! I just reached to Brisbane the other day coming through the hectic three days trip from India. 

 Maybe I had lost the normal feeling and life which I used to have and be in because I had touched some super unique things in India which we can never taste in advanced countries. For example, I could drink water casually whenever and wherever you are and you go over here, and I don't have to care about toilet papers when I go out somewhere cuz it's alway there in all public toilets. I don't see the people having food with their own hands and never see the people spiting all over the street either. 

 Maybe most of the viewers of my blog can hardly understand how I felt at that time. I wouldn't also say to sympathize with me because I know you can't be understanding it as you've never been there with the unique life.


 Anyway, I have been a great time with my mates living here. Actually most of  the people who I met here have great personalities, and alway help me a lot for my visit every time. To be honest, I truly cannot thank the people in Brisbane enough!! I must understand how fortunate I am so far with the friends around me, and I'm very honor and proud of meeting and having such wonderful friends here.

 I have thought that I must somehow return the favor by making a big surprise someday for sure.


 That's the biggest reason I visit Brisbane every year. Of course, I want to travel around other countries and visit as many world heritages as I can in every off-season, but I always think that I'd like to go and catch up with them more than that.


 Thank you so much, guys!!











 This is my friend house where I stay every time I visit. very comfortable!!



 This is my friend's motor bike which I always borrow to use it during my  well.. I want my own!!

 このバイクはここブリスベンでの自分の移動手段。友達から滞在中はいっつもお借りしています。笑 つか、これ乗ると、また自分の単車欲しいっていっつも思う・・。我慢。

Brisbane city!! The fabulous building on the right is the cassino.



中心街1  in the middle of city 1

中心街2   in the middle of city 2

ではでは!! bye!!


P.S. 日本帰国まであと一週間!! Only ten days to go back to Japan!!


Escape from India

2012-06-01 16:55:20 | Diary

 Hi, guys.


 I finally got out of India yesterday, and I'm now in Thailand on the way to Brisbane.

 However, I still have long way to go... just now I'm waiting for the next flight which is the last flight of this long journey. I've already transited twice before getting here at Shillong and New Delhi (both are inside India). As you could expect, I'm so pumped like playing two entire games.

 Basically, the small town where I had spent most of my life in India is overly incovenient to get out as most of transportation out there are dead. That's why people have to spend a lots of time to go out no matter where you go and no matter how rich you are..


 I also have got involved some stupid trounbles so far during this uncomfortable journey. I'm so sick and tired of them. I wanted to hang around Bankok making use of the layover, but I'm not feeling ike that with full of shit!!






 ほんまに長かった、そして疲れた。ってことで今はタイ。 オーストラリアへ行く途中の乗り換えでただ寄ってるだけですが・・。





