Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Interview at University

2010-09-30 21:02:42 | Diary

Yesterday, I visited my old university in Nara to see teachers taken care of when I was still student there. And I met some teachers and a personnel we got to know each other at soccer club, I mean, he was an advisor of soccer club at that time.
I had sometimes contacted with them through email while I was oversea, and I had decided to go and see them at uni when I went back to Japan someday.

I also felt nostalgic for the school day on the school road to Uni. The universit is located at the far place from the nearest station Higashi-Ikoma.

Anyway, I had lunch with one of them and then I met an American teacher. I talked with him in his room for a while, and I told him what do I do in Australia, why did I move to oversea... after that, I was taken to public relation department of the uni and he introduced them about what I do now in Australian and Newzealand.

To be honest, I didn't know exactly what were they talking about, but after a while, I heard he suggested them to use me for maybe kind of advertisement to recruit freshmen of next year.
Apparently, they got interested in me, and I took a inteview about oversea life from them. I told them honestly what I felt.

I got a great help many times at Uni since I came here, so I had thought I must have found a way to give something good things back to Uni so long. I hope this will be a tiny help for University.








 あ、名前わからんか。まぁ名前は・・・内緒で。笑 きっと記事みればわかるでしょう。


Adventure in New Zealand (Part 1)

2010-09-26 22:32:38 | New zealand
Hi, everybody!!

I love JAPAN, I'm Japanese at all. Recently, I was reunited with a lot of friends in Japan. To be honest, I don't know exactly what are they do now, but some friends work for their steady company and some friends are still chaseing their dream like me... Almost friends of mine are walking through life and are also on the road to be a cool guy.

I had a lot of stimulation from them, and I respected them.

Anyway, I'll note what did I do in Newzealand from here.

First, of course, the reason why I went to NZ straight after soccer season in Australia is Football, yes, I went to find a place where I can play in NZ.
I was actually keep contacting constantly with a soccer player who play in NZ by introducing from my friend in Australia. And I knew about the league in NZ.

Honestly speaking, I've already decieded to go to NZ since this May or June, so last 5,6 games in Australia was like training match for me because I didn't want to get any injuries any more for the challenge.

I had already had a pain in my groin maybe since this May, but I didn't stop playing hard when I got the injury because I thought I would lose fitness for sure if I stopped playing now. As you know, Fitness is most important part to play, so....

And as soon as I had got a ticket, I headed for NZ in this early September without knowing heaps of troubles I faced in NZ.





 チーム名はWaikato FCといって、NZ1部リーグに所属しているチーム。去年の成績は良くなかったみたいやけど自分から勝手にメール送ったら連絡取れるようになり、練習参加の許可をもらった。


                  To be continued

Hamilton Airport

2010-09-08 23:04:15 | Diary
Hi, guys!!

Can you guess where I am now?? Maybe not...

I'm at inside Hamilton airport of NewZealand. You wanna know the reason what I'm doing now??
In fact, it's hard to explain about that, maybe it's not still time to say it on this blog.

Anyway, now, NZ is in midnight and I've just arrived at here from Brisbane, Australia. I'll be staying all night and then I have to look for an accomodation for about a week night in city in tomorrow morning.

However, I'm being so bored at the moment because all shops is closed and I don't have any NZ dollars, so I can't go anywhere and also I can't buy anything.
That's why I have to stay here until exchange counter is opened.

To be honest, I don't know anything about this city, but I'm so excited what's happening to me while I stay here, anyway let's see what's going on.








2010-09-06 13:31:36 | Diary
Hi, how's going?

This title is the name of the company I used to work just before I leave Australia. I actually had been working here for nearly a year at all, and I learned a lot of things from this company, especially from my boss.

His name is Glenn Norton who is my boss. Anyway he is an amazing person!! I can't explain how he is amazing because I had never seen like him before until I met him a year ago.
He is really keen on work, and He has a keen insight on work as well. He has run his own company called E-fresh, which deal in vegetables and fruits from market to costomers. This is like a catering company.

The company is located at inside market which is the biggest market in Queensland. Most of vegies and fruits harvested across Queensland are sent to the market, and we purchase them, and provide them as customers order.

As a matter of course, I was in English all the time, of course, all instructions of work were in English, so it was really hard for me at the begining.
I could understand what they said to me 50%, but I couldn't understand the other 50% honestly, so depended on my sense and prediction.

Anyway, I have to say to my all workmate in E-fresh 'Thank you very much', Glenn(boss), Johnny(Australia), Sherry, Peter(New zealand), Dianna(Columbia), Porlin(Koream), and Yoshi-san(Japan).
Everybody took a forgiving attitude toward me. Espacially Glenn was always kind and considerate of me. He always treats someone on the same place as all others regardless of race and age.

If I keep woking very hard for him, he always gave me feedbacks about what I did. Even if I make a huge problem on my work, (actually I made a lot of mistake on work and I gave him troubles), he didn't get angry of me, of course I got yelled at making mistake at that time, but he forgets it when we finish work of the day.

He has such a greatest heart and biggest enough person I've ever seen before.

I was really lucky to meet him. he saved me heaps of times. Thanks. You're my dad in Australia!!

And Yoshi-san, I have to remember to appreciate him because he rescued me when I didn't have enough money to make my living just after I got a car accident last year. He introduced me this work and he also gave me a chance to work here.

He has worked for E-fresh at the moment as a sales person. His work is to get new customers for us, so he walk around city or somewhere and visit restaurants to be a new supplier for them. In fact, we got busier and busier and the sales rapidly increased for sure compare to before he becomes a sale person.
He is an amazing person as well for me. I'm so proud of him as a Japanese.

Anyway, I experienced such a great time here.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!












Overview of 2010 season

2010-09-05 15:52:01 | Soccer/football
Hi, guys!!

The 2010 season just finished yesterday. This was the longest soccer season I've ever done before in my life and also toughest season for me.
We had been struggling with such a bad result through this whole season. P ersonally, there are a great deal of pressure to ensure progression because I've already been here for two and half years and experiened nearly 3 soccer whole seasons so far in Australia.

So I thought before this season begins I had to make a big jump in this season because I thought I had prepared to do it.
But as a result, I couldn't make it. I might have had more vulnerable mind than I thought.

I trained hard before this season by myself to be best for the season. I ran everynight and hit a gym, and then I took many trials to join a team and eventually I reached this team.
I had a good start for the new season in this team early this year because I could show a good performance in some pre-season games, but something changed gradually from early this season and get off the truck, it means about the team, coach and myself.

It's hard to explain, but I think I didn't have enough skill to play for the team. That's the only one reason I say honestly now.
If I had a very quality skill like super-star in this world, I could have played for top team for sure. Of course I know it's an extreme analogy, however simply speaking, it's true.

And I know I'm not fresh player anymore, I'm already 24. I know I have to get a ontract as a professional.
Maybe, next season is going to be last season in my soccer career unless I can't be a professional.

So I need to know what to do for the next season.









              2010 season 完。