Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My students game of U12 and U14 grade

2011-08-24 23:04:18 | New zealand
Hi, guys.

I went to watch some games of my students I've taught in private. Those games were under-12 and under-14 grade. I was really looking forward to seeing their performance in a game cuz I had never seen their games before. Actually, they seemed to be really nervous and more excited than usual before game as I came over the games.

Anyway, my first impression of watching the game was that most of the players were so big as my tall. Some kids of U-14 were obviously as tall as me that is 174cm. That was amazing. My kids is still relatively way smaller than other kids, so they couldn't commit a ball in the game unfortunately. But I wanted them to play more aggresive with confident cuz I've known how much potential they have in training. Maybe they haven't realized it yet or thay still don't know how can they perform as well as in training they perform. I think the problem is lack of their confident. They looked like that they didn't want to get a ball much cuz they didn't try to talk and use even a body language, but that was also my resposibility as I'm their coach.
Though, I was really lealous of them who play on beautiful pitch of grass. To be honest, when I was that age, I rarely played on a grass that we alway used a hard ground.

By the way, today Auckland is getting warm like spring, and the weather is also getting stable recently. This is my season!! I love spring!!!!!!!









Chatham Cup Semi-final n Round 18 vs Hamilton W/drs

2011-08-22 12:06:13 | Soccer/football
Hi, mates.

We conldn't continued our dream run to win another big title over the country with a 1-0 loss win over Bay Olympic in Auckland. We were home, but we couldn't take the advantage at all.

The week after the semi- final, The team traveled to Hamilton to play Hamilton Wanderers last Saturday, in the 2nd to last game of the NRFL competition. However we got a pounding from home-side with 2-5 embarrassing loss as remained deep in the shock of the game of the last week.

Our last game of the NRFL competition is set against Forrest Hill / Milford at Beecroft Park, Forrest Hill on Saturday the 3rd of September.







If you've played soccer for club in Auckland, give me a contact

2011-08-19 02:05:58 | Soccer/football

 ココ →

Hi, if you're in Auckand and also play soccer for club here, please give me a email above here. I'm looking for you guys who can train with me in a park. Let's kick a ball around with me!! 


Last friday night

2011-08-17 23:02:49 | Diary
Hi, there. Are you surprised at my blog as you found a new entry two days in a row that is really rare on my blog. haha

I'd like to just say that I discovered a really raging song yesterday. As you know on this blog title, That's 'Last friday night' sung by Katy perry who is one of the sexiest artist in the world.
If you have spare time, just check it out unless you don't still know.

I often listen to her songs when I head for training and game. Mainly I listen to the music just before game in order to get myself a bit crazy in a way. Or I usually try to grab some specific songs that are all my favorite one when I'm in gym and of course its on the way and back. The reason is if I don't get any music when I work out hard in a gym, I may compromise myself in the training. I don't wanna do that actually, but if I get my favorite song in gym, I can keep working as hard as I can cuz music can makes me more exicited than nothing that takes me away from fatigue accumulated.

If you feel that a fatigue reaches your limit in training, just try doing that couple more times. It would makes you stronger for sure. I try to do it every time.



 今日のブログはほんまどうでもええけど、この「Last Friday night」という曲にハマっているというお知らせ。笑 
 Katy Perryが歌ってるんやけど、彼女の歌う曲はテンション上がるんで良く聞いてます。洋楽好きな人・クラブよく行く人なんかは知ってるハズ。暇な人は聞いてみてください。




Struggling against difficulties for the sake of vengeance(臥薪嘗胆)

2011-08-17 00:07:48 | Words 言葉の力
Good afternoon!!

Do you have a personal motto over a lifetime? Have you lived by something good words which are your favourite??
I found it yesterday when I was searching something else on internet. The saying is 臥薪嘗胆 in Japanese that means like struggling against difficulties for the sake of vengeance.
In fact, everything is not going well and smoothly with me, especially after went out of Japan when I was 22. But I've known that life is like that. No one can success something without difficulties. That's the reason life is interesting, right??

In my early 20's, I couldn't feel like life was fun. Of course I know the reason that need to change for late 20's and rest of my whole life to be happy.
I have to learn a lot of things from the experience of past 5
years and build somthing new on it.


 恥ずかしながら私は知りませんでした、昨日まで。笑 なんとなくこの言葉の意味を調べたら、今自分が置いている状況とこの四字熟語とピッタリ!(意味を知らない人は各自で調べてください、勉強です!)



JAPAN vs KOREA friendly match in Sapporo

2011-08-11 00:45:12 | Diary
Hi, there!!

Today, I saw a beautiful girl who work at fitness gym that I often go to. I'm really particular about girls who I love, but she was a special one!! I have completely had a crush on her. Well, I don't know who I'm talking to about it...

By the way, did you watch a friendly match of Japan vs Korea tonight?? It has just finished now, and I'm writing on it cuz it was one of the best friendly match against Korea I've ever watched before. I've watched games against Korea many times so far, but tonight the game was awesome!! I was totally moved. In particular the combinations of Honda and Kagawa on the pitch were so impressive and made so many chances to score. As a matter of fact, both of these players scored in this game, and Kagawa scored a brace. Obviously, they were the key players of the game and the biggest reason Japan defeated Korea in the big score, 3-0.

All in all, Korea side looked under the weather. On the other hands, Japan looked in the pink. I heard some news that some players got Japan on the day just before today's game due to delayed flight in Holland. In spite of the trouble, they did hard yards and the win spurred those who are living in quake-hit area.
I was also spurred by them. Recently, I don't know why but I was thinking that I wonder what am I going to do after taking off my soccer boots. I've found the answer but I realized I shouldn't think deeply about it now as I'm now still a player.
I was realized it by them who always play as hard as they can on the pitch. That's why they are being a top category in the soccer world and they can encourage many people who need a help by how they play.

I have to make my way like them!!!!!



 中には前日に現地入りした選手もいたはずなのに、まるで「クラブチーム」のような連係。解説者が「バルサのよう」なんていってたけど、これは言い過ぎた。笑 賛同すると見えかけて蹴散らします。


Round 17 vs Waitakere City FC

2011-08-06 22:20:50 | Soccer/football
Hi, We had a game of the league today. As you know, we've won the league. Understandably, Nothing feels like any pressure ourselves which means it's hard for us to focus on rest of the games of the season. We managed to keep motivation to play cuz a big game is coming up next weekend which is semi- final of Cup title.

It's a hugely important game for us cuz our final goal set before season goes is to win those titles through the season.
We knew it would be a hard task for us, but we're still chasing the goal in the end of the season.

That's the reason we could keep our eye on this game to win and controled our mindset thanks to our coach's some words before game and in the halftime. I think the coach is a great motivator of players, so we have so much team meeting during training and afterward sometimes. I sick of it actually, but it's hugely necessary to become a better team, and most of his words in the meeting are really effective for us. That's the reason we can keep focusing on every games we play.

Next weekend is a must win game for the second title of the season!!





