Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2010-01-26 16:10:23 | Diary
 Hey, boys!!

I moved in a new house three days ago. I myself didn't think I would leave the house used to be because it was so comfortable for me.
But a lot of situation around me was changed. so I couldn't help but find a new share house can fit my lifestyle.

The biggest reason to move the house is decided to play for a new team. The team is so far away from my previous house. when I still lived there(previous house), I tried going to the soccer team ground several times, but it took me more than 2 hours every time I go to there.
That's why I made up my mind moving out of the house.

And about new house is so nice and clean!!

Moreover it's as good as a brand new house!! So I decided to move in here immediately the moment I visited to have a look at the house at the first time.
And I got some new house mates there. I live with Korean family and a Hungarian. They are alright for me, means nice person, but I think I need to know more each other. but should be ok.

I just hope to be better life than before.








 P.S. 部屋がくそ暑いのだけは勘弁していただきたい。。笑 


Provisional contract(仮契約)

2010-01-24 00:01:31 | Soccer/football
Hi guys!!

How's going? I'm fine!!

I'm about to get determined the team playing in the next season finally. But I've still negociated a contract details with the club. So I have to still keep my eye on it and just concentrate on the performance on the pitch. Naturally it will be determined depends on it by them. It's simple for me, but not easy for sure.

But I've already got a temporary contract in just pre-season period.

Anyway I'll let you know as soon as I can through this blog entry when I can make it.

And the team I'm struggling at the moment is pretty good team I reckon. They got promoted last season from lower division. But it's not too bad at least better than the team I played last season.
At first, what do we have to think is get rid of a demotion. Everybody says we dont want to get back the lower division in just a year. I think we may be strugling during the season, we might get some big troubles on the team. But we can get it over for sure.


最近サッカーの話をしてなかったので、少し今の現状を。今ずっと練習に参加してるチームがありまして、チーム名は、「Beenleigh FC(ビーンリーFC)」。









2010-01-17 16:02:41 | Diary
 Hi, mates!!

Oh, my godness!!!

One day I went to the Brisbane city with my frends. To be exact, we went to have dinner in Fortitude Valley(Chinese town).
And we went to there by my friend's car but we had really worried about car park because we guess it's gonna be expensive to park in a legal car park, so we were thinking of parking somewhere on a road. But it means it's not a illegal place.

That's why we had been looking for a good place and a convenient location from the restraunt we've already booked, but it was so hard to find it cuz we were in the centre of city on Friday night.
In 30mins at all, we got a nice place for parking and we reckon that it's not private property Tow-away zone.

we didn't have solid evidence of that.

And then, we got back the point in 2 hours after we had finished dinner. well, we thought we got blind.. we couldn't believe our eyes at that moment. No one knew what happened while we were having dinner...

Actually the car was towed away while we were away. we got upset and just hang around there to find people because we didn't know where to go to get back the car. And we asked someone and get the address being kept the car.

As a result, we got fine 400 dollars by cash to get back the car.

It was so expensive dinner for us in return for free parking.











Frank Farina

2010-01-09 11:46:42 | Soccer/football
 Hi, how are you??

sorry I'm really busy working thesedays. Pre-season training is around the corner but actually I've been out of practice lately...

Anyway, yesterday I met one of the most famous soccer coach in Australia. His name is 'Frank Farina'.
I know most of my blog audience doen't know much of anything about him but in Australia, it's more difficult to find someone who does't know well about him because he used to direct australian national sccer team for as much as 5 years as a top coach before World Cup 2006 in German.

He was dismissed his position due to his team's poor result at that time. And after that, Guus Hiddink, who the world standard Dutch coach took up the post and he led his team to best 16 teams in World cup at all.

He also had been directed a professional soccer club in A-league for a couple years but unfortunately he got sacked because of his poor performance and his personal trouble in private. he was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol during the soccer season. Thats why the team leaders who Frank Farina had belonged to couldn't help but find a better coach than him.

Anyway, I was glad to see him and have a real coversation with him.

Thanks, boss!!



 で、昨日ですね、かなり興奮すること出来事がありました。うちの仕事先のボスに連れられ、サッカーの知人を紹介するといわれ、仕事が終わってついていったら、な、な、なんと。。「フランク・ファリーナ(frank farina)」が!!








Happy New Year!!!(謹賀新年)

2010-01-01 19:32:27 | Diary


Welcome to 2010!! How do you feel,buddy? I was in Gold coast the moment it was a countdown to 2010. In Gold coast, some countdown events was taken place along the beachside and fireworks went off to the night sky and it celebrated the start of the new year.

How was Japan at that moment?

To tell the truth, I really wanted to be my home with my family in Japan and wanted to watch a special TV program for New year's Eve.

Anyway, the new year has already started, and World Cup in South Africa is supposed to be held in this year!!
Personally, I have to clarify my soccer carrer by the end of this year, I mean, if I can't be a professional player this year, I'll give up playing any more and I'll renew my life after the retirement.

Actually I haven't decided yet what to do next after that clearly, but I don't think it's good for me to continue to play so long as a non-professional player.

 So I proclaim my resolve again that I had determined before came to Australia.

' believe in all one's heart that dreams really do come true ’









             賀正 TAIKI MATSUMURA