Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Siera FC

2015-08-30 00:54:19 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I've decided the team I'm going to play for in Canada through the upcoming winter season starting in two weeks from now. 

It's called Siera FC belongs in a regional league in Vancouver. It's been coached by a former Iranian international, who also took on Japan in the 1994 World cup qualifiers. Neither of them can made it, unfortunately. Anyway, I'd been thinking for few weeks to make this decision while I'd gone for trials with some other teams in the higher division, but what it counted to me was their ambition to go further in the leagues, and showed me how much they wanted me to play for the team. That was the biggest factor.

I really enjoy playing with the boys. And I've already been registered and played two important games. As a matter of course, I was invited to the team as a former pro, so need to show them what I can do and make a difference throughout every single match. I love the pressure, though. 

We have the play-off finals this weekend which is the most important game of the season. I just jumped in and play, so only thing I have to do is to lead them to a victory and hold up the trophy. That's it.

I will do my best and get a gold medal this time!!




 名前はSIERA FCというチームで、イラン元代表の方が指導しています。ので、イランの移民がチームの大半を占めています。正直、レベルはもっと上のチームもありましたが、チームの環境、リーグの環境、そして何より監督とチームのマネージャーがものすごく自分を必要としてくれたというのが一番の決め手です。まず、練習の送迎は必ず家からしてくれるし、気遣いもしてくれる。自分が一番求めているコーチ業に関しても、これから交渉し、相談していくつもりです。



English Bay and Stanley Park

2015-08-22 21:20:04 | Canada


Hi, guys.

There are many beatuful places in Vancouver I'd like to recommend to all of you guys who often visit my blog. And today I picked some of them by the downtown and pasted the pictures to show you how they are.

As you might know the fact that the city is chosen every year as one of the best cities to live in the world along with Melbourne, Sydney and Tronto so on..

At first, I will show you a park called Stanley Park. Its location is very accessible from the downtown of Vancouver, and there are some attractions, monuments and aquarium to visit inside the big park. You can also enjoy cycling and walking on the well-arranged lane around the park. It's about 10km to go through the whole way.





There is another walking course by the downtown. It actually connects to the Stanley park as well. It's also a scenic area to take some photos.


There are some beaches at the end of the walking course from the Stanley park. It always bustles with full of tourists and students. Moreover, there are less rainy days and more sunny days this summer, apparently. So it seems more comfortable being here during the summer!! 

I'm on top of cloud nine right now!!




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Playing seriously or wanting more fun?

2015-08-14 22:43:08 | Canada

Hi, guys. 

I'm being swayed by two teams that I recently join the practice with. And I've also received many contacts from many teams in Vancouver. I'm really pleased to have those messages by email and offer me a tryout to have a look at what I have. However, I've already narrowed down the options and have to choose one out of two teams maybe by next weekend.

What makes me difficult to make a decision comes from my feelings that how much passion I still have for soccer.. I'm not sure that I still want to play in a competitive league and devote everything to soccer or just playing for fun..

There is only one professional team in this state called Whitecaps belongs to MLS. I don't think I still want to challenge this, and I'd rather focus on coaching kids here than playing seriously, but I feel I'm still able to content with the players in the highest league around here that is right below professional league. 

It's really a tough choice for me, but have to turn down either team. Whatever decision I make, I believe in it and play with my soul for sure.





 ここバンクーバーはプロチームは一つしかありません。それがVancouver WhitecapsというチームでアメリカのプロリーグMLSに参入しています。それを除けば他はすべてセミプロかアマチュア、あとは大学などのチーム。そこでプロから一番近いリーグの2チームに参加しましたが、半年まともにボールも走ってもいなかったのでまだまだでしたが、サインできそうな感触はあります。ただ、これは真剣にしないと試合に出れないレベルだし、プロを目指している良い選手も多いです。遊び半分では完全に通用しない。ただそこまでの気持ちをまた取り戻せるか今はわからない状態です。正直。





*Follow me on twitter :



Kids soccer in Canada

2015-08-08 19:16:15 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been busy lately. I have work on weekdays, plus training sessions straight after work 2 days a week. 

And Last sunday, I had my first own soccer clinic in Canada. This was the reason I came here, I'm pleased to take the first step of it. However, The number of kids I had was only 5. I used to have more than 30 kids in NZ. As a matter of course, it's not fair to compare with what I had in NZ as it's just started here. 

But I also think that I shouldn't focus on just increasing the number for my clinic cuz it's not for making money. I will be concentrating on the kids turning up every session and help them enjoy playing soccer, and hopefully I will make a kind of trigger to get to like soccer and start playing seriously by belonging to a local club around here. 

My kids at the clinic are still very young around 4 to 7 years old. So I don't really want to nip their potential drive towards soccer in the bud, vice versa I 'd like to facilitate it through my training sessions.

I was really lucky to get here in only 3 weeks after I came to Vancouver. And I have a strong leverage for achieving my goals. Keep myself going!!








Blaise Nkufo

2015-08-01 23:16:54 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I had the first training session with a team in Vancouver the other night. It belongs to the highest province league around here, which is the top league in non-pro league in the country. I'd contacted some clubs by email, then one of them replied me to come to a friendly game. Surprisingly, the team manager is a former amazing striker, and also a legend of FC Twente in Holland, Blaise Nkufo. 

You'll be definitely astonished by his goals compilation in the playing days on Youtube.

Anyway, I just wanted to see what level it was, and how fit I was at that moment. As a result, it was a good trigger for me to spark a drive to soccer again. I also knew that it wouldn't be an easy league for me to get involved in unless I really work hard on getting back my fitness, but no hurry. I will give myself time with being patient.




 そんな選手が率いるチームで、行ってみると試合だったのですが、正直レベルも何もわからず行ったし、自分自身も選手としてはもう半年前に一旦区切りをつけていたので、走れない。笑 けれど、こっちでコーチングができるチームを探すにはどこかのチームに所属するのが手っ取り早いと思ったので、この辺で一番良いリーグはどんなものかを見に行く意味でも不安でしたが、楽しみもありました。結果は、後半から出て、チームも後半に4点入れて勝ちました。試合後に連絡先を交換し、他にも行きますが、まずは良いスタートかなと。思ってたより動けたし、少しずつまた選手としての情熱が湧いてきている良い状態。無理せず、少しずつギアを上げていこうと思います。
