Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Trial in India - chapter four -

2012-02-29 19:26:03 | Asian Football Life



 I grabed a ticket to where the new team is on the next day after I decided to fly over, I guess. But things here never go as I want as my life. As a matter of course, some problems came up on the way, that initially I was planning to take a flight on arriving at Kolkata to Shillong where is the last destination of the journey this time, but when I got to Kolkata, all of the seats for Shillong had been sold out already. That means I was in dead stuck in spite of I was suppose to start trainning with the team on the next day. Though, the reason this happened was that I didn't look for a ticket for in advance because travel agents told me before took off from Goa that I shouldn't take a ticket for Shillong in advance cuz  I could surely take one of leftover tickets at the ticket counter of Kolkata... However all seats had been taken before... 


 So I tried calling to my agent to ask what to do now, and he advised me an alternative plan to do immediately. that actuallt cost me more extra, but it couldn't help but accept it.

 Anyway, I took off for another destination where was a hundred kilo away from the real goal, that meant I needed to hire a share-cab to go that takes normally five hours...

 Then I finally got to the town and checked in a hotel provided by the team, and I took a short rest. As for training here, I succeeded in proving how much quality I deliver to the team early in the days, and the story of my contract had been growing dramatically. A week later from the first trial, I somehow signed on for the team on edge. I mean, my visa to stay in india was about to be expired very soon as I gave a offer formally from the team. The due was 18th of Jan, and The day I signed up was probably 16th... nearly out!! That's why I went back to  Japan in a hurry once to apply for another visa to extend which is an employment visa to work for the team. Meanwhile, I still clearly remember how happy I was while in Japan!! It was only ten days trip, though...


  To be continued...






 そのあと、1時間ほどでコルカタに着き、チケットカウンターへ。しかし待っていた答えはチケットはすべて「売り切れ」ということでした。翌日までには到着しなければいけなかったのにその日のチケットは売りきれ。さぁどうする??こんとき携帯も持ってなかったんで、近くのタクシードライバーの「携帯貸して!」よ懇願。笑 それで代理人に電話して、「コルカタからゴハティという所までのチケットを探せ」と。もうそれどこやねん!!って感じやったけど、従うしかないよね。再びチケットを取りにカウンターへ戻ったらなんとかあった。しかし、その時点でもう夜中で、自分の便は翌朝。まさかの一晩空港で過ごすことに・・・。



 その後、日本行きのチケットをチームからもらって、就労ビザを取りに日本に帰ることになります。束の間のひと時、幸せな10日間でした。笑 そしてまたインドに帰ることになります。



Trial in India - chapter three -

2012-02-29 19:06:30 | Asian Football Life



 Hi, hows it going guys!!


 I finally reached at Goaafter facing heaps of troubles on the way.  And I was suppose to catch up the manager of the team to be picked up to where I was suppose to stay during the trial, but I met full of runners who was trying to drag customers into their taxis. As a matter of course, I was about to be pulled into one of their cars, but I just pretended not to hear their noises. haha 

  After that, I was waiting for the manager about an hour by airport, and I could drive out of there. First of all, he took me to the old apartment where I'm going to stay and I met three players who has already been living there. To be honest, I didn't predict that I'd have indian house-mates immediately.

  As for inside the house, I actually had to live at an unacceptably low standard that is a prevalent level there. I would never say the rooms were nice and tidy that was actually far far far away from that words!! There were clouds of ants throughout the kitchen, no toilet paper in the toilet that means they use the left hand to wipe it out instead of it and no hot shower all day. The worst problem for me was on the bed where I was sleeping every night because there seemed to be many ticks on it. Actually I didn't feel them in the first ouple nights since I was so tired due to the tight flight schedule, but maybe on the third day since I started living there, I felt them gradually with ticks and mosquitoes bite everywhere on my body.

 Honestly, I couldn't focus on the trial in the next few days ince I couldn't sleep well every night due to them. As for the team, most of players and coaches were very familiar and friendly with me, but I think I wasn't good enough in every training. I must've scored more and taken more communication with other oversea players to make it. I would never say excuses on this, but I was tested as a striker this time that have to look for scoring goals greedily. However, exactly speaking, I was lack of that cuz I had been a midfielder since had this challenge, so it was a bit hard to shift my mind into it.

 then about two weeks without any good news flew by, and I got a call from my agent. And he said 'the other team is looking for a striker who is from asian country.'

 To be continued...











 いやぁ、すごいよね。ここでの生活はほんまにびっくりすることだらけでしたわ。笑 そんなこんなで2週間が過ぎ、なかなか契約がまとまらないまま、代理人から電話が。。。「他のチームがアジア人を探している」と。




Incredible meals

2012-02-28 15:47:24 | Asian Football Life

This time is a story on meals here provided. I think you could imagine that people here always have curry at meals. That's right!! I have never seen people having but curry so far...

 When I was with the team in a hotel for about a month during a competition, some kind of curries were served by the hotel for every meals. It was actually like a nightmare for me since I was totally sick and tired of even seeing it. After training sessions and games with a lot of tiredness, you meet same meal every time for grated.

 After every meal, I felt like my stomach was being burned and it made me hard to fall asleep every night...

 I should've asked to the team if I could've taken other dishes from the room service for meal.

 Anyway, I've been back to our hometown which is Shillong now, so I have some options to take for meal such as Chinese, Italy and some others that are great for me. However, I've still never tried eating with the right hand that is a usual manner for the people here, they seem to use tablewares sometimes such as spoons and folks in some cases which are for pastas and soups, though. But they of course use their hands for curry!!













Incredible toilets

2012-02-28 15:08:56 | Asian Football Life


This picture is a typical toilet in India. As you already realize the differences from the ones which we normally use. There is a tap by a seat instead of a toilet roll to be used by rubbing your ass after relieving yourself.

 Of course, I haven't done in this way yet. I guess I need more time to get used to it  and make up my mind to do so..... haha


 In fact, this toilet is still better then other ones because there is usually only a tap and a small bucket beneath it. After finishing your mess, first of all, you need to fill up some water into the bucket, soap your left hand(Don't use your right hand!!) and wipe your mess out of ass neatly. Ohhhh... I can't stll imagine I could do this in near future... Maybe I need to be reborn in the next world as a indian...





 上の写真をみてもわかると思うけど、まぁ紙がないよね。笑 その代わり蛇口とバケツが置いてる。これが典型的なインドのトイレ。さぁどうする??まぁ想像やら知識をして知っているやろうけど、(ここからは汚い話になってしまうのであしからず・・)大きい便をしたとき、女性なら関係なく一般的にインドでは紙を使ってお尻を拭くことはまずないので、左手を使って水に濡らしながらふき取ります。(気持ち悪いとは思わず、各文化を尊重して下さい。)

 実際、これを現実に見たときは焦ったし、即効でトイレットペーパー探しに行きました。ご安心を、インドにも紙が売っています。笑 正直いまだに手で拭いたことはないけど、もう今となっては見慣れすぎて気にしなくなった。一応このトイレは5つ星レストランのトイレです。その辺のトイレなんてまぁすごいもんです。いつかは手でチャレンジ・・・・・ いや、無理かな・・・。

Trial in India -chapter two-

2012-02-13 18:32:34 | Asian Football Life

At the immigration, they stood me up so long as I tried to enter the country without a visa, which all foreigners have to register it before entering. I of course knew that, and I also knew that people who have a Japanese passport are allowed to get a tourist visa on arrival that is valid for only a month. If you apply for it in a proper way, you can stay in India for up to three months with the visa. In spite of that, they kept me waiting in vain for few hours on arriving in India, so I ended up to miss the next flight for Goa where is my final destination of this long journey.

I actually felt so insecure of whether I would be able to obtain the visa while waiting. In addition, they were about to turn my application down due to the reason I came here for taking a trial of a football team because my purpose of the entering wasn't only a sightseeing, so that it couldn't help but doubt me if I would work on football illegally. As a matter of course, I didn't have no intention to doing that at all, and I didn't also want to go straight back to NZ with nothing achivement here, so that I somehow convinced them desperately, and I begged them to enter at last.... Then I somehow got a permission of it. I finally felt vindicated then... haha

On the way out of the airport, there were many cops standing everywhere with like a shotgun for security of inside airport. Moreover, nobody is allowed to get into the airport without a flight ticket on the day otherwise you are turned away at the door by cops. Anyway I looked for another ticket immediately as soon as made through the screening, and took it luckily within the day. At last, I reached at Goa, and the first trial was just kicked off on the next day.

To be continued...




  長いシリーズになりそうですが、我慢してくださいね。笑 そして空港にやっとこさ到着したんですが、実は自分はこのときビザを持っていませんでした。インド入国の際は日本人は必ずビザを所有していなければなりません。自分の場合は観光ビザで滞在の予定でしたが、nzにいるときにあまりに時間がかかりすぎるため、諦めかけました。ですが、観光ビザが現地空港で取得可能というのを知り、そのまま入国。このとき次の飛行機が3時間後だったんですが、審査官の人に待つようにといわれたソファに座ること1時間。。やっとこさ申請用紙をもらい、記入開始。ですがここで問題。自分は現地で泊まる予定の宿を、チームに用意してもらう予定だったのでどこも予約してませんでした。当然観光ビザなのに、プロサッカーチームのテストを受けにきたから観光ビザ出して!なんて言えない・・・。そのまま違法労働するんじゃないかって疑われそうだったので。


 だが、またここで問題、さっき渡したおれのサッカーの代理人の番号に審査官が確認の電話をして、むこうもサッカー関係でこいつは来たってあっさり言っちゃった。。おーーい!!あかんやろ!! ってことで審査官のボス的な人に「観光ビザはそういう目的では許可できないんだよ」と。。はぁ??ここまで長い間かけてきて、NZの子どもたちにも盛大送り出してもらって「はい、強制送還されましたんで帰ってきました!」なんて言えるか!!と必死で説得、むしろ土下座までしたろかぐらいの勢いで(してないけど笑)頼み込み。いやぁ、死んだじいちゃんが背中押してくれたんかもしれんけど、なんとそのボスの方が特別に許可してくれた!!次のフライトも迫ってることも後押しして押し倒し!!!けどなんやかんやそっからも時間かかって結局飛行機乗れず。。。


 しっかし、インドはビザの申請はほんまに厳しいです。現地空港での入国審査も本当に!空港内外にはでっかい銃もった警官がいっぱい立ってるし、空港を一回でてしまうと、飛行機のチケットがない限り再度絶対にいれてくれません。空港にさえもです。まぁテロ対策なんやろうけどまさにIncredible Indiaですね。




Trial in India -chapter one-

2012-02-07 18:29:04 | Asian Football Life

Hi, how are you today??

This is how the challenge in India was begun. To be honest, it was an unfounded reason I headed for India to play. My intuition just tole me to leave to, and I just flew with it. Another reason was that a Japanese player who played in the same league as I played last year in NZ made a contract with a good salary in India. However, I didn't actually have any connections with India side when I headed off. So I made up my mind to take a ticket for first and get there, and then tried to see what's going to happen.

U thought it was a reckless behavior, didn't u?? Yeah, I think you are right, but the point is that I'm still in India and have found and played for a team here.
And I somehow got a dubious promise for a trial through my friend who also had been for a trial in India just before took off NZ, and flied to. There were three changes of the flight at Gold Coast, Singapore and Mumbai on the way to the destination, Goa from Auckland NZ. It totally took me about two days... It was obviously the longest and toughest journey ever for sure!!
But I also found a positive surprise at Singapore airport. You know how huge it is inside?? There were hundreds of duty shop, a massive internet space, relaxation rooms and the gym so on... In fact, I couldn't look around all of them at all despite being for many hours there. I enjoyed to kill time, though, haha

By the way, I finally reached at India, but I faced the crisis of deportation from India at the immigration in Mumbai airport!!

To be continued later.





 出発したのはなんとクリスマスイブでした。着いたのは2日間かけて計3度の飛行機乗り換えで26日。なんとも寂しいクリスマス。笑 まぁチャンスがあればすぐに飛び込まないあかんから仕方ないけどね。実際出国数日まで、入団テストの話が出ては消えての繰り返しで結構精神的にきつかったけど、なんとか知り合いを頼りに受けれることに。その間飛行機を遅らしたり、住んでる家に頼みこんで出る日をずらしたり、サッカースクールも最後のレッスンしたのに、追加でまたやったりといろんな方に迷惑をかけてしまった・・・。すみません!!






I've been back in a classic era again.

2012-02-04 17:56:56 | Diary

Hi, guys.

Sorry that I can't type in Japanese this time as I'm in a local town where is a bit far away from our home due to some games here. So I will rewrite it or translate it to Japanese as soon as getting back to our home town, Shillong because I can't use my own laptop anywhere here unfortunately... I heard we will be here until around on 20th of this month.

Anyway, I got back to India three days ago from all the way Japan. It took me a whole day to get back and tranfered twice at Singapore and Kolkata in India. Then I finally arrived at where the team has been in the early morning and I joined a team training from the noon.

The team had played the first match of the league that is a very important one to get promoted to I-league in the next season before I came here, and they won it by 3-1, apparently. The next match is set on next Tuesday and we have still 5games left in this first round and if we get qualified it, we can go through the final round. Our goal is of course to win the league and play in I-league next year. To be honest, I was in a bit nervous to meet my teammates again here as I had been back to Japan for a while, but they warmly welcomed me as a member of the team, so I was relieved and thanked them so much!!

Where I've staying here is a five star hotel, apparetly, but I don't think so at all..haha But the room that I've shared with a teammate is not that bad, but the only one problem is a meal provided by hotel, that they seem to give us a different meal every time, but the taste is almost same!! I think they are using same seasoning every time they cook.

Anyway, we have to focus on the next winnable game and I have to make deeply communication with teammates on and off the pitch.
I've actually felt much pressures on my shoulder from coachs to lead them to win because I was called up by them and they signed me up to score as many goals as I can to help the team. I've taken a spot of 4 which is the number of oversea players that allow each team to register. I'm from Japan, but rest of the spots has been taken by three Nigerian players at the moment.

This is a great opportunity for me to step up and brush up my skills now!! Think positively of everything that happens oversea.










