Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2014-07-26 00:28:22 | 自己紹介/self-introduction

 Hi, guys

 Finally I've started Twitter!! Twitter will be a part of where I can put out information of what I've just started, which is a job as a football agent. I'm willing to share a various of information of trials with those who are interested in playing overseas through Twitter, this blog and Facebook as well to introduce a team I know/seek a Japanese player to strength the team.

 Feel free to follow my Twitter by looking up on taiki(taka)matsumura or dec12171985 on twitter, and also feel free to throw a comment if you are interested or when you come up with any inquiries about trials.





 twitter 名前: taiki(taka)matsumura  ID:dec12171985


As a visa player

2014-07-19 21:51:20 | Asian Football Life

 Hi, guys.

 This is the very first entry about the life in Thailand. Originally, I wasn't going to fly over to Thailand, but various things around me were timed well at a time then so that I could decide to do so.

 What reminded me of on the journey in Bangkok was that how much expectations and pressure a visa player receive once you make a contract with a team in SouthEast Asia. I thought I still remembered how much they were as I've played in India before, so I thought I knew how I could deal with it. However, those things I got in Bangkok was more than those I got in India.

 They always give me a sharp eye every game and training session. I'm playing as a attacking player overseas, which means that every team I play for expect me a simple inpact - goals and assists, that's all!!

 So If you are thinking now you want to go and play somethere in Asia, you better bear in mind the fact. Even though you are good enough to play there, you won't be able to achieve anything unless you have a certain mental toughness.

 And football in Thailand, has a great potential to be a big-power country in Asia, I think. And to top it all off, they are amazingly skillful!! Once you watch them play in a small sided game, you can see how good at passing aroung they are in the grids. On the countrary, they have a weak part in football which is a very similar problem to the one Japanese national team has - the ability of scoring goals. 

 Anyway, what I can say is that the players and leagues in Thai is higher than the ones in India including its level and what is needed as a visa player here. Moreover, Languages make you more difficult to play out here as they don't speak English... But I'm enjoying a new life and football!!!!!!







2014-07-10 00:37:50 | Diary

 Hi, guys.

 Recently, I often make use of flights from AirAsia, always provides you the cheapest price in the world to anywhere in Central, South-east and East-Asia, especially. As a matter of course, there are pros and cons as you use it. On the negative sides, you might have experienced a LCC flight before, they never provide you any services on board unless you request them. That's why they can provide us the budget cheap prices all the time. No food, no earphones and no TV provided. Even so, I take the great advantage they have, and others don't have which is its prices. But I don't guarantee you'd definitely land safely..Lol 

 Last time I was on board from Malaysia to Thailand, I had a very rough flight might have been caused by sudden turbulence or the pilot might have been struggling against sleepness... I don't know why..

 If you are still keen on using flights from AirAsia, I think you are brave and stubborn enough to take it. And It'll be well worth gambling with your life. When you book a flight on it, you better do on their website, otherwise you have no chances to meet promotion flights they give away constantly. And you also need to check the price of the flight you want to book cuz it often fluctuates by minutes. So I recommend you sit all day out on the chair checking the price, otherwise, you may miss out on saving money on your flight. It's very funny system, but true!!

 I hope you can enjoy your flight with AirAsia!!





Bed bug!!

2014-07-06 18:24:25 | Asian Football Life


 I became food for bug the other week!! I got hundreds of bites throughout my body over few nights on the bed in the hostel where I stayed a couple of nights there. It was a real nightmare!! I felt like receiving a torture... I really thought I'd be a dead body after few nights if I kept putting up at the hostel. Unbearable itch from the bites made me go phycho overnight. So at one time, I tried to count how many I got bit by the small murders, but it was seriously uncountable.. I was actually counting up to 200 bites over my body - legs, arms, neck, back and stomach.. , but I gave up counting to the end cuz it seemed impossible to count up. I think there should be at least more than 400 bites.. Can you believe it? and imagine how itchy they are?

 Moreover, I needed to go for a team training every night, and I fell prey to a number of mosquitoes!! Fuck dead...

 Luckily, I had brought an anti-itchy cream made in Japan, but it was all gone right away.. What I can be only proud of myself is that I let them heal on its own.. just a real stupid? lol 







the end of knight errantry

2014-07-03 00:32:42 | Asian Football Life


 Actually, I left Australia in early June to a country for trials. These guys in the photo were the players who I met and played with. The period of stay this time was for only 10 days, but it was irreplaceable. As a matter of course, I didn't do any homeworks about the country before heading there. I know you think I'm stupid and reckless, but I've done the same thing before already, and it's become the way I do when I go and look for a new team overseas since then. This way makes me more curious, and brings me a lot of new discoveries and amazing things that remain in my mind as unforgetable memories for good.

 Anyway, I could meet many great people and made fantastic friends who still keep in touch with on FB constantly. I think I wouldn't have headed there forever if I hadn't played football. This is also a link through football that can be a great treasure more than anything in your lifetime.

 Football makes my life glorious and enjoyable all the time.



 写真は、THE JETSの皆さんです。笑

 実は6月の頭に、オーストラリアを出て、ある国に行ってました。その国のチームの練習に参加してたのが彼ら。滞在は、10日間足らずの短い期間だったけど、非常に濃い時間になりました。いつもながら、アポなし、エージェントなし、今回はさらに着いてから詳しく調べようってことで、行く前はほとんど情報を頭に入れなかったのですが、着いてすぐ、空港内のinformation centerで一番近いチーム名と電話番号を聞いて、タクシーの運ちゃんに練習場所を聞いて事務所に突撃。あっさりOKもらって、着いた次の日には練習参加できたという早業でした。


