Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Bass fishing!!

2015-05-28 22:55:34 | Diary

Hi, guys.

I went bass fishing for the first time in about 15 years the other day!! I just tagged along with my friend who is really into it, and he asked me to come as I'd never done some fishing on the boat, always do from shore.

As you could see it in the photo above, the water was so clear and transparent that you can see fishes through. The lake is surrounded by woods, and I felt like being a sacred sanctuary with full of negative ions. I can say that the landscape from the boat was the best I've ever seen in Japan!!




Overall, I fished three small basses in the morning, but I couldn't get any after the sun rose. Because the climate and temperature of every hour change everything. So you have to find out the right way of fishing every hour or moment you fish. Experiences and much knowledge could divide you from others to fish.

But I am totally into it now!!



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In Nara

2015-05-04 22:23:27 | Diary

Hi, guys.

I went to Nara the other day. It's been a long time since I visited the Nara park and Todaiji-temple last time. It was always good to be there. 

Okay, let me explain about those two notable sites for any tourists first. Todaiji ("Great Eastern Temple") is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara prefecture. The temple was constructed in 752 as the head temple of all provincial Buddist temples of Japan.

Todaiji's main hall, the Daibutsuden (Big Buddha Hall) is the world's largest wooden building, despite the fact that the present reconstruction of 1692 is only two thirds of the original temple hall's size. The massive building houses one of Japan's largest bronze statues of Buddha(Daibutsu). The 15 meters tall, seated Buddha represents Vairocana and is flanked by two Bodhisattvas.

And Nara Park is a large park in central Nara. Established in 1880

The park is home to hundreds of freely roaming deer. Considered in Shinto to be messengers of the gods, Nara's nearly 1200 deers have become a symbol of the city and have even been designated as a natural treasure. Nara's deer are surprisingly tame, although they can be aggressive if they think you will feed them. Deer crackers are for sale around the park, and some deer have learned to bow to visitors to ask to be fed.



 といっても奈良駅周辺の観光名所しか回っていませんが。笑 たまにくるとやっぱりいいもんですね。



In particular, The big Buddha which is a national treasure was a majestic!!

I actually wanted to visit the other famous temple called Houryu-ji temple, but it was a bit remote from the center of Nara and knew that the entrance fees have been amazingly raised recently. To be honest, I couldn't afford it!!Lol





 P.S. I kicked a ball around with some friends in ages. I actually played futsal after the two months break. I was really wondering whether I still remembered how to kick a ball, but I did. haha 

Hopefully this is going to be a huge boost to my morale for football.