Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


A birthday gig with a soccer coaching.

2016-08-31 19:14:25 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I had a soccer gig for a boy as a birthday gift to him. I actually got offered by his mom that she wanted to do something special for his older son as I coach him soccer in a group session every Sunday. So I had no reasons that I shouldn't do that for him. 

I was a bit uneasy about the session as I was going to have about 20 kids on the day that I haven't even met most of them who are his classmates. At the same time, I was so jealous of the birthday boy!! I still remember throwing a party with some friends invited for my birthday when I was a kid, but it wasn't that lavish for sure!!

All in all, his mother told me in the night after the session that she has received a lot of positive messages and feedbacks from them, that made me relieved big time!!

Thank you for the new great experience!!  








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Joffre lakes

2016-08-27 18:42:32 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I made a one-day trip to the Joffre lakes the other week. It took us about 3 hours to get to the first lake where is located beside the car park. Actually, there weren't enough spots to cover up all the cars of visitors during a peak season of the year. So I suggest you to go as early in the morning as you can to secure a spot otherwise you are forced to park on the road a bit far away from the entrance... 

However, it was a amazing hike!! The photo above is that I took halfway through the hiking course. Majestic, right?


 この前ちょっとした旅行でJoffre lakesという場所に行ってきました。バンクーバーからレンタカーで3時間弱の所にある綺麗な湖が見えるハイキングコースです。写真はそのハイキング途中の大自然の中で。

The second photo is at the second lake, located a bit far away from the first one. It takes you about 40 mins on a lumpy path. And walking up another 20 mins from there, you can see the very last lake, and you can also walk around it to the other side of the lake where gives you an option if you still want to give it a go for another hectic hike for a picturesque view, which it the photo below!! 


But this is not acutually what it is.. Since I gave up on the way to the very top, I couldn't get you a perfect landscape from there!! Sorry.. If you get to climb up to the top, you will look down the three lakes at the spot. It was a very tight schedule for me at that time, so maybe I will try to get there next time for sure.

There were many campers by the third lake, so I bet it will be an unforgettable memory, if you afford to stay there for few nights. 



My coaching career history/コーチ経歴

2016-08-15 15:12:06 | 自己紹介/self-introduction

 My coachng career history has been updated as follows. 


 2011 NewZealand Found my soccer academy in Auckland オークランドにて自身のサッカーアカデミーを開校

   2012   NewZealnd    Started a soccer lesson at a local elementary school in Auckland(Edendale school)


   2013 Austaralia  Coaching for an U14 team at Brisbane Boys college 


   2013   Australia       Found my soccer academy in Brisbane ブリスベンにて自身のサッカーアカデミーを開校

 2015 Retired as a footballer/soccer player 現役引退

   2015   Canada         Found my soccer academy in Vancouver バンク―バーにて自身のサッカーアカデミーを開校

   2016   Canada         Started coaching at Wesburn Soocer club in Vancouver 


   2016   Canada         Started coaching at FCBEscola Vancouver(FC Barcelona official academy)





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BOG fiji tournament - U9 and U10 Results

2016-08-09 17:14:17 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I remember blogging about the BOG soccer tournament few months ago, so let me update on the results of it. To go straight to the bottom line, we got hammered in the two games that we had at the competition. I can't remember exactly how many goals we conceded from those two games, perhaps it was about 10.. And we only had one goal from them.. It was actually shocking to me!!

Plus, I myself was a bit upset in my mind while the games were ongoing, especially in the situation where we started getting scored many, all I could do for the kids were t encourage them to keep their heads up and stay the course. Thinking back of that time, I strongly think I could do something better for them..Maybe if I were more of a well-experienced coach, it would have been a different scenario.

However, I still have a lot of time to strike back at the opponents and become a way better one with a solid method that never makes me go wobbly. It's all about the amount of experience that you have and you have got through before like this time!!








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The Asian Cup in Vancouver

2016-08-03 22:32:56 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Throwback to the Asian Cup this June. We took part in a competition called Asian Cup in Vancouver. As you might know, playing soccer is one of the most popular activity for kids in Vancouver. And it's no exception for Asian kids in here either. This soccer compertition is held in June every year for testing themselves as a team and international interaction among those countries.

Originally, there were 4 teams in total to make it, but the Korea suddenly decided to pull out of the comp, and they didn't even show up on the game day. This could happen everywhere in the world, right?Lol

In the end, We swept all the trophies!! As a matter of course, we won all the games we played by a huge margin. I actually had nothing to do as a coach. Even if there had been no coach for the team, they could've won it easily for sure. So what I focused on during the games was to deal with every single player equally and fairly by giving them equal time for every game. It's not an easier job that it sounds to integrate a new team who has some players you have never coached before. And they all are at puberty, that means at a difficult age in a way. But I liked the experience, though!!

However, this has made me think that I'd like to see what I could do for them in a seesaw game!!





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