Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 13 vs Onehunga sports

2011-06-27 23:47:14 | Soccer/football

We maintained our excellent form with another victory on Sunday.

We opened the scoring after 23 minutes only for Onehunga Sports to reply for the home side mid-way through the second half.
But we restored the visitors'advantage with 19 minutes to go to seal the outcome.
However it was a really tough game to secure 3 points in this game cuz the park of Onehunga sports was so floppy and bumpy, so it made us annoyed to keep the way we normally show on the pitch, which is a possession football.
We always try to keep a ball to dominate the pace of the game and put them on the pressure with the way, but we couldn't live up on our game plan due to the shit pitch.
I thing this victory resulted in our mental toughness. The runners-up is now 8 points behind us in the league 6 games left.
We've had a huge advantage on the title race.





Win bonus and fine. (勝利給と罰金)

2011-06-24 00:19:38 | Soccer/football
Hi, What are you up to now??

Me?? I've just tucked myself into a warm blanket on the bed cuz it's do cold here now!! It freeze me every night cuz the winter has just come now. I need a KOTATSU in my room and I just want to sleep in there!! It feels so nice man!

By the way, let me introduce some funny rules of my team. First, let me say this. We are NOT a professinal club. Of cource some players of the team have got a regular payment from the club which is salary, but it's not all of us.
In addition, we're suppose to get a win bonus after winning a game. This is the all same price for each players. There is no gap between all players, which is a good rule, I think.

However the problm is that we might also get a fine from the team's manager if we make something wrong such as like someone doesn't turn up a training session without call, doesn't turn up on time and doesn't put team wear/ proper training kit on... something like that...
There are still some stupid rules like them. Oh my god...

The funniest thing is the rule bringing something to each game site to avoid a fine. This is what we called 'Item of the week'. On the last training day for the every weekend's game, Coach nominate someone of the players and the player tells rest of players a item which we have to bring it to the game otherwise getting a fine. For example, if someone says 'Iron board', everybody including coaches and stuffs has to find it at home or somewhere else and bring it over a dress room of the game site.

This is a ridiculous but also a funny rule, isn't it??

But to be honest, I didn't even know that there were so many rules like this in the team in the begging, so I've saved a massive fine so far, apparently...
No way.....

This means all my win bonus is automatically turned to fines I have to pay off.
So sad... Don't u think so??




 わけわからんし納得いかんのが、チームに罰金制度があるってこと。遅刻やチームウェア/チームの練習着などもしっかり着てこなければ罰金。さらに毎週「Item of the week」といって毎週試合前の最後の練習時にランダムにアイテムを監督などから1つ指示されます。

 まぁおもろいからいいけどね。 チャンチャン。

Chatham Cup Second round

2011-06-21 00:08:55 | Soccer/football
Hi, bro!! How are you getting on??

We had a game on Cup tournament last weekend which is the 2010 finalists.
We cruised into the last 16 via an 8-0 thumping of Lotto NRFL Division 2 side which is two division below us.
It was a tremendous result for us as we netted a lots of goals and shut them out. Moreover a former All-whites player suppose to join our team as a new player to cement the position of the leader in the league more strongly.
He's also a team captain for Auckland city FC, who is suppose to play in club world cup in December in Japan.
He's a defender apprently, so his initiation will definitely give us some positive things such as competitiveness within the team and more strong confident for the title.

As for myself, I've still struggled a groin pain. What I do every single day is just go to gym and do a lots of exersices living up on a come-back program that the team physio made up for me. It always brought me down and feel dump but I need to do this without any rest.

Let me play now!! please god!!


 自分はというと、相変わらずよくならない・・・。毎日ジムに通い、与えられたリハビリメニューを数時間かけてこなすという日々。気が滅入りそうになるときもあるけど、楽しんでやれてる所もあったり。確実に体がマッチョマンになってます。笑 今は腹筋も毎日欠かさず500回はしてるんで、腹筋「カッチカチやぞ!」ってこんなギャグしてる人いましたよね。名前はわからんが・・。



Japanese language supplementary school (日本語補習校)

2011-06-14 23:24:40 | New zealand
Hi, what's up mate?

I got a new experience at supplementary school for Japanese last weekend. It was so nice and fun for me to be there the whole time.
You know what the supplementary schools mean?? As the word of 'supplementary', this is a school for Japanese kids who like try to master proper Japanese like same as kids who living in Japan.
Naturally, the kids who have grown up outside Japan don't have much oppotunities to use Japanese as they go to a local school.
The situation they can usually use the language is in their home or only when they chat their Japanese friends who met here. (however, they speak in English each other even in this situation cuz it's way easier for them to understand each other than in Japanese)

That's the reason the school has existed. Some students go to the supplementary school after their local school and some others go there on Saturday. Thay can choose what day to go depending on their request.
In my soccer school, some kids go to the school a couple days a week.

This time, the reason I went there was to give out the existence of my soccer school to them and recruit some new players.
When I started it up, I was looking for a school like that which is many Japanese students enrolled for recruitment. And I contacted them as soon as I found it and I got an appointment to join a class as a volunteer in stead of the promotion for my school, but I couldn't make it for a whole since I had a game every weekend.
I finally made it last weekend before went to game and I joined one class and took some lessons with kids such as Japanese and arthmetic. That brought me back some memories...

What a fond memory... haha

In the class, there were also some naughty kids who is difficult to deal with for his teacher. I felt like his teacher couldn't control those naughty kids and the class had been sometime messed up by them!! haha
Should I have stopped them at that time?? .... It's ok, maybe.

It was a enjoyable time for me and hopefully some students will get intersted in the soccer school!!








Round 11 vs Central Utd

2011-06-11 19:13:48 | Soccer/football
Hi, I'll update quickly on the today's game.

We smashed them again in the second round, who had come on 3rd place in ladder before took on us. This team we took on is the richest team in the league and they have so many quality players from Auckland city who is one of the most greatest club in NZ. I think it's the only club in Oceania Japanese soccer fans recognize who they are.

These two teams(Central and Auckland city) have known well each other since ages ago, so Central can import most of players from them. In addition, Auckland city is suppose to be a club in Club world Cup held in Japan in the end of this year as a representative club of Oceania region.
They(central) have some imported players from Spain cuz the coach comes from there.

Anyway, we beated them and we could really dominate the whole game to the end. I think the reason of the win's caused by our combinaton football, which is to alway play as a group on the field. A strong team-work is more important part than individual part in this world.



 相手のチームには、今年末に日本であるクラブW杯(トヨタカップ)にオセアニア代表でAuckland city FCが出場しますが、その所属選手が半分以上いるチーム。NZ代表も2,3人います。(この前AustraliaとMexicoのフル代表とやったみたい。)



Round 10 vs East Coast Bays n Chatham Cup First Round

2011-06-06 20:53:06 | Soccer/football
Hi, bro.

What are you up to now??

We had two important games in last 3 days. One of two was the minor league competition and the other one was the cup tournament launched from today which was the first round for us.
This cup competition has just got started for us. The format of the competition is a tournament in tandem with the normal league, so the cup is finished when we are defeated.
This is a really huge tournament as any teams all over the country who have affiliated with the football association of NZ can compete in the competition.
Its format is similar to such as the Emperor Cup in Japan and FA Cup in England.

Anyway we won these games, but the cup game was not good game for us held today. Our side was so poor, missed too many chances in crossfire to score. I think the reason came from fatigue of each players, but that was a monotonous game.

Last year, our team made through the final for the cup tournament apparently, and also of course we are aiming to get back to the spot and win the league title.

We are so hungry for this two title in the season. I beleave we also have so much potential to make the goals!! 







2011-06-03 23:41:04 | Soccer/football
Hi, how are you??

Sorry to procrastinate about the answer of why I haven't played since two weeks ago on last entry.
It's a groin injury what we called Osteitis Pubis which is inflammation of the joint where the pubic bone meets at the front of my pelvis.
Honestly, I've been with this pain since just a year ago when I wan playing in Australia. I think when I first felt the pain on my groins, I didn't completely stop playing because I was in the season at that time, though it's the biggest reason I got this.

In fact, I went back to Japan once last September for a couple of months to have a treatment for it, but I also kept training hard while I was looking after the injury because a physio told me I could train as usual, that's the way we treat something like that, but it resulted in such a bad consequence like this... I mean, the treatment in Japan was no point obviously.
And I had to fly back to New Zealand with it unfortunately and of course I couldn't take any spell for the treatment while I was in Palmerston North. In addition, the new season got started in Auckland as soon as I moved in. Actually, I wanted to keep playing for the team now to the end of the season which is the end of August, but I felt like it was aggregated badly around last month as I felt an intense pain on my both groins when I kicked a ball.
On that day, I drove home with one of my teammate after training and he told me I'd better take some rest until it will be fully recovered.

After that, I thought myself and decided to stop playing completely for care.

I've of course itched to play again, but need to be patience otherwise it can reoccur soon. Our team physio recommended me to rest which is the best form of treatment for this injury.
After come-back, I'll be able to play with a top form and have to be the best player in the team!! I can be for sure!!




 復帰まで2~3か月!!たぶん。笑 なんとかシーズン終盤には万全で戻りたい!万全ならチーム内の競争に勝てる自信はあるし、今は耐えてパワーためときます!!