Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Be patient!!

2015-09-27 20:15:05 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Oh, you poor thing... I've been hazed at work by my predecessor.. I got to be patient to try not lose it. And last week I can't even remember how much I was forced to do overtime!! I felt like working for a company in Japan. It totally sucked!! 

As I mentioned before, I work for a renovation firm over here. Of course, I'm a shadow, and taught everything by a queer Japanese carpenter. I get to the office at 9 and with him until 7pm or later. This tweaked guy has a horrible habit, which is a hot temper and wisecracker!! I'm really sick and tired of working with him, but that can't be helped..

So I've started thinking that way. Maybe it's not entirely his fault. My behaviour or attitude to him at work sets off his anger every now and then. Some viewers might be thinking what he still works for, but I believe that this kind of adverse circumstance makes me grow up mentally and help me become a class.

Tresure any(every) encounter, for it will never recur!!







A renovation firm

2015-09-19 23:38:11 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been two months since I came to Vancouver. Time always flies by and leave everything in the past. Time is Money. Live every moment with all your energy.

Lately, I spend far too much time working for a Japanese-affiliated renovation company. We take on both commercial and residential project, as it is called in Japan, a general contractor office or a builder. I work as a helper as I had no experience in the field. We are the main contractor who takes directly on projects from clients. Once we made a contract with a client, we farm it out to our like-minded subcontracters. What I do at work is help them get their work faster or do some subsidiary work where the subcontracters miss.

However, as I said before, I had never committed to this kind of job before as that I'm always pointed out what I do at work and come under fire for doing everything in a wrong way!! Sick of it!!

But everything at work is my first experiences, so I need to learn from every mistake I made and put it to a good use for the next time.

Look for something fun in any hard time!! 







The best start of the season!!

2015-09-13 00:46:18 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Today, it was a game day for the new season!! I was really wondering what the league and its standard were like. Apparently, we are playing in the top division of the league, but I'd heard that most of teams tend to play more physically than technical base. But it wasn't shocking as I'm already used to it from the past experiences, in particular, when I played in Australia. haha

The result couldn't be better with a 4-2 win and scoring two goals were a bonus. In fact, one of the families from my soccer clinic came to cheer me up from the sideline, which is very inspiring to me. That could be the reason I could score a brace for the first time in a relatively long time.

Tomorrow, it's a soccer clinic day to cap off the weekend!! Can't wait to kick a ball around with kids under a beatiful sunny day!!









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Bonding over kicking a ball!!

2015-09-06 20:17:51 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I had a wonderful day today with a bunch of kids at my own soccer clinic. You know what? The number was 18 even though it was only 5 until the last week, though! Most of the kids came by word of mouth. It's been only a month since I started this, and I have come this far in the meantime, which is amazing!! But need to go further and never be satisfied with where I am.

Naturally, you need to be courageous when you start something new, and forming it is time-consuming and unbearable untill it starts going well. Plus, you should be rich in humanity if you want to turn it into a successful story.

I feel like being put to the test right now and for next few months. But this is why I came here. I need to pass it.

By the way, Vancouver is really chilly these days. Summer is over and winter has already come.. The temperature never goes over 20 degrees. I'm being scary to see the real winter in Canada. But life is not always the bad things. The soccer season in winter is about to begin in a week here. Do my best!








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