Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


reset the frame of mind

2014-04-27 23:27:05 | Diary

 Hi, guys.

 I just hit on something I should write down here. 

 I think the circumstances around me at the moment is super great!! But when time rolls on, it's getting hard to bear it in mind all the time as you easily become accustomed to the rich life which is so forgetable, and next moment, you become more greedy, and started looking for a better one. But it might be able to take you there or hurt you by falling into a pitfall. 

 Recently, I've watched many Japanese players play in the same league I play. There is a Japanese agent behind them to send into the league apparently. When I came here for the first time, I was so desperate to find a team by myself by handing out my own football CV, somtime sending out my playing video direct to a team by email. People might think it's a very ridiculous and time-comsuming way, but it can benefit you as a person. I used to be gritless, but it made me stronger, and brought me a lots of nerves!!

 Anyway, they are all good players, who have a much better football career in teens than myself such as a former J3 player and player in top Japanese college league. As a result, they've easily got a spot in a starting line-up as soon as they joined a club!! They've also motivated me so much on the pitch.

 As a matter of course, I don't want to be defeated by teams, who they've been played for, and as a player too.

 And also, I have to appreciate a lot of people here again who have given me a opportunity to play this year. I've got heaps of supports from my friends here off the pitch. I can't think of myself now without them. Obviously I owe what I am now to them. I need to think it back at this point to change myself now!!






 それも経歴は素晴らしい。JFL、関西大、阪南大、桃山学院大、慶応大、JAPAN  FOOTBALL COLLEGEなどなど。関西1部大学や、JFLなんかは自分が大学生の時は雲のような存在でした。今そんな卒業したての現役選手が同じピッチで対面してるのはすごく自分も刺激的です。皆年下の選手ばかりで、やるからにはまだまだ自分も負けられない、チームの結果と共に個人のパフォーマンスも絶対に負けたくない。





My track died!!

2014-04-23 23:04:54 | Diary

 Hi, guys.

 My delivery truck suddenly broke down on the road today!!

 The cause was the clutch worn out. It just suddenly occured while I was on the way to the last drop. Honestly, I didn't notice what happened when the clutch started slipping. I thought one of the tyres went flat in the first place because I smelled like something was burning from rear, and at that moment I thought it came from a tyre burnt.

 Then I pulled the truck on a nearby car park to check if all the tyres were fine. But they looked okay so that made me confused as I had no idea what was wrong with the truck, and I still had one drop left to deliver. 

 So I started an engine, and hit the accelerator to get to the destination, but I realized that the engine was just idling away, and the speed never went up. I pulled it again on the side of the road, and call RACQ to tow it away to repair. I heard it'd cost few thousand dollars to fix!!

 Anyway, I'm relieved with a healthy body now. You should get prepared for preventing an accident in any situations.








The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

2014-04-18 23:11:55 | Australia

 Hi, guys.  

 Have you ever caught a glimpse of royals? Me? Of course never!! But there has been a chance to wave at them in this Easter holidays as they will be touching down in Brissy for a short stop as part of their royal tour. But they have already enjoyed on Australian soil in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra for few days before they set foot here.

 Apparently, Viewing points will be set along the main street in the town, and I can easily expect that huge crowds will be flocking to those points to snag a prime spot, but a big screen will also be installed at nearby town.

 But unfortunately, it is reported that the royal bub who gave birth last summer has been tipped to stay with his nanny in the capital. But it never minds me at all cuz I've even any of royals before! But I must be ready to say ' Your royal highnesses' upon greeting Their Royal highnesses, after that use 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' if I'm lucky enough to bump into the royals.

 Have a good visit in brissy, 'Sir' and 'Ma'am'!!  



 現在、こちらではイースターホリデーという大型連休が今日から始まりましたが、英国のロイヤルファミリーがオーストラリアを訪れています。メルボルン・シドニー、そして首都キャンベラを回って明日からブリスベンに来ます。残念ながら、明日は試合があるので見にいけませんが、中心街でお披露目会ならぬイベントがあるみたい。今回来ているのは、王子であるウィリアムとその妻のケイト王妃、そして国民のお目当ては恐らく、去年の7月に生まれたroyal babyのジョージだと思うんですが・・・。残念ながら、今回はキャンベラでお留守番で来ないという噂が立ってます。



Calm before storm!!

2014-04-13 20:04:48 | Australia

 Hi, guys.

 We should be ready to batten down the hatches as the destructive cyclone named Ita is on her way to North Queensland in Australia. The intensity has been categorized into 5 storm which is devastating and disastrous with it 300km/h winds, heavy rain and a 2m-high surge of water.

 It's already been broadcasted about those who had been destructed or flooded their houses, and couldn't help but evacuate in the shelters to escape disaster. The Bereau also warned that it could reach more populated areas of the coast including southern parts of the state where I currently live. At least there will be more or less impacts on Brisbane.

 Brisbane suffered from flood damage which was so huge in early 2011. Luckily, I wasn't there at that time, but I've heard what exactly happened and how hard it was to get over for Queenslanders. I really hope it will never occur to us, and don't want to even recall it.







vs Peninsula Power

2014-04-08 17:15:11 | Soccer/football

 Hi, everyone.

 We had a big clash with one of the title favorites the other day. The result was surprisingly a draw 2-2. They had been in five consecutive wins before dropped points against us which was a huge point for us. 

 But so far, We have already taken on all the title contenders in the league in the first round, and claimed only one point out of them which is not enough to break into the popular belief. So what we definitely need to do is now that we will try not to drop any points from now on till we will play against the contenders in the next round which starts from June.

 Personally, I've been considering of a lot of things other than football that sometimes become a bit concerns and distractions to football. Vice versa, I'm in good form with a certain consistency and quality in football. And I have no doubt that I might lose the ball when I get a ball. I've been playing with full of confidences that I've never felt like that before. 

 However, it makes me think more.. It's like a vague lassitute.. 








Fare evaders

2014-04-04 21:06:57 | Australia

 Hi, guys.

 For me, who don't have my own car, Trains are a main tool for transpotation in Australia. However, I often see interesting articles about 'fare evasion' on newspapers on a daily basis. The number of the fare evasion apts to be bigger and bigger.

 I think most of Japanese people can't believe this happens a lot here because it can't be considered as a social issue in Japan where has been set a more solid basic structure of industry. 

 One of the biggest things I got suprised here for the first time was that there were no ticket barriers at most train stations but main stations of city. There are even no resident staffs stationed at some train stations. That means like giving a free-ride invitation to evaders.

 Moreover, there is not only the reason but also the other one about fare hikes. I guess it has already become half as expensive as when I first came to Australia in 2008. 

 nowadays it's so easy for me to recognize who the passenders without tickets are on the trains. It's because they are routinely in a fidget with wobbly eyes and busy looking around to be ready running to an exit door when ticket inspectors come in. It's a bit enjoyable to watch them copped by inspectors and whinge or whine at them to gloze!!

 Be careful, everyone!!



 こちらオーストラリアでは、もっぱら交通手段として電車を使うことが多いのですが、最近よくオーストラリアの社会問題として取り上げられているのが、「Fare evasion」。要するに、列車のタダ乗り。日本ではありえないのですが、こちらは多いんです。理由は簡単、改札がないから。駅員も大きな駅にしかいないことが多いのです。必然的にそら増えますよね。笑 




Whale hunt

2014-04-02 14:07:25 | Australia

 Hi, guys.

 Sorry, I've been putting it off blogging lately.. Feel I always use the same excuse when I haven't updated so long, but I was so swamped last three weeks giving a helping hand to my friend's company where I used to work. 

 Seriously, I've been so unorganized with football!! Plus, I had been getting enough sleep as well.. It(s like putting the cart before the horse. I have to get everything back right..

 By the way, I watched an interesting news the other day that UN court slapped a ban on Japan about the whale hunt.  For good or bad, Japan is known for killing whales for a research purpose currently which can be alternative meat to others such as beefs, porks and chickens when food crisis comes out with rising populations in the world, and used to kill them for food. Japan consistently insists they are on the right track for the future of the world, but it hasn't been justified.

 Surprisingly, Australian people have a strong interest in this kind of issue. They are of course against what Japan does. In their opinion, Whales should be protected as the same mammal as human beings.

 In America, one documentry movie were released titled 'the cove' about Japan's dolphin hunt. It was kind of shocking to me when I knew about the fact as I had no idea that my home country killed dolphins in some small regions. The people in the regions insist to protect their tradition about the dolphin hunt.

 I think 'tradition' can sometimes put people in a tenuous situation, and confuse people when a decision is made. And 'tradition' is also a heavy term that makes people think as if all the tradition from the past must be protected and continue for the future. However, time changes all the time, and some traditions could go against the era, then it might need to be discarded.

 But I also think why only mammals should be protected. What about pigs, cows and other animals and fishes killed by egoistic human beings for food?? What differences lie on??

 I think the gap of thought between the countries will never be filled.  






 この前知ったのは、日本は未だにイルカ漁もしているようです。ごく一部の地域ですが・・・。アメリカがそれを非難するようなドキュメンタリー映画「The cove」を公開したのも事実です。が、日本では政府がそれを隠そうとしているのか、その事実があまり公にはなっていないと思います。自分もこの間まで知りませんでしたし。日本側の大きな主張は、「伝統継続」。もうお決まりのようになっていますね。伝統すべてが良い物で、それをすべて守っていかなければいけないとは自分は思いません。時代の変化に伴い、切り捨てていくもの、変化して対応させていかなければいかない事もあると思っています。

