Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Brissy Soccer Academy in Dublin!!

2017-03-27 13:07:28 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

Finally, I got to the first soccer practice of my own academy in Ireland. It took me more than 2 months to get here that was much longer than I had expected as it only took me a month to get to the first session in Vancouver last year.

There were loads of hassles in the process of it, but got to pave the way throught somehow. I only had 5 kids yesterday, but it was a great start for my academy with the good practice that every kid loved it.  We will constantly hold it every Sunday morning.

And last Saturday, I accompanied the U9 team for a match for the first time. It was exciting to see the boys play against another local soccer club in the clear sky!! After all, we got hammered by them with countless goals conceded during the match, but no parents and coaches never blamed the boys for the disappointing loss. We managed to encourage them to back by throwing positive words. They are only 8 years old. We have nothing to be pessimistic about it.

Moreover, it was the Mother's day yesterday in Ireland. I didn't know the day is celebrated on various days in the world. In Japan, it is celebrated in May as many countries do. I was working at the restaurant all day yesterday and got to see lots of people celebrate the day with their "moms". It was a crazily busy day, but I felt like my heart got refined by those heartful scenes.

showing your gratitude to your parents is sometimes awkward, but doing nothing doesn't tell anybody how thankful you are. 






Coaching licence in Ireland and UEFA

2017-03-17 23:33:43 | Ireland



 値段は600ユーロで半年ほど取得に要します。それまではKick start1,2というコーチングライセンスの入り口的な資格があるようで、そこからいきなり「B」にいくには難しいということで、間に「Cライセンス」を新たに作ったのがアイルランド。恐らく、他の国もまた違う制度が「B」のカテゴリーに行くまであると思います。

 そして「B」が終われば「A」、最後に「UEFA Pro」という日本でいう「S級」のライセンスで、ヨーロッパのプロクラブを指揮するのに必要な資格に辿り着けます。





Surely such a step would be welcomed with open arms by the very people this is geared towards helping climb the coaching ladder, the coaches themselves? Wrong.

It has already caused heated debate and outrage among Irish football coaches across social media, with some cynics labelling it as nothing more than a “money racket”.

Up until the introduction of the new ‘C’ licence the cost of gaining entry onto the FAI’s youth cert was €300.

However, anyone who has recently completed said course will now be asked to shell out an extra €125 for what is described as a bridging course to include the new ‘C’ licence material.

This is where things not only get complicated but controversial also.

While those eligible for the bridging course will end up paying a total of €425 to achieve their ‘C’ certificate, any coaches who have not yet reached this stage of the ladder and wish to book a position on the ‘C’ licence coaching course are being asked to pay a staggering €600.

In layman’s terms, this means some coaches will be paying an extra €175 to achieve the same credentials as other coaches…how can this be fair?

Why should we care about the cost of such courses? Maybe you have no intention of ever stepping into the world of football coaching and, after all, the men and women booking these courses are obviously passionate and interested in doing so.

At present we have close to 800 qualified UEFA ‘B’ licence coaches in the Republic of Ireland, while there are just 300 or so coaches who hold the UEFA ‘A’ licence.

Riordan compared these figures to Spain where there are almost 24,000 UEFA ‘B’, UEFA ‘A’ and UEFA pro licence coaches, while Italy and Germany have roughly 30,000 each.

So what are the reasons for such disproportionate figures aside from the population? The simple answer is cost.

In Ireland, the UEFA ‘A’ licence costs €3040 to sit while the UEFA Pro course costs €7550. In Spain, the same courses cost €1200 and €3399 respectively. That’s 55% cheaper.

Reigning world Champions Germany charge €530  to take part in the UEFA ‘A’ licence with the UEFA Pro costing €1510. That’s 80% cheaper than what is being charged by our Football Association.

And the vast majority of coaching jobs in Ireland simply reward coaches with experience for their CV as they are unpaid positions and when asked about his experiences since gaining the youth cert, the coach informed us this: I had paid coaching employment for four months but even that was only expenses and enough for a take away on the way home after ONE of the three sessions we had during our week!

Already clear the strain this coach is under in his quest to climb the coaching ladder in Ireland I inquired further as to the sacrifices he has had to make just to reach this middle tier of the education system. His response was brutally honest.

"It has been a strain on my relationship. It has also been a serious financial strain as I was unemployed and every spare bit of money I had was spent to pay for my badges and traveling to and from training and matches to gain my experience to move on up the Coach Education Ladder.

I have had to miss out on family events and holidays etc. but in return the FAI seem to be making it so much harder for us coaches who don’t have a name in football or move in the right circles to be able to succeed!

I have and I will be going abroad for two reasons… 1 – The cost, obviously in the financial climate we are currently in we have to make savings where possible, especially as clubs here in Ireland don’t pay their coaches and 2 – I have been told that when you go abroad you are treated the same as anyone else no matter what your history is within the game or what circles you move in!".

I totally agree with every thing in the article, it is a great piece… some of this countries best and most experienced coaches do not have a UEFA license, just because a coach has a license certainly does not make them a better coach… currently to be a coach in the league of Ireland you have to have at least an A or B licence but from the horror stories about how kids are being treated in the LOI under 17’s with a certain club proves that having a licence does not make you as qualified as you think to deal with kids

Elite Performance Academy in Dublin

2017-03-16 01:29:05 | Ireland


Things are progressing little by little and day by day to where I'd like to get to...starting from zero connection as always in a new country.

Time had flown by as ever. Two months has already passed since I touched down in Ireland.

It was great to be involved in a training session of Elite Performance Academy that has just been established and running few months in Dublin. I got to see many promising players with unlimited potentials that would flourish in every respect in the future. Hopefully, I could give them a helping hand for their bright football career ahead!!

And also, I'm personally inspired a lot by the young players and again realized tons of things in coaching them. 


 ダブリンのElite Performance Academyというプライベートサッカーアカデミーに最近コーチとして携わっています。彼らはまだ14歳。こう見ると、174㎝の私はすごく低くみえます。ダブリンで2か月、何もないところから始めて、少しずつサッカーに関わる時間が増えていっています。知らない土地で、ゼロから始めるのは本当にパワーを使いますが、成長させてくれる劇薬なのは間違いないです。



The 7th week in Ireland

2017-03-10 23:46:44 | Ireland

Hi guys.

I can't believe that it's already been in the 7th week since I landed in Ireland.

Recently, I've been working in the daytime at a restaurant as a waiting staff and go straight to the coaching job from the evening for a team of U9. And also I've assisted some Japanese players for trials in Ireland little by little. 

The reason why I've been hired as a coach is thanks to Tony Sheridan, who is a former Irish international and had been playing for Coventry city FC in the English Premier League back then in 1991 to 1995. After the spell, he came back to Ireland and played for some club in the Irish football league before he took off his boots. I luckily got to know his through the coach of Dublin Bus FC where I announced in the previous entry of this blog that I had signed with as the coach and Tony are brother. Hopefully, I get to have more opportunities and expand more connections to link prospective Japanese players with pro/amateur clubs in Ireland.

And I'm a bit having a hard time integrating the kids that I'm coaching. They are a group of 12 at the age of 8. It's way harder than it sounds to coach them. haha But it is also fun playing with them for sure.

I also have to consider of when I take courses for an UEFA coaching license. That's one of the biggest reasons that I came here and about time to think about it seriously as the time I can stay is limited which is at best a year or a bit longer. I will have to start from the lowest license, but want to acquire as high one as I can in the period of time that I can stay in Ireland.




 コーチングは、今一緒に仕事させて頂いているTony Sheridanのおかげで、色々と繋がりができてきました。彼は、元プレミアの選手(Coventry city FCで91-95年までプレー)で、その後アイルランドに戻ってきて、現在のアイルランド1部リーグで活躍しました。彼とは、先日契約させて頂いたDublin Bus FCの監督がDarren Sheridanという方で、Tonyとは兄弟ということで紹介して頂きました。これからは、アマチュア、プロのカテゴリーでさらに選手のサポートもしていければと考えています。




英語上達についての私の考え How you improve your English.

2017-03-03 14:57:21 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

Today's topic is about how you improve your English. Why is it? Because I am often asked the same question that how I have improved my English. And also being asked by many English learners which part of English is more important in English learning, its vocabulary or its grammer.. This is a very familiar question to every English learner in Japan, I guess.

First of all, I am not a native English speaker and I still think that I am far away from the level of native speakers in English. Maybe some people think I have a good English, but of course it is not perfect cuz I was born and raised in Japan till at the age of 22 and went overseas after that. But from my experiences in the past, I think those two parts of English are definitely important if you are eager to master the language. Either way, as long as you are a human being, you'll think that you want to make your English better no matter how good of English you have acquired. Once you hit a certain good level of English, you'll notice that its vocabulary and grammer are  an iron necessity.

In addition, you might have to put some efforts in your accent when you speak English. As a matter of course, everyone has their own accents, but especially for Japanese, it'll be hard to fix and might take a long time. In my case, I hadn't realized that I had a strong accent in an indistinct voice until in the third year of my overseas life. Back then, some specific alphabets bother me big time, for instance, "L" and "R", "th" and "v"!! Most of the words with those letters had stressed me out every time I spoke to someone cuz they would alway ask me to say again!!

But once the problems got solved in my English, that gave me a huge confidence in speaking English.

So, I strongly recommend to spare much time to have the neutral accent that everyone clearly understands what you speak.    






