Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2011-05-18 12:51:45 | New zealand
Hi, bro.

You know what city is the most biggest one in NZ?? It's Auckland where I live. Auckland is located on the north part of the north island divided two.
The temperature is quite stable because it's not that far from the equator, so we hardly feel so cold here even in winter, but we are annoyed with the weather which is unstable. Especially, in the winter, The weather fluctuates wildly in whole country.

It's really hard to predict what weather's coming everyday. I check some weather news on TV or internet, but I don't trust it 100% because it doesn't hit much.
Now I feel like the winter is around the corner recently. Rainy days are obviously increasing and decrease in temperature gradually now.

You know there are so many asian people living in Auckland. I didn't think there will be such a great number of asian here before arrived at. We can see at least 10 asians on every streets in the city and I can't count how many Sushi restaurants is in the city. I guess it could be more than 50 restaurants in just city area. It's really competitive to survive each other, man!! And I was surprised that some Japanese restautants here was run by Korean or Chinese!! No Japaneses work there in JAPANESE restaurant!!

This must be a joking, isn't it?? It's so funny.

Anyway, I think Asian people has a really important part in NZ as tourists and migtants otherwise the country won't be worked out in all aspects.
We'd better think more the reason why Japan doen't try to accept immigrants from all over the world. I want to find the reason out. Maybe, Japan is still possible to do anything with only Japanese but eventually, the day we need migrants to get better at domestic level must come, I guess.





