Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Good phrase

2010-04-29 14:15:06 | Words 言葉の力
"More than anything else, I believe it's our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny."

~Anthony Robbins~
 Anthony "Tony" Robbins is one of the most famous American self-help author and motivational speaker.




Round 9 (第9節) vs Mt Gravatt

2010-04-25 18:37:25 | Soccer/football
Hi, How are you??

Yesterday's game should have been a derby match in Brisbane for two Japanese player who have played in Brisbane Premier league, but it was betrayed by one Japanese player and was spoiled it.

This round 9, against Mt Gravatt, has one best Japanese player in QLD. His name is Yoshi who played for more than 3 years at top level of semi-professional league in Australia. He is really kind of me and always look after me, so I really wanted to return the courtesy to hime on the pitch. But I couldn't because of thigh injury wounded at reserve game.

Personally, I was confident that I would be able to play at top level because I myself've got a boost to play for last 4 games, anyway I couldn't have been better. So I was really disappointed at the injury.

But we could get a triumph 5-1. It was enough result to give us a boost with big score at Mt gravatt.
We jumped up to 9th from 13th in ladder and we came close to top 4 spot with 3 points behind fourth placed Eastern Suburb.

Anyway, the chance to play with him has been left at our home game, maybe it suppose to play in August according to the fixture of this season.
Until then, I must get a top form and show him my best performance ever.


 この第9節は、相手のMt Gravattというチームに、自分の恩師といっても過言ではない大先輩の日本人プレーヤーが所属していて、その選手とプレーできるチャンスでもありました。 

 その方のブログはコチラ→ YOSHI OKADA






Round 8 (第8節) vs Capalaba

2010-04-18 22:01:54 | Soccer/football
Hi, guys!!

I have to change something to step forward.
Is it difficult thing for you to change something from your mind?? In my case, I think it's difficult. I always wish I could work all out.
I always consider like that after trainings and games, and then I'm dominated easily my poor mind.

How come I feel gloomy all the time after games?? because we haven't got a good result as a team maybe...
The reserve team(second team) I play haven't gone well lately. we are struggling in all games of Brisbane Premier league. I think we don't reach the level of the league, some players of our team doesn't even catch up on good enough to play in high competition.

I can't see any glimmer of hope for winning at the moment, but I can't be able to play for first team unless get a better result in reserve grade at every games. I need to appeal more my presense to the coach through the game I play.

Several days ago, the coach for top team told me you need to maintain your performance until the end of game, otherwise I can't send into the pitch of top team.
I understood at once what he makes sense because I had alrealdy been aware of it.

But he has recognised it, I felt I was saw into what I thought of.

Anyway, I'll write on the game of last weekend. There was a game against Capalaba, who located east side of Brisbane. They are one of the best team in our league. On currently ladder, they are in 2nd places at the moment.
We got a 3-4 loss. In first half, we were really struggling the game dominated, and we went into second half 3 points behind, 1-4.

But we didn't throw out the game looks impossible to score back, and at the middle of the half we succeed to get 2 goals back, 3-4. As you can expect, we kept attackin to get an equalizer, and almost spectator must have expected we would get an equalizer dramatically, however such a chance didn't turn up to the end.

But I'm pretty sure that it was one of the best game for us in this season. Next round will be over Mt gravatt is winnable game.











Business College

2010-04-14 19:59:13 | Diary
Hi mates!!
I got impaired muscle on my left thigh. I don't know what's happening to it, but I feel like sticking something into my thigh. Maybe I got the injury while we were doing a physical training.
I might have just cramp up in it.

Anyway, I started to go to school for business thesedays, that's the reason why it keeps me busy for last couple weeks.
Actually, I didn't want to go to school any more, so I didn't have no intention of studying English at school because I had thought negative thing about language school it wouldn't improve my English.
it might have been kind of bias or something.

But my visa will expire on 17th of May, so we need to extend it somehow to keep playing soccer until the season ends.
That's why I had to decide to be a student.

I study for Business.

The school isn't a normal language school, called business college. so we need to pass the exam of the class before enter, but we don't have to take IELS test in advance, anyway if you have fundamental skills of English, you should be enough.

Almost students of this class need to turn up a class only twice a week, some people can choose one day school a week as an expection. Our course is divided every 6 months, we can extend the period freely if you want.
As a matter of cource, frequency of the attendance is less than average, so the tuition is much lower which is maybe about half price.
But basically, the business course was set up for students who hope want to stay more in Australia, I mean, to stretch the point a bit, some people think of just extending their own visa instead of paying money for the school.

But we have to turn up all class we got for sure unless you get a special reason to absent from class.
Moreover, we get some homeworks and assighment as group-work and have to hand them in by its deadline.

My schedule is much tighter than before, but I can arrange them somehow by myself.
In this September, I will be released from everything.











Round7 (第7節) vs Brisbane City

2010-04-11 18:51:28 | Soccer/football
Hi, how's goind, buddy?

I was so busy working with my work because some workmates has gone on holiday for couple weeks in Easter. That's why rest of us had to cover their work, so I couldn't think of anything else.
To be honest, I wanted to run away to somewhere to skip work...

Anyway, we showed the best performance in this season in 3-2 triumph against Brisbane city tonight.
we improved to 7 points in 6 game, 4 points behind from fourth spot on Brisbane Premier League - some teams has played a match more than us.

We need to keep winning a game one by one to get in the Top 4 position and the most important thing is to be unbeaten at next game.

The game stats wasn't as good as Brisbane city, they played better through the game than us and dominated easily in the middle area, so we were really strugling until first 30 minutes in the game.
Then we were scored a first goal at the mid of first half, but we equalized by penalty shot thanks to a lucky judgement of the referee. I don't say it was misjudgement, but I didn't think we would get a penalty kick at that time.
Moreover they got angry his decision and protested the referee, but as the matter of cource the decision was't changed and one of them was sent off the field by him due to something insulting.

The secong half, we could dominate the game easier, but I myself started on the bench, but I was so happy with this result because we had losed in three games running.
Personally, I have played for top team for last couple games. I think I don't have to be negative. I just wait for next chance, and just take it.



 先週はEASTER休みで試合はなかったんで、2週間ぶりの公式戦再開。相手は前節まで3位タイやったBrisbane Cityというチームが相手。







