Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Happy New Year!! 謹賀新年

2018-01-01 16:35:17 | New Year's resolution 2018

明けましておめでとうございます。Happy New Year, guys!!

本年度もよろしくお願いします。Best wishes for everyone in 2018.

さて、今年はやりたい事を今思い当たる範囲で書いていこうと思います。そして必ずすべて達成できるように。Let me note down my New year's resolution right here to just keep it to remind myself. 

1. JFA C級ライセンス取得 JFA C license

2.UEFA Cライセンス(FAI National C license)

3.英検準1級以上  the pre-1st Grade exam for STEP (certification program offered by the Society for Testing English Proficiency).

4.TOEIC 900点以上 Hitting a 900 score for TOEIC

5.日本でのサッカーアカデミー立ち上げ Setting up my own foorball/soccer academy in Japan

6.夏の移籍市場での選手の留学サポート bringing few Japanese players to Ireland and support them as an intermediate.


Can't come across any others to do at the moment.. But the first one in my to-do list in 2018 is definitely the No.5. Being successful with the football academy would be hugely important to spin off other projects or businesses. Need to think about it first this year.



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