Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Looking back the way you are

2015-07-28 22:54:05 | Words 言葉の力



If you want to change inner yourself, You should try to change your mind, then you can change your behavior then can change your habit then your personality then in the end, you can change your fate. 

That's the only one way to drastically change your life. 

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The traffic condition in Vancouver.

2015-07-24 23:40:50 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been two weeks since I landed Canada, but there's still something I haven't been used to. It's the traffic circumstances in this continent, which is totally unfamiliar to me. As you might know, Japan has the English traffic style which is left hand traffic. And the two countries(AUS and NZ) where I have been with a working holiday visa before have also the same rule as Japan. So technically, Canada is my first ever country with right hand traffic rule in my life.

And there are more additional rules that I'd never known before. For example, all traffics are allowed to turn right with the red light as long as no traffics come along on the lane. To be honest, I'm scared of even riding a bicycle too. Such a coward!! haha

It's matter of time. I will get over it in no time!! 



 写真はなんの変哲もない道路ですが、自分にはまだ慣れない所があります。それは右側通行。日本とは逆です。実は今まであまり右側通行の国に行ったことがありませんでした。長期に滞在するのは初めてのことです。どうしても道路を渡るとき、右側から来る車を警戒して右を確認してしまう。すると車は左からやってきて・・・ なんて最悪なことになる前に慣れないといけませんね。



An awesome view!!

2015-07-21 22:18:52 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been busy recently to get things sorted out here. But job and some trials of soccer are coming up next week, so things are getting sorted out. Of course, I need to find a team who I can coach for as soon as possible too, but MAKE HASTE SLOWLY!! I'll try to erase things on my to-do list one by one.. 

Well, let me change the subject. Look at the pics above and below!!They are really awesome, right? In particular, the pic above is artificial fields where anybody can use when it hasn't been booked.  I've already seen those kinda soccer fields in Vancouver, and peope enjoy playing under the sunshine! I also mingle with them and play together. SOOOO FUN!! 







 I will introduce how my living situation are going here on this blog little by little. Please drop by my blog from time to time and check it out!


In Vancouver

2015-07-17 00:45:50 | Canada

 Hi, guys.

I finally touched down on the American continent for the first time!! I've alway wanted to come to Canada and America. Now I feel like I could write off one of the things on my bucket list. Of course, there are still hundreds of things left on it, though.. 

In Vancouver, I feel that it has a bit similar townscape to Auckland, NewZealand where is surrounded by full of nature. I love the landscape from the downtown towards the mountains and sea!! It's QUALITY!!

Anyway, I myself have been staying in a hostel since the first day in Canada. I've already tasted two different cheap hostels in downtown that is located right across from the Granville street which is the main boulevard in the town. 

At the same time, I had done a lot of things(personal tasks) last two days such as opening up a bank account, money exchanges, getting a cell phone, applying for SIN card(social insurance number) and searching a new flat.

Canada is my third country as a Working Holiday maker. However, I never get used to those kind of starter-things in a new country!! I'm totally knackered now. haha 

But it's still a beginning, and there are still heaps of things to do within the next few days!! yeah, I guess it's about time to stop giving vent to my feelings. See ya!!





