Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Brisbane Roar vs Sydney FC

2010-08-22 18:56:39 | Soccer/football
Hi, everyone!!!

Last weekend, I went to Suncorp stadium to support Brisbane Roar which is the only one professional soccer club in Brisbane for the first time since I came to Australia straight after I played a game.
I don't know the reason either why I haven't gone to watch professinal games in stadium in spite of I came to play soccer in Australia. haha

Anyway this time, I could finally watch a game on live and the mood and atmosphere around stadium was superb!!
But the game dissapointed me so much, because this is the highest competition and the only professinal league in Australia. The league was begun in around 2000, so it does't have long history, and also I had known this league hadn't been that good standard, but I felt like same level as Brisbane premier league I've played.

There is not that much crowd in stadium despite there is more than 40000 capacity. According to announcement, the attendance was only just over 10000. It's really few people in comparison to J-league.

I thought I would go and watch a game in J-league to compare to this game, I sometimes watch some J-league games on Youtube, but J-league games is not that slow like A-league I reckon.
However, I haven't played in A-league, I have never played there before either, and also I haven't had any contract from team, so I'm not eligible to criticize it.

I know I'm not that young as a soccer player.

I know what I have to do to be better every single day.











2010-08-17 16:03:49 | Diary

Today, I passed all classes of the school I go to, it means I've just finished it finally.
I'm very happy with it because the school is not very easy for me. Every time I attend a class, I was left behind other classmates.
To be honest, I was playing down the school, I mean I was thinking that I would do everything easily because agency I asked to introduced this school said it would be easy, so I just underestimated to do in school.

As a result, I had had much stress from homeworks and assiments to do, worst of all, it effected a change in my life badly.
Sometimes I had to cut out training soccer, anyway it exercised a bad effect in my lifestyle.

However, This is the way I chose by myself and I had to pass through on this way in either way, and also I don't regret I had had the school for last 5 months because I could improve my English skills for sure, and heaps of assighment gave me a good opportunity to touch new vocabulary group(vocabulary of economics).

It was a precious experience for me.

Moreover I've got a certification for business which is the easiest one to obtain it, but it's the first certification in English in my life.

「keep challlenging it if I might have a chance to acquire something in a young age」

It's my personal motto.












2010-08-15 13:16:33 | Australia
The EKKA festival in Brisbane!!

This is a kind of famous annual festival(show) in Brisbane, and it's the biggest one in Queensland. Its formal title is the Royal Queensland Show. It was originally called the Brisbane Exhibition, however it is usually shortened to Ekka. It is the last public holiday of the year before Christmas.

Every year, the festival is opened for about 2 weeks in a suburb near Brisbane City. As a matter of course, the access there is easy because the temporary EKKA train station is suppose to be built in only this period at near the festival, and as soon as the festival ends, the station is closed until next year.

The Ekka is organised by the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA), and is held at the RNA Showgrounds which is located about two kilometres north-east of Brisbane's city centre. The Ekka is Brisbane's most popular event of any sort, with well over 600,000 visitors attending the show in recent years.

I went to this festival on the second last day, there is a crowd of people in there, especially around the oval show ground held heaps of events and shows fascinate people, for example is held motor show that brought in very famous drivers for this show, animal parades, woodchopping competition dividing Queensland team from New South Wales team and a lot of unique participatory events from spectators.

It was really fun!!!

The location was also so huge that I could't walk around all areas, moreover there is an amusement park area has a roller coaster, ferris wheel and merry-go-round.
And heaps of showbags was sold usually containing food items. Showbags are also an integral part of the Ekka experience. Today there are almost 500 different showbags available for visitors to spend their money on and enjoy samples of products. Showbags range from $1 (the Blinky Bill Bag), $2 (the famous Bertie Beetle Bag) and up $50, providing companies the opportunity to show off their merchandise to the public.

Anyway, it was a very interesting event. don't miss it out when you come to Brisbane in this term.









2010-08-06 20:16:54 | Diary
Do you like Mandarines?
I love it. But I don't like working for Mandarines...

Anyway, finally the Mandarine's high season has come over to my work place, I mean we deal with a Chinese guy for Mandarines who come to Australia in Mandarines season every year, so my boss starts to deal in heaps of them to trade with him from around August to end of September.

The chinese guy is the boss's son who we deal with, so he comes to export heape of Mandarines to Chine from Brisbane at this time of year as a supervisor.

So I work with him now to heip to do it, in addition I have to do my regular work as well, it means I've had a double shit everyday...
I start working from 7am to be done the routine work by 11, and then a lot of boxes of Mandarine are carried in by truck while I work in morning shift, ans as soon as finish it, I get stuck with Mandarines. What I have to do for it is to carry its boxes on a pallet and pile them up to 8 high on and on.
Their boxes are so heavy, man!! maybe 15kg per box, I've got a sore back anyway..still tender..

Anyway I always kill myself in this way. haha

I hope the Mandarine season is going to be over very soon.











2010-08-02 12:51:10 | Diary

I went to a party for the first time in Australia with my friend who invited me there, this was a kind of lunch party or something and there were heaps of australian and chinese celebrities in the party site where is located on uncivilized place.

I was a bit nervous just before arrive at there because I've never participated the party like that before, but I didn't have any formal suits, it means I didn't bring it from Japan when I came to Australia because I wasn't expecting I would take part in a party here.
Anyway, the friend and I just went as we are, and to my surprise, we were put a name tag on our chest which written our names on it.
I felt like being in speed dating or something... because everybody else also gets a tag on.

However, I had to leave soon from the parth because I had a soccer match straight after, so I jamed out of it and got the game straight away.

Anyway I could enjoy myself and I got a watch looked like expencive one for free.

Thanks!! THE PARTY!!






