Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


The king of Rugby!!

2011-10-26 18:50:42 | Diary
Hi, mates!!!

AUCKLAND, 24 Oct. - I faced a historic moment in this small nation When the final whistle brought Rugby World Cup 2011 to a finish and ended a 24-year wait for New Zealand to win their second Rugby World Cup.

On the field they were able to celebrate an 8-7 win over France that was the culmination of eight years' hard work under the coach's direction as coach of the All Blacks and meant they finally lifted the Webb Ellis Cup for the first time in 23 years.
The world's rugby carnival consisted of 48 matches in a little over six weeks. Some of these were predictable, with the lesser nations often laid to the sword by the youthful dominating aristocrats of the tournament, although there were some spirited performances from the likes of Japan and Romania early on. Although they failed to make it beyond pool play, was a positive that matched the fanatical support these two small countries enjoyed.
The southern hemisphere of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand were expected to rule the roost. But Ireland put that prediction out the window with their 15-6 pool win over Australia, and Wales came within a point of the reigning champion South Africa.

On the other hand, Japan ended up having more an unfortunate consequence than we expected prior to this huge event. The goal Japan made in this World Cup was to secure at least two wins over Tonga and Canada, but as the result, we couldn't over come them as the result with them was one loss and one draw.
We have to keep an eye on the world cup in 2019 that Japan will be held as a host country. Well, I wonder if we will make a big success on the World cup...





 果たしてラグビーワールドカップ in JAPAN!!成功するのでしょうか・・・???

Second holiday program

2011-10-21 22:48:47 | New zealand
Hi, there!!

Hey, did anyone tell me that the reason I hadn't been catching a cold for ages was I'm just fool... This is a Japanese ridiculous saying. I think some people who read my last blog could visualize the saying to me. But I'm not as fool as you think. hehe

By the way, the school holiday that is like spring vacation for ordinary students in Japan has begun here since last week. And I held the second holiday soccer program during the holidays this time as well as last time. Here, in Auckland, there has been heaps of interesting and conventional bazaars and one-off events relevant to Rugby World cup at the moment leveraging this period.

Anyway, this time was the second time for me to organize a holiday program in my soccer school. Last time, I could have some helps who I do coach as a private lesson as they are too old to join the program, but I decided to carry this out without anyone's help due to various reasons came up.
So I split into two groups by ages that is a junior team and a senior team to make it smoothly. As a result, I had to look after kids longer from every morning to evening and it might have caused me to get cold. To be honest, last two weeks was really hard, but I didn't really mind it cuz I like coaching kids who like playing football. Only watching kids who chasing a ball desperately makes me happy.

I also got a lot of new discovery from the kids on this holiday program. For example, Kid's reaction to a new exercise I made up the last night was so direct to me. If they feel like it's not amused, they try to express it with their attitudes that like ignoring the direction I told them, lying on field and running to a playground in the site. But this direct reaction reminds me that it's not the right way to do the exercise that didn't work well to kids. Only if I add a small thing on how to explain to do it to kids or try changing how to approach, their reaction will be hugely different. It could be more positive reaction.

I had a great experience as I could go the distance to the end. But I'm still keen on learning and incorporating as much knowledge as I can. I want to make something challenge to be the first class human being.










the sniffles from a cold

2011-10-19 18:44:01 | Diary
Hi, G'day mates!!

I've been as busy as ever here in Auckland, but the weather is still as dodgy as ever. That's why I always look up sky what's the sky going. It's like a staring game with the weather. If heavy rains come over, we usually pose a training and run away to under the shade of trees to avoid getting wet in particular for kids. And then it has stopped, we resume the training.

Though, I've caught a cold now since couple days ago. I've also had a stuffed nose for the first time in maybe about 5 years. Perhaps, the reason I got it is extremely change in temperature to Australia and fatigue caused by coaching all day, that weakened my immunity for sure.

But I'm shocked at being sick now cuz for me, having a strong is one of the few self-praise to others. Fortunately, I haven't yet had a fever, so I could work a half day today, but I had felt sluggish since last night to this morning.

Although, I'm nursing myself this time too until getting a fine body back.

Though, does anyone knows how to treat to a running nose?? I mean, its for quick recovery from it. I'm really sick of it as getting in the way of my sleep.






Back to Auckland

2011-10-15 20:40:47 | Diary
Hi, everybody!!

I've been back to Auckland and as you know, I do coaching football for kids everyday.

However, the first week I got back was terrible with weather. I heard the last two weeks were really stable, apparently. Why is the Auckland weather so dodgy?? I've always had a headache about it. Maybe you can't imagine how many times did I check the weather news last week to make football sessions. It's so stressful for me.

By the way, I had some new ideas to do for kids from their parents. Fortunately, I think the larger the number of kids in my football academy, the more offers will come up. If it is the ideas which I've never attempted before, I'm willing to undertake them. This time, they brought the ideas up to me is two things that coaching for infants who haven't yet gone to even kindergarten and coaching at a local school where some kids in my academy belong to.

Of course, I feel a bit insecure about their offers, but I naturally replied I would do it.
I can say only this to everyone watching this blog. If something comes up that you have to make a hard dicision, I suggest you should grab the harder one even if it will make u put on like a punishing condition. taking action makes a great thing on you and make sure you go the distance. The more you feel shame at something, the more it makes you strong. 

This is my real-life experience so far.








Holiday 3

2011-10-10 23:47:11 | Diary
Hi, there!!

How have u been, guys??

I got back home in NZ two days ago. the time in NZ really flew by. Anyway I had a great time over there and I was also realized that the great time I got in the past really flew by... I was just about to burst out crying when I have to say Good bye to my close friends at airport. One of the friends was being late actually to get to airport cuz the had work on that day, so I got a lift to airport from the other friend. The time when he arrived at there was just before the time I had to pass the gate that I couldn't see him any more if I passed it.
That's why I was awaiting him as long as I could to say 'Thank u' to him. At that time, I just wanted to tell him the word directly as he really looked after me during this holidays. He was nothing short of my real friend in the world.

THANKS, MY FRIEND!!!I hope u will see this heartful article, haha.

By the way, I visited a lot of beautiful places I have been before, but I felt that Australia was so wonderful country to live for me. Especially, when it comes to the weather in NZ, it's crap!! It's unbearable honestly... On the other hand, Brisbane is continuously fine. This is what I want!!!

And I also went to a night club, hung around town of the city to chase girls who walked up and down on the street and a person took me a spacious and a bit rounchy place outside town... That wa a great experience, anyway...haha

In any case, I had so much fun in Brisbane with all my friends who is a huge treasure and invaluable. Thanks to them, I have never regretted to dashed out of Japan. I will see u guys definitely soon!!!

 一昨日NZに帰って来ました。再び入国審査を受けたけど、まぁ問題なく。慣れたモンです。笑 おかげで結構パスポートのハンコも増えてきましたね。


 もちろんブリスベンの町もGCのビーチも、そして色んな旧友とのサッカー・食事会。一時、シドニーに小旅行行くかと誘われたんやけど、サッカーの試合が入った為キャンセルした!笑 もちろんレベルは高くないけど、自分にとっては今の時期にこなせる良い実践の機会やし、完全にガチでやりました。笑

 GCのビーチに行ったときも、砂浜で友達と二人でビーチサッカー!笑 海には一回も入ってねぇわ。奏功してたら、中国人の男の子が乱入。1時間くらい3人でボール蹴ってミニゲームして・・・。その子が去ってから今度はイラン人の2人組が試合を申し込んできた!のでガチ対決で結果は・・・わからん!負けずキライなんで勝ったということにしておこう。笑




Holiday 2

2011-10-03 01:21:26 | Diary
Hi, guys.

today, I just wanna talk about my flatmates that I'm temporarily living with now in Australia. But they are not flatmates, actually as I just stayed at their home while I'm in Brisbane.
They are a couple who has been living together for about last a half year, and I met him first of course through football when I was playing for the first team I played in Brisbane called Taring Rovers that is one of a local club here. He had already been playing for the club before I participated it.
Actually, at that time, maybe I guess I couldn't speak in English well at least as much as I can do now, but he always tried to be friendly to me, so I could feel very familiar to him. And then we were getting to know each other at every training sessions and off the pitch.
To be honest, the reason I chose this country that visits during this holidays was him. He told me that he would organize all I need while staying in Brisbane, and all you will do here is just football with mates who still live here. As a result, I am just playing football now here as he said to me. I really appreciate them what they've done for me and I also seriously think that I have to return the compliments little by little.

I have still another one week here. I will try my best to enjoy as much as I could.

I have to value the people I have encountered and I will so in the future. Likewise, football, which brings encounters with many people is very challenging, and so, I always feel satisfied.







 サンクス、KIWI n JO!!