Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Canadian Rockies 1

2016-09-30 16:40:01 | Canada

Hi, guys. 

Finally I went for a trip to the Canadian Rockies the other week, also known as Rocky mountains. It spreads across the two countries. I had been told by many people that it would be a great adventure to explore the beatiful heritage sites, and it actually was!!

I confidently recommend and tell you the same thing that I had been told by my friends, "you should definitely go". It is worth a visit once for sure.

We had almost everything set up such as renting a car, accommodation for the trip before we headed off to Banff by bus from Greyhound.   





Look at this splendid view from the top of one of the rockies at an altitude of over 2000m. The rainbow was a bonus!!


And we rented a car in Banff, and headed out to Jasper!! Our first stop was the Bow lake, just 40km away from Banff!! It was a powerful experience!!

 そしてレンタカーでJasperまで約300キロの道のりを北上!まずはBow lake!!いきなり最高の景色!

Mr Shirasawa

2016-09-24 23:27:16 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I got to meet and have a chat with a former pro-soccer player in JSL(the predecessor of J-league) and pro-coach at Vissel Kobe(currently in J-league) for many years. The content of the talk was all about my coaching vision for my own future academy. And I got so many tips on how I should start it with a decent preparation. It was really a productive meeting with him, and I felt that I was lucky enough to have his caliber at my back as he had tremendous connections with some J-league clubs and players too.

I know I shouldn't rely on him to step up to my goals, but I would like to cherish this encounter with him cuz I didn't really think that I got to have this kind of opportunity in Canada.

So I will try to look around the J-league clubs in Kansai district such as Ganba Osaka, Vissel Kobe, Cerrezo Osaka and Kyoto purple Sanga through him after moving back to Japan in November.










My friend's story

2016-09-06 23:09:08 | Words 言葉の力

Hi, I would like to introduce a story today. He's a former pro from Costa rica. We met at a club as a teammate in AUS few years ago. Since then, we are good friends.

Recently some people have asked me about the vision of Soccerman Sports. Because of that, I want to explain a little about where I come from and the reason why our classes are different.

I grew up in a very poor neighbourhood in Costa Rica with my three younger siblings and a single mother. It was a very difficult time. Sometimes we had nothing to eat. We lived in a very dangerous neighbourhood. Two houses away they were selling drugs. Many of the parents of my childhood friends were criminals or drug addicts.

From childhood I always liked playing soccer. I have been playing since I can remember. Today, even though I have played internationally at a very high level (where many have dreamed of playing) I cannot say I was a “superstar” of world football.

But for me, that is not important. When I sit down and look back on my life I realize that football saved my life. It saved me from being on the streets, from being on drugs, from being a bad son or a bad brother. Soccer saved me from accepting mediocrity. It saved me from being a person who gives up when things are difficult. It saved me from being a person who complains about life or the things that don’t work out right.

So when a parent pays for a class of football with Soccerman Sports, they are not only paying for their child to learn to play soccer, they are also paying for their child to learn what Soccer can teach: to strive to be a good son or daughter, to be a good friend, and to believe in themselves. 
The children learn to value life.








My future plan 今後の活動予定

2016-09-04 21:11:07 | 自己紹介/self-introduction

Hi, guys.

Let me talk about what I am going to do after settling in Japan. It will probably be in early 2018 for now. It could change later on, but at the moment..

Then my biggest goal would be to launch my own soccer academy in Kansai area, where includes my home city, Osaka. I haven't decided yet exactly where I get my stranglehold, but it should be around Osaka.

And my next stage from this coming new year would be in Ireland. I have made up my mind to depart for there on a working holiday, which is my forth times in my life, following on Australia, Newzealand and Canada. Every decision for the countries was based on my future plan that I have told earlier. That means they are where you get to learn English and play soccer. 

And I want to mix these two things up in my soccer academy in Japan. My idea is very simple. I would like to creat a place where kids get to improve skills of these two things on the soccer field. I guess some of you guys still don't get what I am picturing in my mind. It's gonna be a long story if I describe it all right now, so let me put it off next time.

Now, I am pretty excited with the nex journey in Ireland. I expect that it's gonna be more difficult in every respect for sure since it is way more unfamiliar for Japanese so that I won't be able to adapt to a new enviroment in there as smooth as I could in Vancouver. 

But I have demolished lots of barriers and difficulties ahead of my way before. So I always try to believe in what I decide no matter what happens in the country. Try to stick to a plan A, never think about a plan B cuz it ends up distracting you from the plan A!!

Stick to my guns!!






