Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


return home

2009-06-27 20:55:03 | Diary
This is not about me, is about my sharemate.

I met him for the first time as a sharemate when I used to work hard at farm in Gatton.
from at that time, We've been together until 4 days ago.

Don't get us wrong!! We are not homosexual!!

I think we help each other all the time when the other gets something wrong. but we can't do so any more cuz he left Australia.

He was originally going to be Australia at least 2 years, but he made up his mind to drop out of everything even his dream and then he's gone back Korea in just 8,9 months.
I was dissaponted when I heard it from his word.

but I think he couldn't help but do so cuz he is the unlukiest guy I've ever known.
he always got something wrong, I think he never enjoyed his life in Australia, he got injured, was stolen something, couldn't get job etc...

It's so much that I can't say all. somehow he tried to go on, but reached his breaking point...

I missed a bit, but I wish his happiness and every success in his future for real.




 さて今日は、これまでこっちで出会って9か月くらいかな?その間ずっと共にシェアメートとして暮らしてた韓国人の友達が、3日前帰国してしまいました。。さらに暇になっていきそうです 笑






2009-06-24 23:05:12 | Australia

Do you know what this is? I didn't know well about that until today.

Naturally, I haven't known as well how important matches this is for Aussie.
But this the biggest sports event in Australia made me amazed and fascinated obviously the moment I watched it.

Have you ever watched Rugby league on TV in Japan?
Yes I have, many times, but as if I felt like watching a quite different sport..

Amazing.. I don't know how can I describe it, I can't explain how amazing it is.. anyway different all stuff!! movement, physical, quickness, even spectator.

In a way, I was so jealous of them who can play with a lot of exciting supporters.

This annual fantastic event is hold every year between QLD and NSW. I think this is a kind of all-star game in pro rugby league of Australia.I'm not sure why QLD and NSW matches-up all the time, but almost people of other state also cheers for either team.

In addition, QLD is winning 4 years in a row, they won tonight as well!!

Thanks for giving me a exciting night, Origin!!
I will be watching next game, I became a fan of this.

「Origin(オリジン)」。 意味は起源、原点。







DebutⅣ ~step by step~

2009-06-21 20:45:40 | Soccer/football
「can do it」

I beleved in myself, my own skill.. everything!!

And I walked-in other team in Premier league to take a try-out, then they interested in myself immediately.

and I could join the team since that day. after that I could play in the team three times running, then, in the end of April, I got a offer from the team to join formally and I signed a registration form and some papers.

It made me so happy but I was dissapointed the team attitude against me at the same time. cuz they told me like this when I signed some forms 'we would be able to provide all you need, I mean you can join the team for free, you don't have to pay for a uniform, registrarion fee etc..

but after then they was dismissed by sponsors of our team due to poor result, well they had to take responsibility for it.

Naturally, the offer I got from the team is gone, I had to start over again from scratch..

couple weeks later, I somehow got a offer again, I could play for second team in couple games.
I myself also was getting better game by game and fitted in the team by degree.

finally I could play for top team after good performance in several games. and I've played for top team so far, this is the highest league I've ever experienced but I do my best to catch up with it.

never give up, belive in myself to catch a dream!!

That's all, I finished writing my story so far in Austraia, It was pretty long story, How was that with reading? Did you enjoy? being excited?

If I were native speaker, I would tell you well in English.

I'll study more and play more as much as I can!!! Thanks!!





 おれ実際、今まで日本ですげぇ下のレベルでやってたから、突然こんなプロに近い環境でやってる自分が変な感じやったし、なんかただただ心ん中で「すげぇ、すげぇ!!」って連呼してました。笑 (甘すぎっすね。。)




 まぁこんなかんじっすわ、いまんとこ!!正味まだまだたいしたことないです。笑 まだまだ甘ちゃんボウヤですわ!


Come to appreciate

2009-06-19 23:10:38 | Diary
Hi, how's going?
I'm not too bad.

As you know, My mon came to Australia to see me 2 weeks ago.
And then she went bank to her country yesterday night. I'm missing a bit.

I've never had this way before.

even I never felt this way while she was staying here, but I suddenly had felt kinda loneliness after saw her off at the airport.

and I felt it much bigger the moment came back home from the airport.

I don't know why, I wonder why I got this way, I felt loneliness...

Do you have a grateful heart toward your mom or dad or both of them?
Have you ever expressed your gratitude in words to your parents?
Do you know how to describe it well?

I wanna tell you directly, I wanted to express with my words, but I couldn't do that at all.

I regret I should have told her when she was in here.. but too late for it.

so I sent a email with my gratitude to my mother in short tme ago.

I might have been late I realized to come to appreciate my parents...
This gonna be a difficult problem for me for good..

 おかん、無事帰っていただきました!!笑 2週間楽しんでいただけたのだろうか?しっかり親孝行でけたのか?それは本人のみぞ知る!!






DebutⅢ  ~all for my brilliant future~

2009-06-13 22:03:57 | Soccer/football
Hi, guys. you fine?

me? could be better..

anyway let's back to my story, this is third one. but this won't be last one, sorry. I couldn't complete it in this time cuz it was too much long to write more than I expect.

27/12/2008, I moved in brisbane with my own faith.

In the beginning, I tried to make a simple resume of my football history to take try-out at top league in brisbane.

but It was an easy task for me more than I've thought to join a team thank to my previous team.
because I belonged to the most strongest team in Gold coast last year so they expected me to help their team immediately.

I thought as well I wanna do so.

but it started a hard way from that day, there were lots of trouble on my way to play a top team.

I could play well in workout, but I couldn't play well in tha match.
why? that's simple. I didn't have enough energy to keep running for 90 minutes(a whole game).

after third games I played this team, coach told me 'you should look for another team or play our third team. you wouldn't be able to catch up with this level.'

you think do I look like a pity? How do I look like for you so far?

At least only I didn't be pessimistic. I can do it, I believe so strongly.

and I chose to play at third team at all. if I get some scores or assists in here, I might come back to top team. I believed so all the time.

but it didn't change any situation around me no matter I got many scores and assists... I was just dissapointed what he did me..

so I made a big decision to leave the team in middle of April.

Because I was confident at that time I would be able to play much better than before in top level.
















A not bad news

2009-06-07 22:51:37 | Diary
G'day, mate!!

I have a「not bad news」. Can you guess what it is?

Actually My mom came to see me yesterday!!

Oh god.... I thought why you came all the way through such a long flight the moment I met her at airport.
Cuz she didn't make effective use of a direct flight of Jetstar and bought another one with by way of Taiwan.

so she had to spend lots of time about a half day till arrived. I realized soon she was really exhausted because of long flight and sick and tired of 'a unrelaxed seat'.

Anyway she gonna stay for 12 days in here.

Don't you think too long? I don't know well what on earth she wanna do, what is her plan...

but at least I must be good son for her while she's staying.

I'll try to be as much as I can, I mean 'Oyakoukou'.

I wanna spend my time for her, I'll take her wherever she requests.
This is the only one thing I have to do for my mom to the end of my life(rest of my life).

And the last day she leaves, I want her to come and watch my soccer match.

P.S. I know you guys run through my blog time to time. Thanks.
lately I noticed the number of visitors into my blog is much bigger, still increasing. Please leave your message for me, don't hesitate to do that, feel free, please!! I look forward to seeing your words.














p.s. 最近このブログを見てくれてる「閲覧者」の数が少しばかり増えてきてるんですが(シェフナー先生の紹介のおかげかな?)、変なコメントはお断りですが、もしおれ自身のことでもかまわんけど、このブログ見て留学してみたいとか、英語関連で質問なんかあれば、まぁ顔もしらんやつに質問すんのはちょっとしづらいかもしれんけど、分かる範囲で精一杯答えるんで好きに質問してきてください!ほんま遠慮しないで!待ってます!!

DebutⅡ ~ all for result ~

2009-06-04 22:12:49 | Soccer/football
What were you doing, everybody, today?

I say first? no way, don't say that, tell me.

I want you to know what I was doing today, but I can't say this time cuz this is a greatest news for me in this year so far.
so I'll report you formally in next entry.
Please wait for a moment(a couple days)

Ok I'll switch my channel to serious mode.

「Burleigh Heads football club」

This is a team name which I had my agent introduce first time in Australia.
this team keeps many good players every year,coaches and even stuffs who manage the team.

so they can be strong team every year and we won the tournament last season, it means we've got a steady champion in the GC premier league.

First day of training. I was very nervous about everything. I wonder I would be able to understand what to do next smoothly or what coach is saying, and how can I fit in the team early.

but the problem was got rid of gradually as time goes on. we became friendly one by one and day by day.

and more than anything I was so lucky cuz I could belong to such a strong team from first year for me.
but... honestly speaking, I couldn't get a satisfactory result last season.

Simply speaking, 「lack my skill」. I've prepared for a couple years to play here for this year!!
but reality is cruel and severe. I knew reality was not easy.

from at that day, I've given very hard training to myself.

but I lost the faith of coach completely at that day. and I was dropped into second team from the next week.

I played in second team at all to the end of season last year.
but I still believed in myself.

「I can do it definitely」

and I went to next stage with confident...... 「to Brisbane」





 前回のブログの通り、すべての思いを込めて、オーストラリアへ降り立ちました。そして始めに代理人の方に紹介してもらったチームが「Burleigh Heads FC」。











Debut!!! ~ all for dream ~

2009-06-01 00:01:09 | Soccer/football
hello, everyone.

How are you going?

today, I have something I wanna say to you.
This is very very important thing for me and also what I wanna to say to you as soon as I can since I began this blog.

well, I mean, I wanna tell you finally the reason why I came to Australia, why I launched this second blog in my life.

Because I have had a steady dream from long time ago.

My dream is to be a soccer player, I mean to be a professional.

That' why I started my blog life again as a kind of my important memory.

And I wanna apologize you not to tell anything about it until now.
so sorry...

When I was high school student, I made a big decision by myself to be a rofessional definitely without saying anyone.

Then I started to study English seriously from at that time, fortunately I could get in certain university and I could meet some great professers and stuffs.

I could go to England with their lots of support during halfway through my third year in univesity.
why did I go to UK?
Cuz at first I wanted to challenge in England but on going back Japan from England, I was heard a sad news that I wouldn't be able to play there due to very strict condition for asian players which has been instituted by England football association(FA).
so I had no other choice to play England, all my choices is to give up.

after that I considered about my future especially after graduated.

one day I heard a good news from coach who I belonged to before.
「if you go to Australia, you would get a big chance to transfer Euro..」

I don't have any choice only to believe his word, I couldn't afford to doubt what he said to me.

That's why I decided to come to Australia.

by the way, now I also have got too much help and support from them even after graduated.

I really appreciate your support and thank you so much for checking my blog periodically.

sorry, I'll write next time how's my situation cuz I think this entry is too long for you to read all.
That's why I'll seperate the other one. I mean this time is 'chapter 1' of debut!!
to be continued.... sorry see you next.

 けど今日はこんな感じでいかして、真剣モードもたまには必要やろ 笑









読むのに、大変やと思うんで続きはまた後日更新します。    ほんじゃまか!