Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


A quick update about the first game of season.

2011-03-31 23:24:51 | Soccer/football
The game in this weekend is postponed to maybe end of season after rescheduled. The reason why the game was canceled is so stupid. AFF couldn't secure any park to play by the game day.
I've never heard such a ridiculous stuff in my life. I was so disaponinted about this because I had been really looking forward to the game. But even if I critisize what they have done for us so far, I know anything doesn't change.

What I have to do is make adequate preparation for the game of next weekend, which would be our first game of the season.

Anyway, we were provided team gears, which are like team shirts, jacket, pants and bag. These items are suppose to be used when we move to a game site as a team.
My number is 15, but I think I should have chosen a better number like 7 or 10... haha.





Inner muscle training

2011-03-30 14:09:19 | Soccer/football
Hello, how are you??

Do you have a routine work to do like before go to bed or after work something like that. I of cource have it and do it every single day. That's what we call 'Inner muscle training', which strengthen the core of the body done by most of top footballer in the world.
The leading player to emerge is Yuto Nagatomo who belongs to Inter Milan in serie-A.
I watched some videoes on Youtube that he had worked hard with his own training at home every single day since he became a professional soccer player. Those video clips definitely inspired me to do this like him.

As a matter of course, it's not that easy thing to keep doing everyday because there is a busy day, a tiring day or the day doesn't feel motivated in daily life. At that time, I always encourage myself in some ways to do the training.
Anyway, most important thing is to keep doing it everyday. It would turn into confident to youself and obtain a athlete figure. It also gives you another positive affect in daily training, I think.

Another important thing is not to work hard at the begining of the training. If you do so, you should be getting harder to maintain the workload, so you need to do fine-tuning it by yourself and you should know the amount which you can do. As a result, you can increase the amount gradually, if you can keep doing it.








BBQ party

2011-03-26 23:20:34 | Diary
Hi, all!!

I've frequently posted some articles on this blog last couple weeks. Thats the proof that I'm so bored every night.

Anyway, I had a training session as a team this morning for 2 hours. Actually it wasn't that hard for me because we had a training match the day before yesterday, so today was like a recovery session from it.
Then we went back home once, and got together again at one of my teammate's house around lunch time.

As soon as I got there, I realized everybody were tring to go out somewhere in rain. I couldn't expect where they were going to and also I couldn't believe that we would go outside in rain.
Somehow it seemed like that we were suppose to play cricket all together in a park ever if it's rain.
To be honest, I was really upset at that time because I had never played cricket before. Of course we played baseball many time with my friends when I was small, but we even never see that someone play cricket in Japan.
We don't have the culture to play it.

However, cricket is similar to baseball a bit, so the much time I got, the much I could understand what's cricket like. But it was still difficult to play at their level because they get use to play it like baseball I play normally. Especially, it was so difficult to hit a ball properly with bat, which shape like battledore(Japanese Hagoita) used in a game played at the beginning of the new year in Japan. It consists of a board with a rectangular handle.

Anyway, it was so fun. After that, we had a BBQ party together with heaps of meats, sausages and a bit vegetables. This is a newzealand style!!I love it!!!

I just gorged oneself to repletion on delicious viands.





 いやぁ、クリケットなんか始めてやったから焦った。もうミスしないように空気読むことだけ考えてたね。笑 ルールなんかまずほとんど知らんし、テレビでしか見たことなかったからまぁ大変。(詳しいことはWikiかなんかで調べてください)

 最後はBBQ!!大量の肉とちょっとのサラダ!!これぞ欧米式!!笑 腹減りまくってたから食いまくったった。


vs Waitakere United

2011-03-24 21:39:03 | Soccer/football
Hi, everybody.

I've just got home from game tonight, which took on one of the best team in NZ, Waitakere FC, who is a regular team for Club World Cup called Toyota Cup as an Oceanian champion.
They are still in the season facing play-off at the moment, and the season in our side hasn't started yet, but it's just around the corner.

Anyway, we got a chance to play seriously with this great team tonight fortunately because we are also one of the best team in the league, so they gave us a offer to play as a training match during season to turn up their side.
We were also look forward to playing with them to measure how much can we play as usual.

I came on the pitch at the begining of second half as a mid-fielder. I was honestly nervous before came on, but I think I could play with confident.
Actually we were winning by 3-0 until 60mins's gone, which means that we played excellent, we were obviously dominating the game, but they recouped three goals straight away due to a decrease of movement, means facing fitness problem.
As a result, we got a draw wih them by 3-3. It must result from fitness and lack of communication.
personally, I got some challenges from the game, which is possitive things for me.
Each players in Waitakere side was pretty fast and so quick, especially acceleration between first five meters were formidable. Once I made a wrong decision on the park, I couldn't catch them.

But I was really happy to play with them and that was so fun.

I had an enjoyable game after a long term.



 やっぱり今までやってきたチームとはスピード・判断・一瞬のキレが違いましたね。 一歩遅れるともう向こうは5m先ですから。笑 とりあえず早い!!





 ニュージーランドでサッカーしてみたい方はこちら → NZサッカー

Training camp 1

2011-03-20 17:50:21 | Soccer/football
Hello, how are you??

Recently, I've got some training sessions with a tewm in Auckland, and I should sign up for the team within next week, I reckon, but nobody knows what's happening to me and the club until get signed, so I need to play as hard as possible to show a good performance.

By the way, we had a kind of training camp last 3days for the up-coming season, 2nd April. Various sessions with all teammates was tightly scheduled in the camp and we got a instruction for the camp like what's the goal of the camp on the first day, and we also had a lecture of mantal management and control before and after game with a mental therapist organized by the team.
I thought that was very impressive lecture for me because I sometimes struggle that keep concentrating on the game with thinking of other things. Hopefully, I will be better about it after this.

Meanwhile, we had time to discuss like what is the main goal for the team in this season and what do we need to keep doing on the park for the goal set as a group and we exchanged each opinions at the end of the session to sum it up.
And then we ate dinner all together and went home.

On second day, surprisingly we had three training sessions in a day. To be honest, I've never had such a experience before, so I was so nervous the day before.
However, I commited a big problem in the morning. we had to be there no later than 8am, but unfortunately I woke up so later than I had to. When I realized it in the morning, I thought I was still in dream, at least I tried to think about it, but of course it wasn't...
I just shoot off into taxi to the club house and I tantatively jumped in the training because I expected the coach must be mad at me, he didn't blame me that much.
Anyway, I was being totally upset until saw coach.

And we had breakfase together and another lecture on nutrition and hydration for footballer with a expert who had a year contract last year with Chealsea, which is in English Premier league. I don't know who could organize such a great person for this small club, but I was so lucky to see him.
In his lecture, I was trying to pick up his words and write it down on note as many as I can, and I have to make something of the knowledge I got for soccer. I'm sure I could do it.

And we got the second training and then had lunch together.

To be continued at next time.










St Patrick's Day

2011-03-17 22:44:25 | New zealand
Hi, all!!

Today, one of the most recognized public holiday in Ireland, it's named after St Patrick passed away on 17th of March, and has gradually become a celebration of Irish culture in general.

Are you thinking why did I pick up about this day in spite of I'm in Newzaland??
Because in Newzealand, there are many immigrants who has a background of Ireland. Recently, migrants from Ireland might be gradually less than before, but they have already come here since last generation, so everybody has an Irish culture comes together in city on this day, wearing a green attire, which means that is like traditional color for Irish people.

In fact, I was in city with my Irish friend got to meet in Auckland through one of my another friend.
He was of course wearing a green shirts and it's known exactly why, but he put a green tie on the green shirts. That was so unique, haha

And he used to be in Kumamoto, where is one of a countryside of Kyusyu in Japan as a English teacher and was also involved in one of the English educational project in Japanese high school for a couple years.
So he was so frank and friendly on me.

I had really fun and enjoyable time with him. I was treated on dinner as well!! Thank you so much today, Brendan!!


 今日は、St Patrick's dayというアイルランドの祝日。アイルランドにキリスト教を広めた聖人パトリックの命日。






An unprecedented Earthquake in Japan

2011-03-14 01:42:36 | Diary
As you know, The most terrible earthquake ever hit Japan 2 days ago, and the damage is still expanding as time goes on, unleashing a 10 metre high tsunami and leaving hundreds dead and thousands missing.

And now Japan is facing a nuclear emergency as cooling systems damaged by the quake failed at two nuclear reactors.

I myself was running on a treadmill in a gym when I was informed about the disaster. I couldn't actually believe what I saw from the news on TV which was front of me. The TV screen was switched suddenly to the breaking news which informed me what's happening now in Japan. The head line of the news I watched was 'An 8.9 magnitude quake hit Japan'.
I think no one can believe like this if you're in oversea.

Fortunately, all my friends and families are fine, but I have nothing to do for this event at the moment. There is nothing I can do except pray that everybody can survive and be safe as many people as possible.



 自分が、この報道を聞いた時、ちょうどジムで走っていた時でした。ランニングマシーンの前のテレビが突然切り替わり、速報で日本を大地震が襲ったという見出しで自分の目に飛び込んできました。最初は全く信じられず、どこか他人事のような自分がいて走り続けていましたが、テレビに映る「Earthquake hit Japan」の文字。





Worst team ever.

2011-03-08 23:01:01 | Soccer/football
Hi, how's going??

I have heaps of things to do recently. I'll write on it next time.

At first, the ASB premiership season just ended and we sat on bottom of the table at last unfortunately. What is worse, we collected the unwanted record of lowest points total for a season, which means we got only 4 points in 14 games. In addition, top team got 36 points through the whole season.
It was the most disastrous season I've ever got and most disappointing season as well because I crossed the big ocean and arrived at a small town to play in last November.

When I signed for the team, I thought I would get a opportunity to play soon, but that did never happen until season's gone. I kept asking mysef over and over that why doesn't the coach let me play such a long time despite he allowed me to sign for the team, why do I need to do now for the team, how can I show him that I'm really motivated and still willing to play for the team etc...

Finally, the message was lost on him.

He always made same squad and used his favorite players, and he ended up produce the worst record in the league.
After every matches, he is suppose be taken an inteview from media side and it's put up on a local newspaper on the day after the match, and he alway says 'we could have - should have won the game, I can't fault the players efforts, they gave everything or we had many chances in the whole game and I thought we were worth a draw today like these.

Critical of the manner in which his side lost goals, Sova nevertheless paid tribute to his team's commitment. This is ridiculous.

But I have to think of what I did for the team, I don't think I could maintain a good condition on the pitch anytime. I agree with that, and I have to be a lot better for an upcoming season.

I'll still try playing to be a professional player!!








Curry is the best home cuisine.

2011-03-07 01:36:12 | Diary
I think this article really doesn't matter to you guys, but this is really important routine in my daily life. Curry is what I'm talking about.

Recently, it's too much of a bother to cook dinner myself, so I depend totally on curry everyday. In last 10days, I made curry three times. I always feel like tasting curry at any moment even when I wake up every moning and feel a burp coming... sorry.

Anyway curry is so nutritious and has a low calorie count. Moreover it's really simple to make it that can maintain a high nutritional value for me. Obviously, curry is a must item in my life now and I never get tired of it even if I had it 10day in a row.

I really love it.

I have to appreciate a person who invented how to make curry for the first time in the world.

P.S. I'll update with a better article next time...





