Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2009-11-30 22:27:17 | Soccer/football

 Something has been wrong with my computer lately, so I'm really stress full. I don't know why isn't it working. I just hope it'll be reactiveted naturally as soon as possible..

Anyway I went to join couple training with other teams. One of the teams is North star was in Brisbane Premier league until last season, but unfortunately they was relegated to lower division due to bad result through the season.

When it comes to the result of the trainig, I could make it. the coach who has taken the rein of it said 'you can play with our top team for nex season if you want to' I turned it down at all, but I really wondered at that time how come I could pass it. Honestly speaking, I wasn't in good shape, I made lots of easy mistake as well, I was being careless. i think.
That's why it's really hard to understand what he said to me after training actually.

In my opinion, all players except me who were on the field at that time were not ready obviously, because that was a first trainig for them for next season. they're gonna be getting better for sure.
On the other hand, I've already bacome a better condition than others cuz I always go to gym and running everyday for next season. Therefore I might have played a bit better than others, otherwise they could be blind.



 火曜と木曜に、Mitchelton FCとNorth Starというチームの練習に参加してきました。





XXXX Gold and Bundaberg-RUM-

2009-11-26 01:28:05 | Australia
How are you, bro?

Can you recognize the two names in the title?

They are kind of drink - beer and rum coke. Have you known them already??
If you so, you might have been Queensland before...

Anyway, let me explain in these background today.

First, both of them are made in Queensland, thats why if you go to a pub in Queensland, you can get them everywhere and these drinks are alway on tap and available for Queenslander.

Actually I'm always drunk them in my work place by my boss after work on Friday. And then they go and drink a pub in the city on Friday night.
My boss always organizes them for workmates and the people work under him. and they work off their daily frustrations and accumlated fatigue in the week over drinking.

And I looked into the roots for 'xxxx Gold' and 'Bundaberg Rum'. For instance, how were they begun running, by whom was built etc... Anyway I wanted to know the history of them, mate!!

XXXX Gold is growing rapidly outside of Queensland and is now the second largest beer brand in Australia.
XXXX was brewed under licence in the UK and was commonly available in cans in British off licences. It could also sometimes be found on tap in British pubs, although it was much less widely available than Foster's (which is found in many UK pubs).
The XXXX's brand was first introduced in 1924 and is a throwback to the long standing tradition of using Xs to indicate the strength of an ale.

The history of Bundaberg Rum began over one hundred years ago in the Bundaberg sugar cane region of Central Queensland. Bundaberg first began producing commercial sugar in 1872.
Oneday The farmers knew it could be converted into rum and little distilleries cropped up all over Queensland.

In 1888, several of the small sugar producers banded together to float a new public company. This promptly set about making the product that quickly became 'Famous' for its taste and quality.

 It's a little bit of trivia, merely a general knowledge for Queenslander.




 これら2つとも、ここQueensland州産のモノで、XXXX Goldがビール、Bundabergがカクテル。ちなみにXXXXは「フォーエックス」と読みます。






Out of the computer

2009-11-22 21:35:18 | Australia
Ladies and Gentlemen!!

I haven't been depressed by the trial result, don't worry about it plz.

Well, today's theme is internet in Australia!!
How's your situation of internet access at the moment? I think you guys have good internet access unrestricted ever, but there has been much different situation in Australia from Japan.
We are always kept controling when I use internet, especially we need to pay attention while watching movie or something on Youtube or download something because almost people was set how much download they can use every month, it depends on a rate plan they have.

in Japan, most of families can use internet freely and much faster to connect with internet access. Moreover it's much cheaper cost than Australia.
If we think of taking out a more comfortable plan like watching freely on Youtube, it will cost us an incredible much money.

That's why the capacity of download we can use in a month is only 12GB...

If I do much dawnload for myself in a day(propably more than 15 mins), I'll give offence to my share owner..
So I must be careful not to use it too much every night...









The trial result(トライアル結果)

2009-11-14 22:31:51 | Soccer/football
 Hey, buddy!!

I'm afraid that I didn't write down right here on the trial result. Sorry, I didn't mean to do so, but I've just regreted having lost the big opportunity to play for the biggest club in state of Queensland.

Anyway, I missed the chance, i mean i failed to pass the trial.

Honestly, I didn't know why I couldn't make it the moment I heard the trial result. Actually I thought I could pass it when the training finished. In fact I made much mistake in the begining of training, but I just believed I could make up for the poor start.

But now I have no regret anymore. I don't wanna say some excuses about it either. just advance forward, never look back again.

I still believe the door of chance has never been closed as long as I just keep going.

Be positive!! let myself think I just got a precious experience.

Of cource I got some challengies in the trial and I realized how appeal I should do and how play is effective for coaches.

But I was surprised at soccer careers the strikers's coach has because he used to play in Scottich premier league as starting line-up till couple years ago.
I don't know why he came to Australia as a coach. I guess he looked still young, I thought he could still play at top level. guess he might be gotten a serious injury or something...

Anyway, I was so fun while I played with some good players who came to strikers as I played in high level in ages.











the night before a battle(決戦前夜)

2009-11-10 20:15:51 | Soccer/football
Hi boys and girls!!!

I'm updating now at the night before a trial as I declared on the last entry. 

Tomorrow, there is a big trial I must make it. This is a really big chance for me. If I can't get a contact with the team after this trial, it's not to say that all possibility I have will be gone, but i think no matter how good players you are, they can't get million chances.

I think superstars doesn't miss the chances no matter how tiny chances they get.

Of course I don't think I would be a superstar if I make it out, but I can get one step closer to my goal.

Anyway, it's all up to myself. just do my best, and everything will be OK.








Indoor soccer(室内サッカー)

2009-11-08 14:40:51 | Soccer/football
 Good'ay mate.

How's going, everybody?
sorry I just haven't touched the blog for few days. The trial is already around the corner. so I couldn't afford to write something happened lately.

Today I'll introduce to you about indoor soccer I did couple days ago. This isn't same as 'Futsal', has a bit different rules from it.
At first the indoor soccer doesn't have any lines - side lines, penalty area and even goal lines. Why not??
Because the net is put up on all around sides, so the game is played in the net surrounded.

So I couldn't make it at first game as I didn't know well how to use the net, so I couldn't grasp the techniques of using it to the end of the first game.
But I was getting better with watching other games, now I've come to perfection to play in there. haha

In addition, indoor soccer has some unique rules - not allow to use above shoulders so on.

And luckily we are now on the season, so we have a game every week. really fun!!

I'd like to say 'Thanks a lot 'to my friend who let me join his team.

Thanks kiwi!!







