Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


2 weeks off!!!

2012-04-27 14:56:12 | Diary

 Hi, I wrote the diary entitled '3 days off' the other day, but on the next day, we knew we would get another 2 weeks off... 


 I have no idea what the team does think of... I don't wanna even know it actually... I'm very dumped..


 Most of domestic players have gone home, and I'm not sure how many players of them would be back on 10th of May which was decided by team and then restart from the day, apprently.


 Anyway, is there anyone who are keen to hang around Taj Mahal with me?? If you so, just cantact me!!
















  P.S. I just hang around the stadium alone for workout myself sometimes cuz I have heaps of spare time to do nothing!!!!!

 P.S. 暇すぎて一人でスタジアムに行って自主練。贅沢なんだかなんなんだか・・・。


About some of my ex-school-mates

2012-04-25 19:08:09 | Diary

 Hi, guys. How's goin??


 I have a very very tiny routine work on the way to the training field every morning that is very important for me as well. It's to browse facebook by my mobile phone to check out what do my friends update on it that gives me some energy before training.


 As a matter of course, I check all of my mates on my facebook in spite of either Japanese mates or others. But to be honest, mates in Japan who I've known since a long time ago could encourage me a bit more than others, especially, some of my ex-school mates.


 For instance, a mate who have still been playing seriously in Japan, who hoping to become a champion team on baseball and American football, who are gradually begining to become a popular actor in Japan and of course other friends who are working so hard all around Japan without any complains. And some of them have already done their marriage and given birth. That's amazing!!


 Those news of giving birth sometimes remind me my mother as well. I actually realized for the first time how much she has been loving me and has cheered me up anytime when I was starting to live oversea. And I could hardly feel it when I was in Japan. I don't know how stupid I was actually... But now I can clearly feel it and I've thought I have to do something special to my family in return. I'm still not sure how to express it to them, but the more important thing is that I realized how importart my family is for me.

 On the other hand, some of my mates have become a mother and raising their kids. I think I have to respect them as much as I can, and I'd like to see them nurcing kids. Of course I can't help but respect some of mates who has become a father as well!! That's fantastic!!


 Anyway, as I'm saying on this blog sub-title, I want to get closer to a class as a human being and a player, but those mates are now getting much closer to it than I am for sure because they have lived for someone else not for their own. That's a way to become stronger as a human being, I think.


 Thanks, guys!! I will push more myself to encourage you like you have done to me!!




 最近、チーム内でしょっちゅう自分が携帯でFacebookをいじってるからめっさからかわれる。笑 けど実は、この「作業」にはかなり精神的に助けられてる部分がある。いつも見ながら、自分の友人たちがアップする出来事をみて元気をもらってる。










 「I need this time cuz watching on facebook is the only one source to maintain my motivation for football.」





3 days off

2012-04-23 19:55:56 | Diary

 Hi, guys. How are you doing??


 I've had three days off now, and I totally have nothing to do for this three days for sure!! I of course think that I want to travel around somewhere famous spots in India such as Taj Mahal and Mahabodhi Temple so on. However, there is no preferable means of transportation for travelers over here. Airlines are only one way to get out of this town, but it normally takes 5 hours to get there. That's the biggest reason I feel so reluctant to be off this area.


 Besides, the last tournament we were looking at was put off to 18th of next month!! In fact, the coach reported to us the other day it has been postphoned, but no one knows the reason... I had managed to keep motivation up for last one month because we were seriously looking for this title which was last chance to get. But now it got all screwed up!! To be honest, it's very difficult for us to maintain the motivation and aspiration on the pitch.

  There is also a rumor between players about this issue that the team just has tried to keep the players under their eyes until last day of this May which is the day that contract of every player is due to be terminated. If they decide to release us, maybe some of the players go and negocate about a contract with other clubs. So, we doubt that the team is concerned about that.

  Anyway, I myself don't care about what they think of because I have no intension to renew my contract with this current club, in either way.













 This is my routine work of a day.



 8am : wake-up 起床


  9am-11am : Training 練習


  1pm : Lunch 昼飯


  2pm-4pm : nap 昼寝


  5pm : off to a cyber cafe ネットカフェにネット使いに行く


  8pm : dinner 晩飯


  1am : go to bed 就寝


 It really seems be a boring life, isn't it?? I strongly agree with that. haha


 At last, I will show u my room here. What I do here is just sit that chair to watch TV or lay on the bed or do push-up on the bed. haha  What do you say about this life?? Do u want to replace for me??


Game at stadium

2012-04-16 18:39:18 | Soccer/football

 Hi, mates!!


 I first watched a game in I-league which is the top division in India last weekend. And I took some photoes at that time.







 The pitch few hours before game.



Just before kick off. the period of the national anthem. 





This is an official ticket to enter. Kick off at 14:30 is still too hot to play for every player. The price is only 3US dollars!!



結構観客も入ってました。The main stands were almost packed at this game. 

Have a look at the papers on their seats. They don't seem to like getting dirty on their ass!! Nevertheless, they casually spit and throw a trash out on the street... I can't understand what they think of!!


That's all!! 


P.S. 誰か自分がプレーしてる写真とってくれーー!!

P.S. Could you kindly take photoes while I play on the pitch?? I need the one!! 



Muscle beauty!!!

2012-04-13 19:08:32 | Soccer/football

 Hi, how are u ,guys??


 I've built up my body at gym most of days in a week. Especially, I've tried to focus on around the osteitis pubis as I've got a acute pain on it since about 2 years ago that results from its inflammation. So I've sit down and do a push-up as many as I can.

  However, I knew there was always someone better and no limit to things when I watched the game on TV Udinese vs Napoli!! And my eyes were completely glued to a player for Napoli who scored two goals in that game. His name is Cavani, who is from Urguay. He showed a goal performance after scoring his second goal in the game by taking off his shirt to celebrate himself, and then his body was astonished at me!! I've seen a 6-packs body which someone has, but I've never seen a 8-packs one before but he has!!!

 Oh my god!!!!!









 Anyway, do you think who has the most beautiful body in these entries below here.


 Entry No1: C.Ronald


No2: Edinson Cavani (This pic is not what I said before, but this is also amazing!! )


 No3: Diego Forlan (he is already over 30 yrs old, but still keep this body...Super-man!! )


 No4: it's me, but so embarrassing!!! it doesn't clearly deserve to compete with them!!




Who is your favorite one?? I hope some of you guys would pick me up!! haha



P.S. 自分、ホモじゃないからね、勘違いしないように!!

P.S. I'm not a guy who you think I am, which means I'm not a gay!!


My circumstances

2012-04-11 19:04:38 | Diary

 Hi, there.

 Apparently, Here in east India is completely the rainy season so we have lots of rain every day. India has two seasons: the dry or 'cacimbo' season and the rainy season. Basically, the season I have really hated since when I had lived in Japan has come over here now...

 Besides, the training session is often called off due to a heavy rain. As for the training two days ago, it had been raining already before the training started. And I was also doubting whether the training would be on or not, but I didn't get any calls from the coach about the training, so I couldn't help but off to the training ground. As soon as I got to the field, the training was started and they did let us go for jog around few raps. After 10 mins jog, the coach said to us ' we better get moving out of practice because of this heavy rain.'  


 Wait, Wait, Wait!!! well, why didn't you start the training? we had already known this heavy rain would come down here because the rain had already begun developing before started!! Besides, we have already started training now, so I strongly think we better keep it going to the end otherwise we might get a cold or worse later on... I couldn't believe this happening at that time, to be honest!!


 Moreover, we practiced all the way yesterday, and a massive rain generated as soon as we finished training. So we had to escape from it at a small shed by the field. And we had to spend few hours until it stopped which was very cold in there. So we tried to make a fire by collecting many small piece of woods and any stuffs can make it bigger. 

  And another problem came up as I got home, that was in a blackout throughout the whole town. It ended for few hours. So what I was doing at home was just sitting a chair and wait until it was recovered.

 As a matter of course, I have to use electricity to make some boil water ebefore taking shower, but it's not definitely what you imagine.











 Look at this pic. This clearly shows you all what is my circumstances here like. I always make a boil water like this picture by putting this electric equipment (i don't know the name...) into water in a bucket.

I feel like being a prisoner when I take a shower every time... 


 This is where I walk up and down on the way to the traininig field. This stairs are uncountable!! I tried to count how many stairs it is yesterday, but I forgot how many had I been counting so far while I was desperately climbing them up. That was obviously a mission impossible for me after a hard training...

 そしてこれは急な階段。奥に微かに写ってんのがスタジアムでその奥に練習場がある。いつもこの約170段ある階段を下って練習に向かう。行きはええけど、帰りの登りが・・・。下手したら練習よりしんどい。笑 試合後のこの階段なんか下から見上げただけで吐きそうなるってのはここだけの話。


 At last, I will show you a sexy shot of the captain of the team!!


P.S. He said don't post it on facebook, but I did " on my blog." it's not on facebook, so he would forgive what I did. I think maybe I should keep this a secret??

P.S. facebookには絶対この写真載せるなって言われたからここに勝手に載せたのは内緒ね。笑

Considering of how lucky the people are in an advanced country (日本に生まれた意味)

2012-04-07 14:54:30 | Diary

 I have something to consider about the life in India. It's all about how lucky I was in Japan that had already developed to the nearly limit of the economic growth ever since I was born.

 This is a only my opinion and what I have thought from the life here. So I wouldn't say you would have to agree with that I'm trying to say on this entry, but I thought I didn't want to forget about what I have felt here.


 Last week I happened to see an interesting article on Yahoo browser, And that reminded me again how much I had been a lucky person since I came to India, Maybe I wouldn't sense that if I didn't come and play football here for sure.

 The article says 'when you are awake in every morning as usual, you can think of like what I am going to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with who.' Indeed, this clearly shows how lucky you are at present in comparison with the other people living in poor countries that is majority of this world. And according to a study, only 10% people in the world could think like that casually.


 When I was 22, I dared to get out of the small island where I was born to continue playing football that I love most. But if I weren't within the only 10% people, I wouldn't be here or I might not have even started playing...

 I think I have to live more seriously every single day. I had actually ever thought so, but it was not as much as now. It was not enough maybe... The day does never come back. The life can never be restarted at will.

  I could forget completely what I've wrote so far that is very important for me to live on right way when I get back to Japanese life and start my second life after retirement of football. Because there will be only Japanese who don't even realize that around me then id I engage in a job there. I'm scare of that, to be honest.


 That's why I've wrote this down properly today as I could read it back anytime in the future!!




























2012-04-03 20:13:47 | Diary

 Hi, how are you goin??

 I had disastrous days over last whole week due to struggling with a diarrhea with fever and flu. I actually had never had any diseases over last 4 years. So it gets myself wrong about how strong I was against diseases. In fact, I'd never been to hospital for any treatments while I was in AUS and NZ. but the confidence was in vain in India.

 Indeed, I had been fine in the first 2 months since I came to India in last Chrismas. Maybe something extraordinary first happened to me at Kolkata to take part in the competition in late Feb. I had a diarrhea at that time resulted from food over there. I took some medicines to soothe it and sorted it out after few days.

 This time was, as I told you, much worse than that time obviously. In addition, I was home alone!! When I was still in Japan, I didn't even take any medicines, of course firmly refused to go to hospital if I get a sick because I had full of confidences of my own natural healing ability to get over any diseases, anyway I was a bid crazy haha.

 But as a matter of course, I didn't have time to expect it to recover as I didn't want to skip every training session everyday. I took some medicines which I brought from Japan that is very effective for me, and it made me fine on the next day.

 That's why I haven't still missed any training session as a team. And I scored two goals with the bad condition in a training match held last weekend. I might have been too relaxed in a way on the pitch, and it might have brought me a good result... but I'm still wondering why I could work well...


 However, I still have a big problem that is a diet here. Actually, there is no kitchen stuffs in my house, so I need to go out for every meal, but there is totally no options but Chinese restaurant. I'm now so sick of even watching it. Water is also one of the big problems here. I can never drink water from tap and I am also aware of a cup of water which served by all restaurants here as it smells like an iron. It must break my stomach for sure. That's why I always carry a bottle of water wherever I go.

 This sounds funny, isn't it?? but it's real.










 しっかし、練習は皆勤。変なもんで練習試合もあってんけど2点取れた。なんでやろ、変な体の力抜けて逆にええんかな?けど、原因は絶対食べ物からきてると思うんやけど、ほんまに最近何食べたら安全なんかもうわけわからん。全部脂っこいし、レストランは中国系が3軒ほどしかない。なんかもう見るだけで気持ち悪い。けど、週6で練習あるから食わないと死活問題やし、ほんまに頭痛い。誰か、きて助けて・・・。笑 水も鉄臭いから店や水道の水は一切飲めない。だから外に出るときも常にミネラルウォーター持ち歩いてるくらい。練習中もチームからでる変なやかんに入った水でてくるけど、一切信用してないから毎回自分で持っていってる。

