Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


How to stop bullying

2017-12-13 17:10:07 | Words 言葉の力







Hi, guys.

Today, let me bring up a topic that is about bullying. I think a lot of coaches and teachers have misunderstandings upon bullying to solve. At some point, I will have to deal with matters of bullying after starting off business with my own football academy in Japan. If I have a decent approach to solve most cases of bullying, that would be very helpfun to make a healthy run with the academy for sure.

Sociologist have been studying bullying for decades. They just don't call it bullying, they always call it 'Dominance behaviour' that it's other people trying to overpower others, and it's just like animal kingdom. That's alpha male mentality. That's what happening on campus. And so when we understand it in terms of dominance behaviour. People trying to have POWER over another. That helps us understand what to do about bullying and when we understand what it is. 

All the bullying experts agree on one thing. The bullying is an imbalance of power that someone trying to have power over you. They wanna see you lose, and they wanna win.

The more upset/angry you get, the more fun they have. But what would happen if we were resilient.. what if we were emotionally strong and mentally tough, then no matter what the haters say you wouldn't care. 

If you are the victim of relentless teasing, taunting or bullying, and decided to not get upset? To have tough skin? To allow the hateful mean words of others bounce right off you, and not care what the other person says?

If you explain to students that bullying is nothing more than a game about winning and losing, and that the way they can win is by not getting upset, and the bully will lose. And when people lose, they don't like playing the game any more, so they'll leave you alone.

When you explain that to a student, it's simple, concrete not abstract, ethereal or complex. It is very simple.

Don't get upset, no matter what they say. I'm not saying it is easy, but in logic. It is very simple.

Now it's important to know this. When I say bullying, I'm not talking about someone is hurting your feeling. If you can understand bullying in terms of someone hurting your feelings. The solution is very simple, but some people think bullying is more complex than hurting your feelings. Then they think bullying is like violence, but it is not. If you get punched on your face by someone, it's violence. Violence is a crime. Don't mix them up.   

Past and Present

2017-11-10 21:00:54 | Words 言葉の力

The past is history, 
the future is a mystery,
and this moment is a gift.

That is why this moment is called 'the present'.




The Australian Open in 2017

2017-01-31 22:51:45 | Words 言葉の力

Roger Federer Australian Open winning Speech 2017 & Trophy Presentation

Let me leave this entry here to remind me of this touching prize-giving ceremony in the Australian Open 2017. 

I think this story started from the accolade of the same tournament in 2009 when Nadal won the title back then. At his winning interview, Nadal felt sorry about winning over Federer cuz he saw Federer shed tears of disappointment on his defeat in the full set match against Nadal just before Nadal took the mic.

But this time, Federer also felt sorry for beating Nadel in the final. And in the entire speech of Roger, he turned back to see Nadal frequently when he was speaking. And he continued that "I would have been still happy if I had lost to Nadal today. And tennis is a tough sport cuz there is no draws in it. If there was, I would have been happy to accept the draw and share the trophy with Nadal, really".

They are such humble and gracious men and one of the greatest rivalry of all time in all sports on the planet. 






My friend's story

2016-09-06 23:09:08 | Words 言葉の力

Hi, I would like to introduce a story today. He's a former pro from Costa rica. We met at a club as a teammate in AUS few years ago. Since then, we are good friends.

Recently some people have asked me about the vision of Soccerman Sports. Because of that, I want to explain a little about where I come from and the reason why our classes are different.

I grew up in a very poor neighbourhood in Costa Rica with my three younger siblings and a single mother. It was a very difficult time. Sometimes we had nothing to eat. We lived in a very dangerous neighbourhood. Two houses away they were selling drugs. Many of the parents of my childhood friends were criminals or drug addicts.

From childhood I always liked playing soccer. I have been playing since I can remember. Today, even though I have played internationally at a very high level (where many have dreamed of playing) I cannot say I was a “superstar” of world football.

But for me, that is not important. When I sit down and look back on my life I realize that football saved my life. It saved me from being on the streets, from being on drugs, from being a bad son or a bad brother. Soccer saved me from accepting mediocrity. It saved me from being a person who gives up when things are difficult. It saved me from being a person who complains about life or the things that don’t work out right.

So when a parent pays for a class of football with Soccerman Sports, they are not only paying for their child to learn to play soccer, they are also paying for their child to learn what Soccer can teach: to strive to be a good son or daughter, to be a good friend, and to believe in themselves. 
The children learn to value life.








Soccer man's vision for the future.

2016-07-21 22:06:53 | Words 言葉の力

Hi, guys.

I'd like to share a post of my friend who has recently started his own soccer academy for juniors since his vision of it was very impressive to me.

"Recently some people have asked me about the vision of Soccerman Sports. Because of that, I want to explain a little about where I come from and the reason why our classes are different.

I grew up in a very poor neighbourhood in Costa Rica with my three younger siblings and a single mother. It was a very difficult time. Sometimes we had nothing to eat. We lived in a very dangerous neighbourhood. Two houses away they were selling drugs. Many of the parents of my childhood friends were criminals or drug addicts.

From childhood I always liked playing soccer. I have been playing since I can remember. Today, even though I have played internationally at a very high level (where many have dreamed of playing) I cannot say I was a “superstar” of world football.

But for me, that is not important. When I sit down and look back on my life I realize that football saved my life. It saved me from being on the streets, from being on drugs, from being a bad son or a bad brother. Soccer saved me from accepting mediocrity. It saved me from being a person who gives up when things are difficult. It saved me from being a person who complains about life or the things that don’t work out right.

So when a parent pays for a class of football with Soccerman Sports, they are not only paying for their child to learn to play soccer, they are also paying for their child to learn what Soccer can teach: to strive to be a good son or daughter, to be a good friend, and to believe in themselves. The children learn to value life."








  *Follow me on twitter :




What to coach for kids, and what kids want in a coach. コーチとして伝えられることとは?

2016-06-23 15:37:07 | Words 言葉の力


It's gonna be a long story to read today. Are you literally ready?

It happened when I worked as a landscaper, and I was literally mowing the lawn in a client's property the other day. Then one thing just came across my mind.. What should I really coach for kids if they long for being a professional soccer player in the future. 

Don't point me out that I didn't concentrate on the work. Lol 

What do you think of this topic? It's a huge thing for every one of kids to know how they get on a right track where leads them to become a pro. I think the answer is not the only one as every coach has a different answer. 

But for me, I would say - 1. to develop the ability to think, and make it a habit on a daily basis. 2. to keep yourself from getting injured. 3. to secure enough game time every weekend.

First of all, most of the kid I am coach for are still under age or younger. On the other hand, I was already 22 when I first took action to become a pro by leaving for Australia. It was literally too late to make a move for that dream. That's because I wasn't bold enough, and couldn't determine to take the plunge when I was younger.. 

As a result, it came back to haunt me later.. Because I had to pay for the registration fee by myself by owing about 500 dollars for the first two teams I played for in GC and Brisbane. In the thrid year, I first signed with a team in the national league in NZ with no registration fee!! Back then, I was already 25.. Too old!! Then I went to India and become a pro. After that, I was like a traveler, but also a football player in some other countries in Asia.

My life as a footballer wasn't the one I daydreamed of when I was a kid, but I should be proud of myself that I crawled out of the depths of despair at the first club in Australia. I somehow slowly improved and climbed up step by step to become a pro by analyzing myself deeply from every game I played.

However, the game time counts for any player, especially young players. The younger you are, the faster you can improve in the very short period, even one game. Even though the game you are gonna play now doen't reach the quality you want, you should never waste it. It's because you can turn it into your opportunity to test out something what you can't do in a competitive game. If you change your perspective even a bit, you can see a different world. It's not an exaggeration to say. you had better swallow your lukewarm pride at all at early stages.

Another thing is that you need to avoid a major injury as a footballer such as achilles tendon rupture and tore ACL etc.. Luckily, I have never had those injuries to this date. I could say it's a matter of luck, if it happens at a heavy collision in a game. You can't blame on anyone anything in that case, but I believe you can lower the likelihood of getting those injuries in a stuation without a collision if you do take well care of your body.

You know why? getting injured means you are going to lose the period of time when you are on rehab from it. If you were healthy, you could earmark for honig your skills. I have rarely heard that a pro player in any sport have experienced a major sport injury before could go further than before he or she got the injury. 

At last, let me tell you why I couldn't survive long at the professional level of football. I'm pretty sure here is why. Because I unconsciously set my destination that I'm going to be a pro, not coming up big at the stage. To my knowledge, most of the players living in the top of the top stage think about how they survive at the very competitive level and go further and further. To be brief, they set a goal as a player much higer that I did, and they realized that at much earlier stages than I realized. It's a mystery to nobody who would be going higher as a player, right?

But I think that's the thing I can tell kids. And that's why I made up my mind to become a coach.

I'm so excited to see how further of a stage I could reach at.  


















  *Follow me on twitter :



Multipotentialite 博学者

2015-12-16 22:56:50 | Words 言葉の力

Have you ever been asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Now if you had to guess, how old would you say you were when you were first asked this question? 

the problem wasn't that I didn't have any interests -- it's that I had too many. This continued after high school, and at a certain point, I began to notice this pattern in myself where I would become interested in an area and I would dive in, become all-consumed, and I'd get to be pretty good at whatever it was, and then I would hit this point where I'd start to get bored. And usually I would try and persist anyway,because I had already devoted so much time and energy and sometimes money into this field. But eventually this sense of boredom, this feeling of, like, yeah, I got this, this isn't challenging anymore -- it would get to be too much. And I would have to let it go.

This pattern caused me a lot of anxiety, for two reasons. The first was that I wasn't sure how I was going to turn any of this into a career. I thought that I would eventually have to pick one thing, deny all of my other passions, and just resign myself to being bored. The other reason it caused me so much anxiety was a little bit more personal. I worried that there was something wrong with this, and something wrong with me for being unable to stick with anything. I worried that I was afraid of commitment, or that I was scattered, or that I was self-sabotaging, afraid of my own success.

If you can relate to my story and to these feelings, I'd like you to ask yourself a question that I wish I had asked myself back then. Ask yourself where you learned to assign the meaning of wrong or abnormal to doing many things. I'll tell you where you learned it: you learned it from the culture.

this question gets asked of us again and again as we get older in various forms -- for instance, high school students might get asked what major they're going to pick in college. And at some point, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" goes from being the cute exercise it once was to the thing that keeps us up at night. Why?

See, while this question inspires kids to dream about what they could be, it does not inspire them to dream about all that they could be. In fact, it does just the opposite,because when someone asks you what you want to be, you can't reply with 20 different things, though well-meaning adults will likely chuckle and be like, "Oh, how cute, but you can't be a violin maker and a psychologist. You have to choose."

A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. It's a mouthful to say. It might help if you break it up into three parts: multi, potential, and ite. You can also use one of the other terms that connote the same idea, such as polymath.

Now, let's say that you are, in your heart, a specialist. You came out of the womb knowing you wanted to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. Don't worry -- there's nothing wrong with you, either.

if there is one thing you take away from this talk, I hope that it is this: embrace your inner wiring, whatever that may be. If you're a specialist at heart,then by all means, specialize. That is where you'll do your best work.

to you I say: embrace your many passions. Follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes. Explore your intersections. Embracing our inner wiring leads to a happier, more authentic life. And perhaps more importantly -- multipotentialites, the world needs us.



 現に、色んな職業を持っている人達が世界にはたくさんいる。弦楽器職人であり心理セラピストの人、 雑誌編集者からイラストレーター兼事業家、兼先生、兼クリエイティブ・ディレクターに転向した人。大部分の子供達は こういう人たちの事を耳にしません。多くは、選択しなさいと言われるだけで、焦点の絞られた人生は社会で美化され、宿命とか天職とかいう言葉で崇められる。まるで、人は優れたものを一つ持って生まれ、この世でそれを果たすのだと、そしてそれを探し当て、それに人生を捧げねばならないというように。







Looking back the way you are

2015-07-28 22:54:05 | Words 言葉の力



If you want to change inner yourself, You should try to change your mind, then you can change your behavior then can change your habit then your personality then in the end, you can change your fate. 

That's the only one way to drastically change your life. 

*Follow me on twitter :


Don't you have time to do so? Bullshit!! 「時間が無い」なんてウソ。

2014-11-10 01:42:18 | Words 言葉の力

 On a sober note, I sometimes consider of where I live and how rich I am compared to majority of other people in the world. Everything I have at home is so handy to shorten the time to do so such as Kitchen equipments, Vacuum, washing machine and PC so on..

Where do those too advanced technologies take us to? As a result, causes what? 

Probably, You have been widely promoted the efficiency and diversification in your daily life. You might not have realized it yet as it's alway there. The more efficient life you get, I think the more time you have. 

So how do you spend the time you are given in such luxury circumstances?

In Japan, you can see people being addicted to social media and mobile games. Don't you think you are blowing the time? Time is limited and given equally everyday. And of course you know time is a invaluable thing that you can never buy. 

I really feel sorry for them consume away thier time with such fluitless things.








Zak Ebrahim: I am the son of a terrorist.

2014-10-23 20:46:35 | Words 言葉の力

  Here is another great story for generations: I am the son of a terrorist, and how he chose peace. 

His father's name is El-Sayyid Nosair, who were convicted for his involvement in the plot that placed a van filled with 1,500 pounds of explosives into the sub-level parking lot of the World Trade Center's North Tower, causing an explosion that killed six people and injured over 1,000 others. 

By the time I turned 19, He had already moved 20 times in my life, and that instability during his childhood didn't really provide an opportunity to make many friends. Being the perpetual new face in class, He was frequently the target of bullies. He kept my identity a secret from his classmates to avoid being targeted, but as it turns out, being the quiet, chubby new kid in class was more than enough ammunition. So for the most part, He spent my time at home reading books and watching TV or playing video games. For those reasons, his social skills were lacking, he wasn't prepared for the real world. I'd been raised to judge people based on arbitrary measurements, like a person's race or religion.

So what opened his eyes?

One of his first experiences that challenged this way of thinking was during the 2000 presidential elections. Through a college prep program, he found out that one of the kids he had befriended was Jewish. Now, it had taken several days for this detail to come to light, and he realized that there was no natural animosity between the two of them. There, he was exposed to people from all sorts of faiths and cultures, and that experience proved to be fundamental to the development of his character. 

And another reason is here. he'd been taught that homosexuality was a sin, and by extension, that all gay people were a negative influence. As chance would have it, I had the opportunity to work with some of the gay performers at a show, and soon found that many were the kindest, least judgmental people I had ever met. He doesn't know what it's like to be gay, but he's well acquainted with being judged for something that's beyond his control.


"I choose to use my experience to fight back against terrorism, against the bigotry. I do it for the victims of terrorism and their loved ones, for the terrible pain and loss that terrorism has forced upon their lives. For the victims of terrorism, I will speak out against these senseless acts and condemn my father's actions. And with that simple fact, I stand here as proof that violence isn't inherent in one's religion or race, and the son does not have to followthe ways of his father. I am not my father."





 父親は、エル・サイード・ノサイル。1993年の世界貿易センタービル爆破計画に関与したとして 有罪判決を受け、のちに死刑になります。その事件とは、爆発物約700キロを積んだバンを世界貿易センタービルの地下駐車場に停車し爆破させ、6名の命を奪い 千人以上の負傷者を出しました。


 一つは、大学準備プログラムの過程で全国学生議会に参加したとき、グループには 様々な背景の人たちが集まっていました。会議も終盤に差しかかり、これまで仲良くしていた友達がユダヤ教徒だったことを知ります。そして、イスラム教徒とユダヤ教徒は、最初から憎み合う運命にはないことに気づき、宗教で人を判断していた障害を乗り越えられたそうです。そしてもう一つは、ある遊園地でひと夏働いたときに訪れました。そこでは様々な信条や文化の人たちに触れ合い、その経験は彼の人格形成に大きな影響を与えました。それまでの人生では、同性愛は罪であり、ひいては、ゲイは悪い影響を与えると教えられてきました。幸運にも、そこで行われたショーでゲイのパフォーマーと仕事をする機会に恵まれ、彼らの多くが誰よりも優しく、相手を色眼鏡で見ない人たちだと知ったのです。そうした感覚が、彼の子ども時代に植え込まれた固定観念を吹き飛ばしてくれたのです。



The best speech

2014-09-05 11:57:08 | Words 言葉の力



 An exceptional speech makes you speechless and leads you to his world unconditionally.

 This is the one: the final cut of a movie called the Great Dictator directed and acted by Charles Chaplin in 1940 was used in a commecial clip in Japan.

 The moment I watched it, it was a commerial short movie and I got freezed and couldn't skip this on Youtube. The conbination of the level of his tone, volume and his quality voice were perfect for me. It was too easy to understand that most say this speech is the best.





Never ever give up

2014-08-13 22:50:41 | Words 言葉の力

"Never give up" 

When you translate it in Japanese, wondering why I accidentally think it sounds much lighter and less worth than the English one. The thing is, The value of every famous phrases and quotes in any languages are decided by who said that. That's very interesting.

 Today, who I want to introduce you is Diana Nyad, who are long-distance swimmer, and made it to swim from Cuba to Florida in US on her fifth attemp and surprisingly at age 64!! She made her first attemp at age 28, and she decided to pursue it to be done again when she turned 60. What made she take action for the tremendous goal again?

 She says, "it was deep. It was deep in my soul. And when I turned 60, it wasn't so much about the athletic accomplishment, it wasn't the ego of "I want to be the first." That's always there and it's undeniable. But it was deeper. It was, how much life is there left? Let's face it, we're all on a one-way street, aren't we, and what are we going to do? What are we going to do as we go forward to have no regrets looking back? And all this past year in training, I had that Teddy Roosevelt quote to paraphrase it, floating around in my brain, it says, "You go ahead and sit back in your confortable chair and you be the critic, you be the observer, while the brave one gets in the ring and engages and gets bloody and gets dirty and fails over and over and over again, but yet isn't afraid and isn't timid and lives life in a bold way."

 And she reacted to what she had really wanted to do. This is not the decision everyone can make in their life. She was just enough courageous to step out of the one-way street where most of people walk through at the end of their life.

 The challenge she made and accomplish it sounds a bit reckless, but she trained over and over and over again to make it successful, and done it. 

 And now you listen to the same word I told you in the first place of this entry. "Never ever give up" How worth does it sound now? 

 Make something big before say it. Great example, isn't it?



 ダイアナ・ナイアド(Diana Nyad)。現役時は有名なスイマーだった彼女が諦め切れなかった夢。それはキューバからフロリダまでの177キロを泳いで渡ること。現役時の最初の挑戦は全く及ばず棄権。そして60歳を過ぎ、残り少なくなっていく人生をふと振り返り、テディー・ルーズベルトのある言葉を思い出します。



 そんな女性がいう「never give up」、何もしていない人が言う「ネバーギブアップ」とは重さが違いますね。

Bright lights up sky

2014-02-13 22:51:34 | Words 言葉の力

I just found an impressive article of Olmpic coverage about a woman, who has become the first Aussie medalist in this winter Olympic.

It's following here.





 Torah Bright has broken Australia's Winter Olympic medal drought by taking silver in the women's halfpipe today and given the 60-strong Aussie team - the nation's largest ever - a major boost. Ben Bright, her brother and coach, said two words to her before she rode into the pipe, ''I believe'', and she replied, ''I believe too''. The snowboarder, who won gold in the same event at Vancouver in 2010, said she didn't care what colour the medal was. ''Life isn't about winning, it's about putting your best foot forward,'' the 27-year-old said.

 Torah Brightさんが、女子ハーフパイプで今大会オーストラリア人初のメダル(銀)を獲得し、過去最高の60人を送り込んだオーストラリアチームにとって大きな後押しになった。

 彼女の兄でありコーチのBen Brightさんは、競技に入る直前の彼女に二言だけ声をかけた。

 「お前を信じてる」(I believe)






2013-12-18 01:19:18 | Words 言葉の力

What is a real friendship? Who is your real friend on the phone or on facebook?

psychologists say that ''it will last a lifetime if a friendship lasts longer than 7 years.''

What do you think of their point of view?? Do you agree with them?

I've just found this on my friend's facebook, and realized that many people share it on their facebook too, which means they agree with that!? I just traced it back to see who said that, and found it was Kelysee Tumblr, but unfortunately, I couldn't discover her biography on her own website.

But she also said that ''Be careful in a friendship with matters related to money. It could mess up everything.'' I totally agree with this!!Lol

For me, I'd like to put as many reliable friends as I can around me rather than being around beautiful girls.





心理学者である、kelysee tumblr が言うには、「7年以上続いた友情は一生もの」だそうです。





New season's resolution

2013-12-10 02:37:56 | Words 言葉の力

Hi, guys.

The preseason for the 2014 season has been launching peacefully.

I think 2014 season should be the most decisive year in my football career. I mean, needless to say, I'm obviously standing at the significant crossroads at the moment. I feel like I've spoken the same words many time before. But let me declare the new season's resolution here again.

It's only two things I will never neglect till the end of the next season in 2014.

1. out-and-out preparation throught the season.

2. put anything in action when it clicks inside me.


1 is to prepare thoroughly especially before I go training and a game. For instance, getting the routine of a set of streches done at home before heading to every training session, and do some workouts to warm myself up too. And paying attention to a state of my mind is also a part of it. I need to control it to keep it stay neutral all the time. I have to obliterate all the negative thoughts out of my head before step outside.

The second one might have already been written in someone's self-help book. It's not logical. It's just a way of my thinking. In other words, it's my course of action too that I determined before I first came to Australia. 

 I know putting a something new in action needs to take a lot of nerve. And also when you meet someone whom you don't want to meet, but you should do, it also makes you waste your energy. But what I'm trying to declare here is that I will give it a shot when I face those kind of a situation. Even if it ends up bringing me any good results, I don't care. I would like to praise myself about what I tried first, and try to turn every mistake I made into good lesson that I needed at a point for the next step. 

It's all about how things are perceived, and if you could change the perspective of things you now face, you could stay positive no matter happens. What I am is just optimistic. But it's a very important factor in my life.

So.. What I'm looking at is that 2014 season would be the best season I've ever played in if I could follow a line with the two rules through the season.

I'm pretty sure I would do it. nah.. I must do it!! 













