Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Brisbane Market(ブリスベン卸売市場) 

2009-09-30 23:39:35 | Diary
Hi, mates!!

I got a new job lately from my soccer club. the company has been supporting our soccer club for last many years as our main sponcer. The name of the company had been put on trainig shirt back and part of heart as a logo.
This is one of a small export business company in Australia. They mainly do business with American navy and Chinese market.
And we organize fruits and vegetable produced by domestic Australia as clients order.

so I work full-time at there every Mon to Friday for 7,8 hours basically. And couple days ago I was nominated a field manager by the boss, and then I manage a part of operation and take care of some workers. but actually I don't know why he picked me up as a supervisor cuz only 3 weeks has passed since I started working here.

Moreover I got so busy the moment I bacame a manager, of course I have much more things than before what I have to do. For example I have to teach a new work-mate what to do and keep my eye on some workers. and I have to sometimes organize workers for the nex day work. if the boss said we would need more people for tomorrow work, I have to call up someone and I ask them if they can work the day.

So just in case I can't catch anyone or miss something someday, I set up an job recruitment site on the web.
Actually I could find some workers who need some works urgently thanks to this ad.

And our work there is to peel off a onion and divide bad one from good one. Maybe I think you sound an easy work, but if we come off the skin too much or kick it around even one onion, the big boss and some client will give me some complains urgently and lose a contract, as the result I'll lose the job.

So I need to be serious all the time and concentrate on the work with taking care of other workers.
That's why almost workers in there never be smile, no one talk each other while we are on work.

Propably the onion's high season is finishing soon and Mango season coming around the corner at next. My boss said it would be much busiest than now and would need more 6 or 7 workers for Mango. 

Honestly I'm really sick of looking at fruits and vegetables. so I just wanna even avoid going to the supermarket.
But I can't help it...

But my boss is really good person for me besides on work cuz every time it comes weekend, he alway takes me to the pub, restaurant and his house to give me a big treat.


I thought back about exactly one year ago, I worked at a farm in countryside. I just feel like I've been around lots of fruits and vegetables every end of year since I came to Australia.....

I could forget what did I come to here for...orz





 ってのも、今年やってたサッカーチームの結構なメインスポンサーのトコで働かしてもらってるからでございます!笑 仕事探してたってのもあるけど、直接ではないにしろ、間接的にチームから紹介してもらった形やから、やるっきゃない!!
 ってそのスポンサーってのが「E-fresh」(一応宣伝 笑)っていうブリスベン最大級のでっかい市場ん中にある野菜やら果物扱って商売してるとこやねんけど、(詳しくは知らない)そこで、今玉ねぎの皮をひたすら剥いて、綺麗にして出荷する作業を、毎日7時間くらいしてます。笑





Life on Mars(dust storm 砂塵嵐)

2009-09-23 22:55:03 | Australia
Life on Mars!!

Everybody in east coast of Australia must have felt fearful and felt like being on Mars at that moment.

the all east and north coast area was blanketed with a fierce dust storm which developed at the Outback.
And the dust storm stretched from Canberra to the North coast up to Mackay with expanding its influence.

According to a newspapar article, the storm hit Sydney before dawn, meaning residents there woke to a thick red haze that shut down the airport and led to warnings for people with allergies or respiratory problems to stay indoors.

Moreover, almost commuters on their way to work or school used swine flu masks, tea towels, and king of jackets to protect their faces from dust and to avoid breathing in dust into their bodies

I also fell like being in a science-fiction movie, and it was like watching 'Independence Day or War of the World'.

It was really an eerie thing..... because 16,000 tonnes of the dust was actually raining down each hour.

Can you imagine what happened in Australia?

But we've already been back in an ordinary life with a calm weather since the next day.



今日はですね、Life on Mars(火星での生活)と題したタイトルのように、昨日、内陸部で発生した強烈なストームが砂塵を巻き上げながら、オーストラリアの東海岸のほぼ全域を包むように通過していきました。




mosquito(mozzie 蚊)

2009-09-18 21:13:31 | Diary

oh... How disgusting this season is...

well, it's start of mosquito's season, Normally many disgusting mosquitos is seen in the park and throughout a place surrounded by nature from every September. Just a year ago, I was working in a farm of Gatton and I really suffered from mass flies and mosquitos in there. In addition we had to work in the hottest season of Australia, but when I thought back at that time, it seemed to have been a long time, but it's an irreplaceable moment for me.

Anyway, now I haven't seen such a many mosquitos in the air yet fortunately. but it's just matter of time before they gradually increase.

oh my godness!!!!!

I provided my blood to them when I was training alone in a park and I hoped they would generate their cheerful babies....

sorry, just kindding. I just wanted to give you a laugh a bit, no sense of joke.

Ohhhhhh,, What a nonsense story so far today, but at last,

If there is anyone who making a plan for Australia, please just listen to my advice and suggestion, ok?
You'd better bring more some anti-mosquito goods than suncreens. I think it's worth thinking well about it as a top priority.








 ってなんの話やねんなぁ?笑 とりあえず今からオーストラリアに来はる方、日差し対策よりも、蚊さん、ハエさん対策に講じてください。後悔させません!!(今日は意味わからんこと書いてもたな・・・・。笑)


Kick off for the next season!!(来季へ向けて始動!!)

2009-09-14 18:48:49 | Soccer/football
 Hey, mates!!

 As the title I began a spontaneous training from this week. I didn't do nothing last week for take some breaks, so I felt very heavy on all my body and fely like getting stiff and out of shape.

But I could refresh my mind and body thanks to some rest, and I've already been running for the next season,.

For sure, I actually feel uneasy sometimes on my future, there are also sometimes I don't know exactly what to do. Of course I expect myself, how ever now I feel much more concern than expectation to myself and pleasure for the next season.

But I think everybody would have a similar emotion like that before challenge to something.

Anyway the day I started training did a light session as I'm afraid to get injured.
The traing manu is :

・5 to 6 kilometer running
・some splints in short distance
・do 100 push-ups, sit-ups, back stretching so on...

Anyway I now have to build up an athletic physique and a much stronger body than last season. This is what I felt through the last season.

And I'll gradually pick up the training pace and then increase more burden and at last push myself into the exhausted situation.

If you interested in Australian soccer scean or you'd like to know how Australian soccer is organized, please take a click here. (but I'm afraind all entries in this blod has been written in Japanese.)




 5~6㌔走→ダッシュ数本→筋トレ(腹筋、腕立て etc)各100回ずつ。




My least favorite word (嫌いな言葉)

2009-09-10 22:17:01 | Words 言葉の力
 Hi, mate!!

I sometimes feel uneasy a bit cuz I'm on the kind of vacation after finish the season. That's why I sometimes feel like being floated on a calm lake. 
I don't know why, I've never felt before like this. For sure, I wanna play soccer on a field with someone, but I'm thinking now I have to take a break in a short time to get rid of some injuries and for mental

Today I just try to talk about a useless word for me. It means it's my least favorite word for me.

Do you have a not favorite word? I think almost people would have said ' yes' if I had asked ' do you have a favorite word?'.
But I guess some people has never thought about a least favorte word seriously.

In my case, ' Ganbare' This is one of a Japanese word to help inspire someone. In English, has many words which has quite similar meaning as like Ganbare, I think. For example, as long as I know, " hang in there" " good luck" "keep it up" so on...

I didn't know which one is the closest word to 'Ganbare'.

Anyway, what I wanna tell is, I always sound like a bit abstract and superficial expression when I hear it from someone. Even if a person use this word(Ganbare) to cheer me up seriously, I might not feel delightful, conversely I might feel stressful against the word cuz it's not easy to do one's best all the time.

So I always try to extend with other words(more specific word), when I encourage someone.

This is my polocy, eh? haha

 束の間の休息に、なぜか危機感を感じつつ、不安になってきた最近です 笑






 なんかおれが言いたいことズバリ!!みたいな 笑







Tax return

2009-09-07 19:10:30 | Australia
How are u, buddy?

Today, continued from the last entry on Tax. Everybody remember?
If anybody forget it, please remember it right now, OK?

But I'm not professional about tax,u know I'm neither an account nor an expert on tax, so this is what I just want you warn first before read this below.

so I wrote on Tax before and Taxes are withheld from monthtly or fortnightly your income automatically. This is normal.
Even if you go to other countries, you have to pay a tax for their countries.

But originally we don't have to pay them cuz we are treated as foreigner. As a matter of course, in my case, I'm not Australian. so I can't claim equality of treatment and compensation same as Austalian on insurance, pension and welfare so on.., even if how much money I would pay taxes.

That's why we can claim to goverment through an accountant to return the taxes which you couldn't help but pay. Of course I did it as well and the taxes was refund in 3 weeks after reclaimed.

But each person are in different situation, and this depends on visa which each has.
However Many students and workers from japan go back without appling for a tax refund. Almost of them gives it up early before look into by themselves how to reclaim. They believe just a ridiculous rumor.



 *注  もちろん専門家ではないので、これらの発言に対する責任はとりかねますので、その辺は自分でしっかりお調べになってくださいね。





season end (Round 26 vs North star)

2009-09-06 00:25:47 | Soccer/football
Finally, this season was over at last weekend's game!! As I said before we couldn't go to the playoff for top 4 teams in the league due to an embarrassing result.

But now I just feel relaxed and at ease. I didn't feel like this in so long cuz I had always been tired in this season and feel always uneasy and frastrated with a lot of things..
In fact, I felt like I could cry when I couldn't play for top side for couple games. but of course no one helped me out of the punishing condition, so I could help but put up with it.

But I never dropped out of the suvival of playing. I just kept waiting for a opportunities and at the last game, I finally seized a opportuinity, actually.

At the last game, vs North star, I played for reserve game before I was called out by one of a coach in top side. and I got two assist of goal in there and I could play for top from second half.

When I was on the pitch, we were in a terrible situation, 1-4, 3 points behind. After that, we showed an amaizing performance to come close and back to even, we ended up adding 4 goals and took over the lead, 5-4, and.... actually we had been winning tll last 5 minutes....

At only 5 minutes to time up, we were equalized from coner, we ended up finishing in even score, 5 all.
Our first winning game was dissapeared at next to time up.

Then, after the game, a coach and a stuff called out only me and told me, ' what will you do next season? You intend to play here?, I answered, 'I'm thinking about it now' and they said, 'why? Play here!!'


I didn't know what to answer back and I didn't believe in his words cuz I might been a quality player at last game but I didn't think they gave me a offered with only one game.
Of course, I also complained to them why they didn't give me a chance earlier at that time, but he just gave me some bizarre excuses.

I got sick and tired of their attitudes and words, I turned down the offer. If the offer had been much better, I wouldn't have agreed with it. I wanna play better, improve my skill up to limit. To do that, I have to be a stronger team i think.

My big challenge will continue forever as long as I'm player. (unless retiring)
















 えーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!?? でした。正直。

 今まで全然使ってくれへんかったのに、今日のプレーだけで気が変わったみたい。笑 けど、おれも納得いかんかったから、色々不満ゆったけど、なんか色々言い訳されて終わったね。笑









2009-09-02 22:28:12 | Australia
 Hi, mates!!

The girl who moved in our share-house couple months ago left here about a week ago. But don't get me wrong, please. The reason is not because of
She seemed to be in trouble on her work. well I don't care about her.

Today's theme is about "Tax in Australia". As a matter of course, Australia has much difference of Tax system from Japanese one obviously.
First, when it comes to consumption tax(duty), we are obligate to pay taxes of 5% per an item. In case of Australia, it's 10% besides all perishable foods. It means vegetables and fishes aren't applied to it.

Incidentally, it was 17.5% when I visited UK 3 years ago. So I think It is still really cheap over consumption tax in Japan.

And basically, the tax concessions has been given to Aussie, Foreigners can't get it same as Aussie and person who has a permanent visa. As the result, especially people who has a working holiday visa has been levied a heavy tax.

Do u think how much it is?

It's 30%!!! Can u believe this? Even if u work for 200,000 yen, you will be able to get a pay for only 140,000 yen. I think this is ridiculous system for working holiday visa holders.

As you know from this tax system, it's not really easy for foreigners to work in Australia.

So I really recommend you to fully prepare everything and to make a atable plan before buy a flight ticket. or you must regret definitely after come to Australia.













