Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2010-07-25 20:04:33 | Diary
Hi, how are u.

The day before yesterday, I went to a restaurant with my friend which my another friend works.
To be honest, I didn't want to go there actually because it was the day before soccer match. I always eat some plate of pasta with vegetable to ingest carbohydrate from it.

As you know, Pasta is included much carbohydrate maybe as much as rice and it's easy to digest for stomach, so most of soccer player should be ingesting it from pasta, rice or something.

Anyway, the restaurant was so nice, and also interior design was supurb. Honestly speaking, I didn't think it was such a nice reataurant like this because there is a image of chinese restaurant in my mind already, I mean it's like stereotype, but surprisingly the restaurant was like an exclusive hotel lounge. And the dishes we ordered was supurb as well. It could be the best chinese dishes I've ever had.
In fact, I was dying because I had too much food beyond my capacity of stomach.

I counldn't stop eating. We should have canceled some dishes...

Anyway, So good!! I'll never forget about this restaurant and I'll be a regular customer for sure.


 前々から行きたいとは思っててんけど、まさか試合前日に行くとは思ってなかった。笑 いつも前日はパスタって決めてたからあまり乗り気ではなかったんやけど、そのまま共通の知り合いと。。。






2010-07-21 14:49:56 | Diary

Have you ever heard 'debate'??

I've never done this in any classes before until yesterday. It was first time for me to do it. This time we had a team which made up two people and we did two to two battle in debate.
To be honest, I didn't know exactly what to do in debate. All I knew was I just had to speak something as a first speaker for my team for as much as 7mins.

Anyway I had been really upset last week because I had to prepare something for the speech, but actually I didn't know 'the something'. Maybe I should have prepared from some reference books and internet.
The title provided for our debate was 'All children should attend the same schools. regardless of disability or learning differences'.

The day before the debate, I worked hardest I've ever done for like assignment of this school with my friends who grew up in Australia, I mean they are like native speaker. propably it may have offenced a rule of the school because I didn't do all of them by myself.

Anyway my knees were really knocking in strain when I was speeching for debate and my memory has dissapeared from halfway of the speech because I was being in extreme strain, so I can't remember what I was speaking at that time.

But I didn't get panic fortunately, so apparently I was good performance according to audience's reaction.

Thank you so much for your help, George and Kiwi!!!




 とりあえず、お題は「All children should attend the same schools. regardless of disability or learning differences」(障害を持った子どもや、海外から来た子ども達にかかわらず、すべての子ども達はおなじ学校に通うべき)という内容。




Croatian Club

2010-07-04 22:19:25 | Soccer/football
Hi, everbody!! How are u??

I joined the training of Croatian team only once to think about transfer, however I couldn't make it because it was too late to apply for transfer so it was not accepted.
I think the transfer window has been closed since in the begining of last month because the season has already come to halfway.

I was disappointed a bit when I knew it, but I could come to terms clearly with it.

The thing is, I had thought of transfering to other teams and change the environment because I can hardly play as a starting line-up at the moment. I know I'm not capable of playing for top team now, and you may feel like I'm just running away from the problem.

That's also the reason why I couldn't make the decision earlier. I felt like running away from the situation facing now.
But now all my concerns are gone. I just do my best for the current team.

And the club I joined the training is like Croatian club, I mean, the club was built by Croatian immigrants community. As a matter of cource, almost players playing for this club is from Croatian, which has a typical name at the end of their names ... '-vic'something like that.

In Australia, there are a lot of comunity of each country depends on the suburb, so no wonder why these club was built by their communty.









