Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Strength and Conditioning

2017-11-25 22:27:12 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

FAI strength and conditioning workshop is done! I feel like I've taken in a lot from it and must incorporate them into myself as a coach and player. There's another fruitful workshop ahead next weekend as well. Make every workshop count for the future..
Btw, here in the FAI system, you must have completed at least 40 hours of coaching education before you sit for the D licence. It's surely a long way to go for anyone getting there! What about Germany, Spain and England? Any clues on that?


Past and Present

2017-11-10 21:00:54 | Words 言葉の力

The past is history, 
the future is a mystery,
and this moment is a gift.

That is why this moment is called 'the present'.




Zweigen Kanazawa in J-league division 2.

2017-11-08 01:51:59 | Ireland

Throwback to last year at Cerezo Osaka with the head coach for the junior youth of Cerezo and a former Japanese international, Hisanori Shirasawa, who is currently in charge of the academy of Zweigen Kanazawa in the J-league second division.
And Mr Shirawa and me had a quick chat on each other yesterday and he had me on the official blog of the club since he was impressed by what I am doing in Ireland. I'm very honored to be introduced, to be honest!!






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My leg was on the verge of a terrible consequence..

2017-11-06 16:58:51 | Ireland

I think I've come face to face with the real challenge of the Irish football since I signed with the Dublin bus FC. Today, as you can see in the pic what happened to my leg during the match, to be honest, I thought my ankle got chopped away or broken in half when he came onto my ankle with the studs upwards. It is very fortunate that I still have two legs and walk without a cast! Anyway, I truly realize how valuable Shinji Okazaki is. He is exactly the same size as I am, but he has been highly rated with his consistent performance every game in the top tier of the physical football on the planet! Simply unbelievable! #Ireland #football #soccer #shinjiokazaki アイルランドサッカーの洗礼。荒い荒いとは思っていたけど、ダービーマッチという事もあってさらに激しかった。足の裏で来た瞬間、足首完全に折れたと思いました。アイルランド3部ながら、この技術そっちのけフィジカルサッカーの頂点であるプレミアリーグで、身長も自分とさほど変わらない岡崎選手が、あのリーグで評価されるという価値。オセアニアでもアジアでもサッカーして来ましたが、欧州はやっぱり迫力が違う。体感して改めてその凄さが理解できた。#ヨーロッパサッカー #フィジカル #強烈 #ゴリゴリ #岡崎 #プレミア

Hi, guys.
I think I've come face to face with the real challenge of the Irish football since I signed with the Dublin bus FC. Today, as you can see in the pic what happened to my leg during the match, to be honest, I thought my ankle got chopped away or broken in half when he came onto my ankle with the studs upwards. It is very fortunate that I still have two legs and walk without a cast!
Anyway, I truly realize how valuable Shinji Okazaki is. He is exactly the same size as I am, but he has been highly rated with his consistent performance every game in the top tier of the physical football on the planet! Simply unbelievable! 