Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 13 (第13節) vs Olympic

2010-05-30 20:40:04 | Soccer/football
Hello, boys and girls!!

I haven't diarized on the result of soccer in the blog bacause I had felt like writing just same things.
Anyway, we have just come to the halfway of the season, and we've been in 7th place in ladder at the moment. I think this is not bad result for us because our team got promoted from just this season, I mean this team had been at just below this league until last season.

We've maintained at good level through the season so far. Of course, we originally struggled in the beginning because almost players weren't sure if we could do well against a good team







My friend's house

2010-05-23 18:50:49 | Diary
Hi, mates.

I moved to my friend's house today. I wasn't originally intention to move out of previous house, but my friend's insist on asking me to move in his house.
So I ended up coming over here.

But I haven't regreted of what I moved to here because I know he is really kind of me and has a good personality. And other guy is as good as him.
I think they have a similar background since they were born in because they have a different nationality - one of the two guys is from Vietnam and the other guy is from China, but they grew up in Brisbane of Australia after move to here at birth.

So as a matter of cource, they can speak in English like native speakers
and they are better at speaking in English rather than their country's language borned.

And this area in my new house is really far from the center of city and work place, maybe everywhere we go, but they give me a lift when I go to work and school even soccer field I work out.
Maybe I won't be this house so long, but I wanna enjoy so much with my best friends in Australia until leave here.









17th of May

2010-05-17 22:28:40 | Diary
Hi, How's it going??

I have something to announce for everyone.

Just two years has just passed away since I came to Australia. we arrived at Brisbane airport with dream just two years ago from today. It's a kind of one of the memorial day in my life, however I've never gone back to Japan for last 2 years so I feel like going back a little.

Anyway I've scheduled to do it in September, but I'm still not sure if I can go back until I get a ticket for it.
Well, The third year has just started now in Australia. I don't know what's happening on my way go ahead.

I just wondering if I would play at somewhere else at this day of next year. I f I will, hopefully I wish I'll play at better stage than now.









Fortitude Valley

2010-05-16 18:16:45 | Australia
Hi, how are you??

Have u ever been to a night club in Japan?? It doen't imply suspicious shops, so don't get me wrong!!
What I pointed is the night club which you can dance in there over drink. I know there are a lot of type of night club in Japan, especially Osaka I was born in is being run and crowded with many young people who come to be crazy or pick up girls or something.

But in Brisbane, the scale was much more different, I mean actually I had thought there are little entertaiments and recreation to enjoy in Australia compare to Japan, but I might have underestimated this issue before I visited there. I was astonished and amazed at this area in night time.

I felt like almost Australia young people came over to enjoy the time in fortitude Valley as soon as I arrived at there.  
I've never seen such a many australian people except on weekend night there. It looked like most of night clubs in Valley was full of people.

I looked like they were a super-model because all girls looked so beautiful with dressing up with twinkling dress.

Moreover in Australia, we don't usually have to pay off the money when we get in a club except special events or parties. In Japan, we need some money to enter, 10~20 dollars on an average. And strange to say, we can see some Asian girls around there, but there are few asian boys. You know the reason why? Because White girls are too tall for asian boys, so if we try chasing a bronde girl, we should be ignored and turned away for sure unfortunately.
But if you are so lucky men, you may be able to take a chace to get it.

And one more thing to say, if you go to Valley, you have to be careful to be involved in a fight because most of vigorous youth are drunk, that's why it's easy to happen a fight between them.
If you find a someone's fight, you'd better keep away from there immediately otherwise you may get injure...


 オーストラリアには娯楽が少ないといいますが、ここだけは日本より数倍活気があります。そう、「Night Club」です!!








 これぞ、THE AUSTRALIA。 みなもこっちにきたら是非行ってみてください。

Working holiday Visa → Student Visa

2010-05-10 23:09:10 | Australia
Hi, mates!!

I've never written on the category of About Australia on this blog for a long time, so this time let me update on it.

Anyway, I was so busy updating the visa I have. I mean, I had made an arrangement for it. I couldn't be bothered it.

The reason why did I have to do it is my visa will be expired on 17th of this month. I've been here for nealy 2 years. I didn't think I would be still here when I just arrived on Brisbane airpot just two years ago.
I had had a working holiday visa for first one year and then I switched over to second working holiday visa from the second year. If u want to get a second holiday visa in Australia, you have to clear some conditions to be issued it. if u want a further detail, please visit the website of Australia embassy.

Today, I'll tell u how to change a visa from working holiday to Student visa I did. It was really much more complicated to go through the procedure than I expected anyway. I originally thought I wanted to do its all procedures by myself without help, but I luckily found a good agency of supporting about how to do it and I made a request there.
The agency I requested provides many good services for customers, for instance, when I visited there, they provided me a lot of information of school I hope and I could ask them some help for visa without commision.

At first, as a matter of course, I had to decide the school I went and deposited the tuition into the account. After that, you can be applied for student visa by internet nowadays and pay off the money for student visa, it's maybe about 500 dolllars, I reckon. Anyway I thought it was too expensive...

At second, you can be received a confirmation mail from Australian goverment in couple weeks and you need to join a insurance designated for the next one year. it costs you about 200 dollars then as soon as all done I said so far, a temporary student visa or bridging visa should be issued for you.

At last, you have to take a medical checking at designated place. it is taken place over two days, but honestry speaking, I think we can be done all examinations we do within just one day.
anyway it costs you maybe 210 dollars and as soon as you receive the result, just go and had it in immgration office. That's all.

I think it was 1000 dollars in all costs. I feel like I had been spending much time and money between my home and city.
Australi life always spend me time and money, and the much experiences like that I have, the much I learn.



 「First Working holiday visa → Second Working holiday visa → Student visa」

 これが一応自分の辿ってきた道です。First から second working holiday に変更(延長する)には条件があり、それは大使館のWEB SITEから確認してください。
 そして今回ずっと手続きしてたんが、second から student に変更する作業。









