Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2011-12-22 01:05:58 | Soccer/football

Hi, they all are my students in my soccer academy here, and this session could be last session playing together as I leave this country for another challenge in a country of Asia. I'm really missing all of them!!

At last, I received some farewell gifts and Christmas card written by themselves in Japanese and English. I have to appreciate them all from my heart since I could learn a lot of things and build up experiences from them, and I've also absorbed heaps of energy and power spring naturally from their pure mind.

I will say something embarrassing, but I did a great job and I deserve a pat on the back what I started this from nothing.
And I also strongly wish that I will be able to make a pro-contract with a team at this-time challenge to inform them as a good news.

「Don't wait chances, just go and grab them by yourself!!」






Transition between attacking and defending

2011-12-17 21:40:12 | Soccer/football
Hi, mates!!

Transition: This is one of challenges on the pitch I need to address and put it into action. Especially, I myself still need to have a conscious desire to do when the situation in my team on the pitch is changed from attacking to defending roll as a team.
As a matter of course, If I lose a ball in a game, I go and get the ball back on any situations. That has to be taken for granted for any players but the problem that I've addressed is very close play to that, but it's not exactly same thing. It happens when someone else besides me commit a mistake can result in losing a ball.

This is a really technical thing on football. In my case, when that situations come up, I normally feel why the player make the mistake and disappointed at him first, but the action must precede such an emotion by for a moment.
No matter who made a mistake or how the player made a mistake, it's really doesn't matter. The thing is that I need to focus on the first step to where I have to be in the situation when someone loses a ball. If you have a chance to watch a whole game of Barcelona who has the highest thinking speed on the pitch in the world, you will meet how high it is.

I think we also need to build up more stamina to pick up the transition speed. If you turn to Kagawa shinji's performance, I feel so every time. Asians don't have such a strong point more than Africans, but they can be most likely a rival to me as a oversea player in other countries. So, the point is to run more than them and make use of it to express myself to a coach.

Ultimately, having conscious on the factor will be way better than having nothing. The conscious can let players advance and enhance to the next level, at least I believe so.





Adizero F-50

2011-12-14 01:03:55 | Soccer/football
Hi, boys!!

Have you seen a soccer boots of Adizero F-50 model from Adidas company or used before?? a while ago, I went to one of the biggest outlet mall in NZ and bought the boots. The specialty of this model is the lightness. It's the lightest and most flexible boots I've ever met in my life. When I first met this boots, I was astonished and amazed seriously.

At first, one of my soccer mates had put them on and I didn't even know how light they were. And then he asked me to hold his boots to let me sense how light they were. In a moment, the boots stole all my heart away!!

Luckily, the whole shopping mall was on sale,when I visited so I could get them on budget-cheap price that was about 60% off. This model from Adidas brand is so popular with players all around the world including star-player in this planet such as Messi, Villa and Japanese youngster Shinji Kagawa.

I hope the boots are going to really fit my feet.

By the way, I'm heading for a new country in sometime next week for football.

「This is not all for success, this is all for my progress as a person」








Car break-in

2011-12-11 23:06:57 | Diary
Hi, there!!

I witnessed a horrible situation that happened to a car which had been parking just next to ours. The thing was that the car was broken into for what the person left all something valuables in the car by banging one rear window in pieces. It looked like it had another trouble where is the engine that caused by the same burglars.

At first, the guy who was dumped his car didn't realize what happening behind his back while he was trying to start up its engine, but after few seconds he glanced back at the back seat and he knew it then. Actually his face turned pale in a moment.

It was really likely happening to us because we were parking the next spot where was the far corner where people also rarely walk around.

I knew strongly that This was not in Japan which the safest country in the world. I've got used to this country as I've already been here for a while. It's getting me ignorant of that.

Anyway, We were so lucky(I know I shouldn't say lucky about this but...) that we didn't get stuck in the same trouble..... to be honest...







Auckland City FC in FIFA Club World Cup

2011-12-09 15:54:06 | Soccer/football
Hi, mates.

Hey, Did you watch the opening game in Club World Cup last night, Auckland City FC vs Kashiwa Reysol. Of course I slid into a neighbor bar to watch it.
This game was actually kind of unfair game as Auckland City was only one club that wasn't a proper professional club in this competition, but the funny thing was that they were also a genuine Oceanian representative.

Auckland City is actually a Semi-Pro club from Auckland, NZ and the league they play in the season is also amateur. That's why most of the players in Auckland FC have had a regular work during daytime and after that they normally head off a training session as a team.

Surprisingly, some of the players were my teammates at my previous club that I had been playing until this August in winter season here, and Auckland FC has been organised by the players I took on in the season. So I had a bit strange feeling and was also a bit envious of them while I was watching on TV because I was not actually on the pitch in spite of they were there with suck a great experience and atmosphere with a huge professional stadium in Nagoya, Japan.

However, the result of the game was not that profitable for NZ side, but the content totally surprised me as I was expecting the score would be more different like 4-0, 5-1 etc.. And the second half was absolutely taken the pace by Auckland FC. As the time went by, The City gradually dominated the pace of the game and gave a crossfire of the shooting to the J-league champion.
Unfortunately they couldn't hit the ball into the goal to the end, but I think they put up a great battle.

Personally, I got some confidence and courage out of the game.

Thank you for the plucky fight for Auckland City!!!!!



 レイソルは見ててコンディション悪そうやったなぁ・・・。笑 簡単なパスミスが多かったし、オークランドにあれだけ後半は攻められてたのは驚き。逆にオークランドはセミプロなのにあれだけ走れてたのが驚きやった。笑 



Training match 1

2011-12-05 23:38:01 | Soccer/football
Hi, there!!
I'm still in NZ now. Actually I've kept in touch with an agent from India, so I could be in India next time I'll make an entry on this blog.
By the way, I played a game in a huge competition here that is called Ethnic Cup which organized as a summer league takes on among all communities exist in Auckland. As a matter of course, I played for the Japanese community this time against Ukraine.

Personally, a 90mins game helps me a lot to keep my condition for a trial in India, so it's really profitable for me.
Unfortunately, the pitch was awful due to a heavy shower. However I found out what to express more myself on the pitch, and also came to grips with some new challenges which have to modify.

All in all, I need to score more goals because I have to contribute a team in India in visible way. That means to let the team win no matter what situation I am in.

I need a better personal result in next match!!!






It has been just a year since I landed this country.

2011-12-03 01:36:29 | Diary
Hi, good evening!!

Now has already been midnight, so I'll make a quick entry.

About just one year has passed since I arrived at this country. I feel it's so fast!! In the beginning of the period I couldn't expect anything ahead of my life in NZ, but fortunately I'm still alive here with happiness. I might be cut out for living where people can speak English.

Fortunately, there are a lot of affable and supportive people around me, and I try to live up to their expectation as a football coach. It's very worthwhile life here for me. 
So, I have to be grateful to everyone who always support me in every aspect.

And I think I could deliver you another big news that where the next destination of my adventure is by New Year. It means that I'm going to leave this country by New Year to where is my next step as a footballer.

If it's found out, I will let you know on this blog for sure!! It's coming soon!!!






